will provide requirements
Analyse the effectiveness of operations management practices in a wide range of different organizations and sectors (manufacturing, service and public sector) <- EACH SECTOR
Assignment Requirement
1. Analyse the effectiveness of operations management practices in a wide range of different organizations and sectors (manufacturing, service and public sector) 2. An operations manager is key part of a management team. Please explain the role of an Operations Manager.
3. Please use examples of companies to support the above.
Structure of the Assignment
(1) Introduction : Introduce the objectives of your assignment with a brief description of the assignment content. (15%)
(2) Analysis:
(a) Analyse the effectiveness of operations management practices in a wide range of different organizations and sectors (manufacturing, service and public sector). (30%)
(b) An operations manager is a key part of an management team. Please explain this role.(25%)
(c) Demonstration of the use of companies to support your analysis (5%)
(3) Conclusion: Restate the main idea of the paper (why you wrote this entire long piece to begin with)Summarize all the key points you made throughout the body of the paper. (15%).
Other relevant information
(A) Peer reviewed academic papers would expect this paper to cite at minimum 7 No.
(B) Independent referencing is required.
(C) Quotations in italics (to enhance existing work) – not part of the wordcount
Referencing: HARVARD style
Compare and Contrast 2020 Presidential Candidates’ Health Coverage Plans
Compare and contrast Donald Trump’s and Joe Biden’s policy statements related to health coverage.
The rubric is uploaded.
Paper must use a minimum of 2 credible and politically neutral sources.
Research paper aj 104
Term Paper Format – MLA Format guidelines will apply to your paper:
Use 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and both sides. (Also to mention for the file I sent the individual must pick one of the five topics in the file and start it.)
Indent the first sentence of each paragraph 5 spaces.
Avoid entering a double space between paragraphs by hitting the “Enter” key twice. There is already a space, and the 1-inch indentations notes the start of a new paragraph.
Use single spaces between sentences after the sentence-ending punctuation.
Avoid increasing the margins or spacing to stretch the length of your paper.
Cover page (Not included in the total number of pages) Include Name, Instructors Name, AJ104 Criminal Evidence, Date
12 Point with a Times Roman Numeral or similar font. (I need to be able to read the paper, no odd fonts)
Use standard white computer paper that measure 8.5 x 11 inches.
Create a header that uses consecutive page numbers in the right-hand top corner of your paper.
You will not be required to add a Bibliography or Endnote Page. However you will be required to add a Works Cited/References Page. (See attached example. Does not count toward overall page count)
Enrollment presentation
please read and follow instructions carefully
Sexually Transmitted Diseases It’s Your Game: Keep it Real.
1. Instruction for the paper (Please read carefully)
2. Part A (Please read before you start working on part B and use the same program)
3. The abstract for the program.
4. The grading rubric (Please follow that because it very important that you meet the requirements)
Part A is attached – Review first before working on part B.
Part B Attached.
Project Specifications and submission guidelines
***How to write the most successful paper and earn the best grade***
• A written proposal is required to be turned in to your TA (before or on Thursday, February 28th-before Spring Break) to propose a topic/program area and identify at least one published study/evaluation of the program that has appeared in a peer-reviewed publication. Do not choose a program for which you cannot find any published research. You might want to speak with your TA in person to make sure you are on the right track.
• Search out as much information about the topic/program as you can. It is recommended that you utilize at least 3 sources of information in learning about the topic, including at least 1 professional, peer-reviewed journal article.
• Write 5-7 pages, double spaced, in 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial) including text, any illustrations or charts. Seek input from your TA or the preceptors.
• Include a title page and a reference page at the end (in addition to the 5-7 written pages)
• Start with an introductory paragraph that introduces the reader to what you will cover in your paper.
• Determine that the flow of ideas is logical. Section headings and side headings help guide the reader/grader. Label the headings as listed in the project description. Please use the headings from the components/outline listed in the sheet of required components (look at the page above…..between the rows of exclamation points). Following the outline helps your reader/grader assess your writing more easily.
• Proofread your project carefully to correct grammar and spelling mistakes. Use a writing app like Grammarly. Have a friend or classmate read your paper, too. The more feedback, the better your final paper will be.
• Include a title page with your name.
• Include a page at the end with your references.
• Pages should be numbered.
• Save your document in a Word format (.doc or .docx).
• Submit your project through the dropbox on d2L by the specified time.
• Observe the icon that indicates Turnitin.com originality software is in use. Academic integrity is crucial. Therefore, you must use internal citations within the paper to show sources of your information and include a list of the full bibliographic information in a reference section. The reference page should list only sources of information that you used in the writing. Do not include items that you read but didn’t find a place to include in the final draft.
• Realize that Turnitin software on D2L detects any sentences that are taken verbatim or with minimal re-wording from any journal, book, website, or student paper from any university, and any of your own previous work at UA. Cutting and pasting from the internet or other source DOES NOT constitute originality. You must rephrase what you read in your own words AND cite the source of the idea or information. The only place in your writing where you don’t have to cite others is in the final section where you are elaborating YOUR OWN ideas. The rest of the paper must include the careful documentation of the sources of intellectual property.
• If your paper exceeds 30% on “Turnitin” you will need to rewrite and resubmit your paper. Anything higher than 30% (which often indicates extensive plagiarism) may be referred to the Dean of Students and earn a ZERO on the paper.
• Follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style for internal citations and reference sections. Your textbook follows this style. The appropriate citation is what separates original work from plagiarism.
Modifications in Consumer Buying Patterns impacted by Social Media Marketing : A Comparative analysis of Gucci and Hermes
I need a Master thesis for my MBA of really high quality of 14500 words. I am attaching the expose’ ( worked on by another writing service company). You cannot change the topic of the thesis. However, you can change/modify/improvise on any other sections mentioned in the expose’ ( Frameworks, Importance, Theoretical approach, research questions, hypotheses et al), depending the approach that you want to take. I am also attaching the style guide that let you know about the formatting, spacing, citations thesis structure et al. please make sure you stick to the style guide, Also, I am attaching a evaluation form, the parameters of which are used to evaluate the master thesis. The evaluation form is just for reference to guide you on what all parameters needs to be covered in the thesis. Rest of the attachments are also for reference.
PSY-102-MWF950B Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Reflection
Description of how student will use psychology in student’s personal life is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.
Description of how student will use psychology in student’s professional life is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.
Description of how student will use psychology in student’s academic career is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.
Explanation of any overlap in any of the characteristics, including anything that applies to all three areas is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.
Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
All format elements are correct.
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Cognitive Science: Mysteries of the mind is the course. Multiple options available for the topic, you can choose.
All directions are in the document, along with rubric and all other info needed. Please reach out to me if anything else is needed.
The list of available topics:
Neuroscience of Pain
Psychology of Pain
Philosophy of Pain
Neuroscience of Gustation (taste)
Psychology of Gustation (taste)
How the mind and brain communicates with itself (and language of thought)
Psychology of Play in Children
Embodied Cognition
Situated Cognition
Please see attached PDF for instructions.