BAM 317 Unit 3

Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).

Responses must be double spaced using Times New Roman and 12 point type size.

Use A.P.A. style. Use citations throughout the paper.

I do not have a copy of the textbook.
Please ONLY reference
Legal Environment of Business- Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues
Henry Cheeseman, 2016
ISBN.13: 978-0-133-9331-0
Pick ONE of the following essay topics:
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a sole proprietorship.
2. Explain the process that exempts members of an LLC from double taxation.
3. Distinguish between disparate-treatment and disparate-impact discrimination.

Module 3 – SLP The Income Statement – ACC201 Financial Accounting

Please refer to the attachments for instructions. Thanks

Module 3 – SLP The Income Statement – ACC201 Financial Accounting
The purpose of this SLP is to apply ratio analysis to assess the financial health of ABC Company. Use the income statement presented in the case during this module to compute general or overall profitability ratios. Compute three ratios using at least one of the income statement accounts for each ratio. Some profitability ratios include both income and balance sheet accounts. The balance sheet accounts are found in module 2.
Assume that ABC Company is a small specialty retail store. Ratios are relevant when assessed over time or across companies. IBIS is a comprehensive resource containing market research and statistics, which can be used to compare ABC Company to the industry and leaders in the industry.
1. Show the computation of the three ratios.
2. Comment on the purpose and information conveyed by each ratio.
3. What did you learn about ABC Company by reviewing the three ratios?
4. What is your conclusion about the profitability of the company?
5. How successful is ABC Company relative to the industry average and leaders in the small specialty retail store industry? Write two paragraphs or more. Include ratios found in the IBIS database to support your conclusion.
6. The IBIS database is accessed through the Trident library. See the steps below.

7. SLP Assignment Expectations
8. Show the formulas for the computations. Two to three sentences are sufficient to respond to questions 1 through 4.
9. See above for question 5 instructions. Do not use an essay format.
10. Show sources when appropriate and APA format is suggested, but not required.
11. Please refer to the attachments for instructions. Thanks

Risk Management Products

***This is not an essay. This is a question so please do not write an introduction or conclusion***

In an extensive survey, Jesswein, Kwok, and Folks (1995) documented the extent of knowledge and use of foreign exchange risk management products by U.S. corporations. Based on a survey of Fortune 500 firms, they found that the traditional forward contract is the most popular product. As Exhibit 8.11 in Chapter 8 shows, about 93 percent of respondents of the survey used forward contracts, the old, traditional instrument. Comment on the survey results in Exhibit 8.11 (Chapter 8 Ebook provided) and discuss other non-traditional risk management strategies.
Please use relevant sources no older than 2015.

***This is not an essay. This is a question so please do not write an introduction or conclusion***

Technology and Audit

Please respond to the following Discussion Post Instructions:”Technology and Audit”:

How important is the documentation of the database environment? Moreover, how do you think the advent of cloud computing has affected electronic data interchange (EDI)? Are you in favor of outsourcing the auditing activity, and why or why not?
How do computer-assisted audit solutions help the auditing process? How do different standards for professional performance of internal auditing help in maintaining the integrity of the process?

This doesn’t need an introduction or conclusion.
*The institution uses Safe Assign to detect plagiarism.


describe an actual human service organization that operates to fulfill a public policy. What policy justifies their mission? What problem are they trying to solve? Who do they serve? What services do they provide? How are they funded?


Degreed accountants have the opportunity to obtain certifications in the accounting career field that they choose. Research and describe the types and requirements of certifications that are available. How do XBRL, blockchain, and internet privacy/security influence these professions?

Self-control in life – Success on Mischel’s “marshmallow test” is linked to many life successes in adulthood. What are some of these areas of success? Why is greater self-control and delayed gratification linked to these successes? How can this information be applied to training children for later life functioning and success?

12 point font/double spaced. Research your topic. Start by reading the module content and note any references in the module. Then, find websites, articles, and/or books on your topic. Your research must include at least two journal articles or books. That is, websites can be very helpful and informative, but your final paper must include full articles (whether from the Internet or elsewhere) or books on the topic. Sources should be reputable and consistent with what you learned in the module as well as other sources. GoogleScholar and PDF articles from the Internet can be helpful resources. This paper requirement means that you need to include at least two primary sources in your paper; articles from the Internet can be included, but they would be in addition to the two minimum primary sources. Primary sources are firsthand accounts; thus, they involve the author writing about his or her own work. Primary sources include books or published journal articles.
I. Introduction. Introduce your topic and explain why this topic was of interest to you.
II. Body of paper. Fully address your topic and all the components of it. Support your points with your cited research. The topic should be explained in full. This section should be at least three pages long.
III. Application. Discuss your topic’s application component. Be sure to mention what applications are recommended by others and what you recommend. You must include your own views about what the application should be, and clearly state them and why. This section should be at least one to two pages
IV. Conclusion. Conclude your topic with a wrap-up paragraph. Some suggestions for a good conclusion: a) end by summarizing what was learned about this topic; b) end by emphasizing a particular application of the information; c) end by suggesting where future research and discussion should go on this topic.
The point distribution for the papers is as follows:

20 points: Writing. Criteria: appropriate grammar, appropriately edited for syntax and phrasing, complete sentences, structured in paragraph and essay form, meets page length requirements.
20 points: Follows the prompt: all portions of the paper are complete. Answers fully address the questions in the prompt and address them in a sufficiently detailed way.
20 points: Evidence. In each paper, you are required to support evidence for your written points, whether the evidence is specific detail from the modules, the Internet, or your observations (and, in all cases, the evidence needs to be stated in your own words and not plagiarized). These sources should be appropriately cited. For example: (Scott, 2010) or (, “What is Keeping Your Kids Up At Night,” para. 2). Sufficient referencing and integration (without plagiarism) of other sources is necessary to achieve full points in this area. A reference page is also needed. At least the minimum number of primary sources (see above) is also needed.
20 points: Evaluation. In each paper, you are to include your own thoughts and evaluations. Each paper option involves you thinking further on a topic in psychology and making some evaluations and decisions about the topic. Your thoughts need to be described in sufficient detail and identified as your thoughts, compared to information that you may obtain elsewhere. Sufficient explanation is necessary to achieve full points in this area.
20: Content. Accuracy of your written positions and appropriateness of content given the question prompts are necessary to achieve full points in this area. This is the heart of the papers—answering the questions correctly, accurately, and appropriately. In the cases of providing your opinions, these should still be grounded correctly in the theory or module topic that you are addressing.