Waste Disposal Management

A central objective of this course is to teach and empower the student to frame discussions of complex issues related to environmental matters and to design their own creative solutions grounded in a nuanced understanding of Environmental Law.

The position paper outlines a problem and advances an arguable position of that problem to draw attention to issues in the field and to highlight paths forward. If the position paper uses a case comment approach that emerges from a legal decision, or a series of legal decisions, the position paper scouts ahead and frequently draws from multiple disciples to design multidisciplinary solutions in sound legal opinion.

The Position Paper should be between 4000-5000 words. Assignments must reference following the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide).

The uploaded PP will help the writer as well.

Assignments must reference following the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide).


please see the attached file, it has all the details of the assignment. please note the paper for this assignment is Strategy. please use APA 6th edition for reference

Reflective Writing Task Using a Mental Health Nursing article

Title: Reflective Writing task
Rationale: Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action to engage in a process of continuous learning, which is one of the defining characteristics of professional practice (Schon, 1983).

1. Please use the attached article: “Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards People Diagnosed with Mental Illness and Mental Health Nursing: An International Project from Europe and Australia” for this assessment article attached and read. (file uploaded)

2. Write a 3000-word reflection on the article.

3. The reflection should include the following.
✓ An introduction, an outline and a summary of your article
✓ A description of your feelings in relation to the article.
✓ An analysis of any issues in the article that you feel are new to you or different to your previous learnings and understanding of mental health care.
✓ An outline of any changes in your understanding and/or behaviour as a result of reading and
reflecting on this article,
✓ An explanation of your learnings from this article that may contribute to your professional
nursing practice.
✓ Please use a minimum of 15 references (peer reviewed research articles and books/ literature to support the argument. These references must be between the 7-9 years old) and from credible research databases such as Medline and CINAHL.

Rubric is attached to assist with requirements, please follow this specifically.

Advance practice in palliative care

Discuss the debate around the definition of advance practice. Briefly describe and offer rationale for a chosen exemplar of my role in advancing practice. Which is a (community palliative CNS) Offer a critical exploration of my role in relation to a defined model of advanced practice ( 4 pillars, clinical practice, education, leadership and management, research) using my exemplar as an illustrative example. Critical analysis of learning from the module in relation to developing my role as an advance practitioner in a personal context. Include an introduction, body and conclusion and a completed reference list using standard APA Harvard referencing scheme .It needs to be written in lines with the submission guidelines from a nursing journal so as an article.

Journal V

Have you ever driven through a rural area and thought, “There is nothing out here”? Does that make you think that there is plenty of land “out there” for everyone? Was the area you were driving through actually fallow, or might it have been used for some purpose, such as growing trees for pulpwood or lumber? Did the rural area reassure you that your family would have enough space to live and grow, or are you still concerned? What kinds of things can one do to conserve the land?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Thematic Analysis

Length: Five FULL to six complete pages, double-spaced.
Sources: A minimum of FIVE outside sources. The texts we read can be used (possibly two if comparing works); the others MUST be scholarly articles from the AC databases.—(no Wikipedia! No random .com sites, no SparkNotes, No OTHER sources accepted)—ONLY sources from the AC databases. I will NOT accept an essay that does not utilize the minimum required sources.
Format: Follow MLA8 standards. Include a properly organized Works Cited Page listing sources used and in-text citations that clearly align with sources used.

Other: Do not use the words “it,” “things,” or “anything”; these are vague terms, nor “this, that, these, those” unless immediately followed by a noun (or the specific idea in mind). Furthermore, please eliminate fragments, comma splices, run-ons, or subject-verb agreement errors.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments by preparing a major research paper over a literary topic.
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence by preparing a researched essay that requires this ability.
3. Students will demonstrate the ability to write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action by preparing a research paper over a work of literature.
4. Students will apply the conventions of MLA style correctly in regards to page format, in-text citations, and works cited entries in a research paper.

For essay if you do NOT have a Works Cited page, your essay will NOT be accepted, as it will NOT meet the minimum requirements.
√ If your essay does NOT utilize at least the REQUIRED number of outside sources (shown either with an author signal phrase somewhere in the sentence or a parenthetical reference at the end of a sentence), it will not meet the minimum requirements for this essay, and I will NOT accept it.
√ If your essay does NOT meet the MINIMUM LENGTH requirement for this particular assignment, your essay will NOT be accepted
√ If your essay does NOT CONFORM to MLA8 protocol, I will NOT accept it. I EXPECT that you READ the given material and only use MLA, not ANY other style.
√ If your essay merely “reports” information rather than ARGUE, I will not accept it.
√ If your essay neglects to use articles FROM the AC DATABASES, I will NOT accept it.
If your essay does not have parenthetical references (within the text of your essay) or CLEAR AUTHOR SIGNAL phrases at the start of your sentences, indicating EXACTLY where you used WHICH source (of the sources listed in the Works Cited), then I will NOT GRADE the essay. Such oversights show lack of transparency with use of sources, calling into question your overall CREDIBILITY, and again, it does not meet the minimum qualifications for CAREFUL use of sources.

Here are the two Citations for the two Novels
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus. 2018, Project Gutenberg, www.guternber.org/ebooks/6818

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedie of Othello, The Moor of Venice. Nov., 1998, Project Gutenberg, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1531/1531-h/1531-h.htm .

Do NOT forget to include the full source citation in the Works Cited page of your essay r.draft, especially since you will want to use one (or both) for textual evidence as you advance your ARGUMENT essay.
There are NO exceptions–ALL essays MUST propose an ARGUMENT, a CLAIM that requires proof.

Login Info- ask support for the info

Steps: Go to Angelina College Website (www.angelina.edu) > Current Students Tab > Library > List of Online Resources > Scroll down to Resources by Subject > Use from the list of Language/Literature (10) preferably Bloom’s Literature, Gale Literary, and JSTOR

Choose from 1 of 8 themes as the topic from the document attached below

Project Management

this is a project plan on an unmanned misson to mars.
the essay does not require to much information on the actual mission to mars it is more about the theory of a project plan. i have started this and wrote the introduction and also have my essay plan which i would like you to follow and also follow the breif correctly please. please state the titles with relevent reference and then compare and contrast each individual models stating which one you think is better then showing a failed space mission project and how the models sugguested will help them. also please state what each method is. like what prince2 is and what agile is and also for the managing change theories provided e.g. kottler and lewins models and also for contracts followed by the space aspect at the end of each model.

Teaching Science

The article https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kathy_Trundle/publication/258287547_Digging_into_rocks_with_young_children/links/0f31753a1f1b0d13f9000000.pdf is an example of teaching science. Identify 1-3 things you would change about it and why.

A justified research methodology proposal

hi dear I would like to choose a topic for me for the final dissertation any thing it’s relevant to environment so far I would like you to choose the topic and write only 500 words I will also send you the University login details