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10 Mutilplechoice and 3 essay questions on plant growth processes
Answer all multiple choice questions and with 100% correctly, and answer all essay type questions with open book exam style (Turnitin less than 10%, no sources should be use)
asessing leadership
Please see attached assignment document. 2 pages should be sufficient. Writers first language must be English. Please pay close attention to the instructions I have included a note that should be helpful. Any questions please reach out to me. Thanks
Network Operating Systems
Review attached assessment and complete requirements for Part B
Contemporary Nursing Care for the older person
I have attached a document detailing all the information you will need to complete this assignment.
Code of Ethics
My major is nursing, going for my RN,
To receive full credit use MLA format. Place your name, the professor’s name, the course name and the date in the upper left hand corner. Include a Work Cited page.
After you have read Chapter 12 in your text answer the following questions. Number your answers:
1) Locate the Code of Ethics for your major or field of interest and provide the link. Provide a brief summary of the code.
Helpful Hint – If you ever have trouble with research you should go to the campus library Writing Commons where they are more than happy to help with research, writing, etc.. For those who cannot make it to campus please use the Ask-A-Librarian link in the Begin Here Module
2) In one paragraph, state the code level you believe the code of ethics to be written at. Support your answer by referencing the area in the chapter that discusses the levels of a code of ethics.
3) Locate a news article published in the last six months regarding a moral issue within your field/major and provide the link to this article. Provide a brief summary of the article.
4) Write the main moral issue of the article in the correct format.. Bold print the issue.
5) Solve the main moral issue using your code of ethics. Cite specific evidence and terminology from the text book and your code. Discuss in detail. This answer should be at least one paragraph in length.
6) Reflect on the resolution. Discuss if the code’s resolution was just. If the resolution was not just, explain why, and what changes in the code would you recommend to solve the ethical issue justly. This should be a full paragraph.
Reminder – A college level paragraph should be at least 5 – 7 sentences. The word count should be a minimum of 500 words. Include your word count.
How can I measure Return of Investment in Social Media Marketing
1. Paid likes vs organic likes – Can paid like be profitable for a company and lead to a return of investment? How does organic likes, comments etc. bring about Return of Investment?
2. Formulas for calculating Return of Investment in Social Media Marketing.
3. Case study: facts, numbers, info on a company who has invested in social media marketing. What Return of investment did this company receive?
Please include any new data, statistics, numbers, methods, trends for calculating investment in Social Media Marketing.
Creating content for media
Assessment 3: Project (2000 words) – Content package
You are the newly appointed Communications Officer for a non-profit organisation.* The Chief Executive has asked you to review the organisation’s current online presence and to propose an improved, low-cost package of online content that better reflects the organisation’s goals, target publics and stakeholders.
*Ideas for potential non-profit organisations can be discussed with your tutor. In some cases, students can choose to base this assessment on a private business, though please discuss this with your tutor first.
Your online content package should include:
An overview of the organisation, its goals and target publics/stakeholders. (150)
A description and analysis of the organisation’s current online presence, including website, social media and blogs (as relevant). (If your organisation does not have a website and/or social media presence, then this section should discuss why they need an online presence. You could also consider including a competitor analysis of a similar organisation’s online presence.) (500)
A concise summary of the communication objectives of the new or improved online content package. (100)
A written brief for a new or improved website. The brief should address visual considerations and content and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and include a navigation plan. (Please note: students are not required to design an actual website, rather to describe the sort of information the website should include, and how it should look and navigate.) (400-500, excluding navigation plan)
Two sections of finished copy for the new website. (In other words, choose two ‘pages’ from the new website and write the copy that should appear on each page. You may need to write new copy or edit existing material.) (300-400)
A social media plan for the organisation. This should discuss why a social media presence is important for the organisation, identify which platforms (at least two) they should be using and why, and the type of content they should be posting. (If your organisation already has a social media presence then your focus should be on making recommendations for improvement and/or expansion.) (400-500)
A social media content schedule for the first month of activity presented in an appropriate format. (Not included in word count.)
Two samples posts for each social media platform recommended (ie; FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, a blog etc), paying particular attention to the tone of the posts and how this reflects the organisation and its target publics. (Not included in word count.)
The word counts suggested above are a guide only. Your word counts may vary depending on the type of organisation, the extent of their online presence and the type of content you develop.
Your assessment should include academic and/or industry discussion, where relevant. A reference list (Harvard) should be provided.
Though the presentation of the assignment is up to the student, it should be professional in nature. Please discuss any ideas with your tutor in class.
If you use the report template provided, then please ensure this is customised to the needs of your organisation and the content of your report. In addition, if using this format, please note that the Executive Summary and Conclusion/Recommendations should not be included in the word count.
Free Will
Paper prompt attached as a pdf.
On this paper it is required to take an original stance regarding the question, “do humans have free will?”. It is important to make your argument on the topic clear and persuasive rather than summarizing other philosophers ideas throughout the whole paper. I have attached and added references that we went over class and are required for the paper. Please read over the paper prompt carefully! Thank you!
-Ted Talk(Required):
Write a feature article as a personal reflection explaining principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and how “self” and “community” are interrelated.
Part A – Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and drawing on these produce a personal commentary that explains how the concepts of ‘self’ and ‘community’ are interrelated.
Part B – Analyse and evaluate the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in order to show how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the common good may be relevant to the skills and knowledge that they are acquiring in the degree program that they are studying (teaching)