Research various transgenic animals. Pick one species to investigate further addressing the following questions/issues: What is a transgenic animal? Which method was used to insert the foreign DNA? For what purpose was this animal “created”? Has it been successful? Is it currently being used to help humans? Also consider such aspects as animal suffering and animal rights. What if the animal contained human genes and ended up being consumed for food? Will this affect the overall genome of this creature in the wild? It is a requirement to properly cite per APA and use at least one source for your research.
Tenancy Disputes
As per uploads
Enterprise Leadership
Assignment details
Write a 1000-word academic essay addressing the following question:
Discuss the challenges of leadership and management roles in global environments. What role can enterprise leaders play to overcome these challenges?
Supporting resources
The following are mandatory readings which will assist you with completing this assignment:
Management and leadership in a global environment (PDF 661 KB)Preview the document (Maranga & Sampayo 2015).
Management (Links to an external site.) (Robbins Bergman & Coulter 2018) – Chapter 2 & Chapter 18
How managers become leaders: The seven seismic shifts of perspective and responsibility (Links to an external site.) (Watkins 2012). This resource is hosted by Harvard Business Review. To view it online, select the link to go to the journal, select the PDF icon, and then navigate to the article by selecting the page range 16–20.
Conceptualisation of management and leadership (PDF 201 KB)Preview the document (Nienaber 2010).
Leading at an enterprise level (PDF 1.2 MB)Preview the document (Ready 2004).
You must provide in-text citations for all of the mandatory readings which must also be included in a reference list at the end of your essay. Your reference list must adhere to the Harvard referencing guidelines (found on the WSU Library website). Also have a look at In-text citation using the Harvard WesternSydU style (Links to an external site.) (Western Sydney U Lib 2017).
Essay format (template)
The essay should have a clear structure which includes:
An introduction that:
includes a few general statements about the topic to clarify your interpretation of the question
includes a thesis statement that presents your position on the topic
outlines the main points that support your position.
A body that:
includes a series of logically developed arguments that support your position
ensures that each argument and/or sub-argument is supported.
A conclusion that:
summarises the main points discussed in the body of the essay
restates the thesis statement
includes a final comment that does not introduce any new ideas.
Your essay should contain cohesive text throughout that aids with the logical flow of the arguments presented and a reference list which is in alphabetical order by author’s last name and includes only the resources that are used in the body of the text (i.e. in-text citations).
For more guidance on essay writing, see the WSU WritingLinks to an external site. guide.
Note: You must use all of the mandatory readings listed above in your essay and include them in your reference list. The reference list is not included in the word-count.
Britains role in the Arab- Israeli conflict
P.E.E.L format paragraphs, source/evidence in each paragraph (no pictures) Specifically Britains role
Why Affirmative Action has been a success in the United States
The professors name is Professor Prados. Name of class is Humanities Special Topics
Mandatory DNA FIngerprinting
consider the following questions when writing your Bioethical Issues Essay: Should the United States government require all citizens, or only those who are arrested for any reason, to submit samples of DNA Fingerprinting? Or would this be a violation of the United States Constitution? APA Format w/ ref.
SOCI 1306: Environmental Justice Discussion
In general, the communities (or parts of a city) where one finds the worst environmental problems – air pollution, for example – tend to be areas where the poor and people of color are living. Why?
2-3 paragraphs 1 page
in your own words
SOCI 1306: The “Citizens United” Decision
Watch this brief YouTube video and comment on the “Citizens United” decision. Why is it important?
2-3 paragraphs 1 page
cite this video and 1 other outside source
your own words.
Option #1: Strategy Creation—Non-Profit Organization
Option #1: Strategy Creation—Non-Profit Organization
For this project, you will synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and theories studied in this course to a practical scenario. The primary purpose for this assignment is for you to convey that you understand the strategy-creation process and that you can identify specific examples of strategic-planning activities appropriate for the organization you selected.
Write a paper based on the attached outline. Base your paper on the following scenario.
You work in the strategic planning department of a non-profit organization of your choice. This needs to be an existing non-profit organization currently functioning anywhere in the world. For the past five years, you have served in several roles within the organization. Recently, the organization’s senior leadership team determined that a more effective strategic-planning process is needed. You have gladly stepped into this role to help determine what the improved processes or activities might be.
You have been asked by your manager to put together a project to help the executive leadership team better understand the concepts and principles of a well-designed strategy process. In addition, the document is to include a set of sample strategic-planning activities relevant to your organization and industry.
For this project, the concepts, examples, and principles are used as a basis for discussion at an upcoming executive leadership team retreat.
Portfolio Project Requirements
In your paper, present the following topics:
– The strategy concepts, theories, and principles, which are important for the helping senior executive leadership team understand the strategy-creation process.
– At least one original table or figure that relates to your selected company. – – Note that if you insert a table from a published source, it is not considered original. Be creative in the design of your tables or figures.
– 10 to 12 pages in length, organized
– Support your work with at least ten peer-reviewed articles or scholarly
journals in addition to
– Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and
reference page.
SOCI 1306: Gender and Sexual Orientation
In the 2017 session of the Texas legislature, the so-called “Bathroom Bill” – a proposed law requiring transgendered individuals to use the restrooms appropriate for their “original” or “biological” gender – caused a lot of controversy and discussion inside and outside the Capitol, and ultimately failed to pass (although it will probably be re-introduced in the next legislative session).
Why did some people want to prevent transgendered citizens from using the restrooms in which they felt most comfortable? Do you agree or disagree?
2-3 paragraphs 1 page
your own words no plagiarism