Life-Span & Development

Middle and Late Adulthood:

1.Enter the following websites and review each:


Prepare to Care-

2.Address the following question: Discuss how you will prepare for retirement using the text readings and the two websites (AARP and Prepare to Care). In your response discuss the following, financial aspects of retirement, housing, health care, and other aspects of aging. What do you need to do today to ensure that retirement is easier and what do you need to do when you reach retirement to make your life happy and financially solid? Consider your text readings as well, e.g., developmental aspects of aging that will impact your life. This post must include information from the text and the links provided above.

please include the web sources provided above with information from those websites too. Thank you

Textbook Source needed:

Life-Span Development (5th Edition) by John W. Santrock ISBN: 9781259708794

Retention in the RAF

Retention in the RAF, using the Fish bone diagram, the Managerial Grid Model of Leadership to explain the impact of leadership behavour, remuneration, Low manpower, impact on retention.

Retention in the RAF

Retention in the RAF, using the Fish bone diagram, the Managerial Grid Model of Leadership to explain the impact of leadership behavour, remuneration, Low manpower, impact on retention.

Assignment 1

-There are two prompts that you need to work on based on reading Janson’s History of Art written by Penelope J.E. davies (please read the introduction and prehistoric chapter 1 before answering the questions below)

– please also include images from the book

Prompt 1: Select a prehistoric sculpture made during the Paleolithic period. Compare and contrast this work to another created in the same period. Consider the techniques and materials used to make the objects as well as their sizes and subjects.

Prompt 2: What social and economic changes took place in human development from the Paleolithic through the Neolithic periods? How did the changes affect art?

-feel free to use mla in text-citation to support the statement

-there are additional details about the writing on the attached files

-you are assigned to work on 2 prompts ignore additional information that talks about responses

Princples of Equity and Trust

The question is a 3500 assignment i have done a 900 word essay plan i need the writer to make a 1250 essay plan on that file using the essay plan and adding to it as well as the writer needs to use the notes i have attached a a word document and the powerpoints i attach as well as using cases from the notes and powerpoints and journals the question is The law in England has evolved in recognising valid constructive trusts, but this has
not always been in the interests of affecting greater equity or ensuring greater
certainty in the law.’
Critically analyse this statement, demonstrating both breadth and depth of
knowledge the file that the writer needs to work on is labelled Equity Plan Main Question

Balanced Scorecard

For this assignment, you will be required to develop a balanced scorecard.

Your balanced scorecard should be prepared according to the guidelines found in the Rohm reading assigned in Module 6.

For examples of balanced scorecards, review the examples given in the Balanced Scorecard Institute reading assigned in Module 6 (

Concentrate on the business’s
• Operational excellence
• Quality and Patient safety
• Customer and Community Focus
• Human Resource Development

Responsible and sustainable management of an ethical dilemma in an organisation

we are asked to write a focused assessment (1,500 words) of the ethical risks and opportunities within a specific function or a specific type of product/ service development within a chosen company or organization (could be Roche Pharmaceuticals as I have already done my first task on it – attached for your reference). The goal would be to offer a company consulting advice on how this function or product/ service can be sustainably and responsible managed. Students will have to draw on at least two other modules within the MBA to complete this assessment. (I attached the assignment brief separately as well as the presentation slides for this module In order to include some of the mentioned frameworks, theories).