Formal and Informal Leadership

Formal and Informal Leadership
Traditional models of organizational management promote a hierarchal structure of roles and responsibilities. Modern public and nonprofit organizations are moving away from this model and toward a more networked and collaborative management structure. The new structure allows for the presence and influence of informal leadership within an organization. It is important to recognize both the formal and informal leadership operating within an organization, as it is often the informal leaders who have the influence that will result in the success of an initiative. Understanding the interaction between formal and informal leadership is vital to bringing about results and success in all areas of the organization.
For this paper, review the resources, and focus on the leadership structures with public or nonprofit organizations.

The Paper: 4 pages, not including title pages and references
1) Briefly describe if the case is a public or nonprofit organization (Using one-third of page one or less)

2) Describe the formal leadership structure of the organization.
(Using the second third of page one or less)

3) Describe the informal leadership that is present in the organization. (Using the last third of page one or less)

4) Explain how the formal leadership structures and informal leadership manifest themselves, overlap, and relate to one other in the organization.
(Start on page one if there is any space left on it, if not go to the second page of paper)

5) Explain the influence of informal leadership on the organization’s leadership. (Third page of paper)

6) Explain the implications (positive and/or negative) of adhering to a formal leadership structure. (Start on third page if any space left then go to the fourth page and finish with the conclusion).

Added Notes:
• Use APA format, which included the Title page, Abstract page, Body of the paper, conclusion, and references page.

• Support the paper with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.

• Make sure all 6 points above are in the paper.

• Make sure when explaining something, use examples.

• Check the grammar.


In this paper, you will also do a basic literary analysis. Essentially what this means is that you will be arguing how an author constructs a text in order to eventually arrive at the theme he or she wants to convey. But unlike the first 1500 word paper you did, you will need to stay confined to Dubliners. You have learned some literary elements such as plot, theme, symbol, setting, character, conflict, tone, narration, point of view, irony, setting, and theme. Now, you have to bring it all together to construct a comparative analysis showing how James Joyce builds a multi-layered thematic statement in his book, Dubliners.

You need to answer this question, which has numerous and unique ways to answer it: How does the final story of Dubliners, “The Dead,” serve as a coda for the rest of the stories? A coda is “a concluding section or part, esp. one of a conventional form and serving as a summation of preceding themes, motifs, etc., as in a work of literature or drama.” – That is, how does “The Dead” conclude the novel and generate a sense of importance thematically?
You will find that discussing your paper with me at your conference will help, but you need to come prepared to your conference—think about the stories you liked? Why did you like that story specifically? Which stories seem linked? How are they linked? How does that trace a theme or discuss it? The key here is to use “The Dead” in your paper, but the other stories you use to connect thematically to it are up to you. However, do not use more than 4 stories, including “The Dead.”

Your paper must be more than a book report—do not summarize the stories for more than 3-4 sentences. You need to hit at analysis—rather than focusing on what is happening, ask yourself “why is what is happening important to the theme the author wants to express to me? How does that author express that?” If you tell me something that happened in the story, your next sentence needs to show me evidence of it. Then you need to explain why that event or sentence or quote is important to your argument (how does it prove the thesis?).

Think about the story or stories you want to analyze, and then you may want to ask yourself these questions:

Who is the main character? What is the conflict he/she faces? How does he/she develop as a result of that conflict? Do they have an Epiphany? Are they paralyzed? How does the author construct the story with literary elements in order to support that theme?

Remember, you are explaining and arguing to your reader how the author constructs a story—you are not telling them what happens in the story. You are telling them why what happens is important to the author’s theme.

Final Exam Class E
1102 # 10799
**Please note: Because there is no actual final “test” in this course—there is only a final paper—you will be handing in your paper during the first half-hour of the final exam window. You must hand in the final paper in order to pass the course–failure to turn in your final paper is failure to complete the course (Gordon Rule).

Write 2 x 200 word blog related to the readings.

Readings are attached.
Write a blog for each reading
“Blogs should identify ONE key argument from the reading that you found useful and ONE
example or piece of evidence that you found interesting. Your blog should explain why you
find these interesting in relation to your own research interests or in relation to your own

To give some more guidance, the aim of the blogs was to test two key skills. First, identifying
key arguments in academic texts and paraphrasing these arguments for your own purposes
with relevant quotation. Secondly, applying these arguments to examples of your own
choice, either drawn from the reading or from your own experience/research, to show your
ability to understand the analytical potential of arguments from academic texts.

Debating Transhumanism

What, if anything, is the line that human beings should not cross in their attempt to transcend their natural limitations? In other words, how far should we pursue the goal of transhumanism? If all technology allows us to transcend some limitation, how far is too far? Biological implants? Artificial body parts? Genetic engineering? Mind uploading? Something else? If you think any of these is ethically too far, what is the difference between proposed technologies and current uses of technology to extend human abilities? Or if you think these proposed technologies are ethically acceptable, how do you respond to the worries others have? Be sure to discuss such relevant issues as the fundamental purpose of technology, whether technology is ethically neutral, how technology limits our freedom (see Ellul video source)

The following are recommended sources:
PDF files attached

Required source:

Systems Approach to Engineering a Framework the supports the Enhancement of the Capability of Missiles with AI Algorithms

The thesis aims to address

How would the capability of missile systems be improved by the application of AI techniques, what are the main needs for a framework and how would it be used to support exploration of AI in relation to missile systems, and in what way does systems engineering support the exploration and management of the problem situation?

The introduction should provide ample background context for the thesis and therefore what and why the literature review is covering what it is covering.

The task is to rewrite the thesis literature review, in accordance with the task file attached. This file details the desired structure of the thesis literature review and its content. Let me know how much content needs adding, or if there are any good ways of condensing what I already have.

I am currently at ~14000 words, do not want to exceed 20000 words. preferably would like to keep is around 15000 mark even with added content. To help make it concise.

I can also provide a comprehensive list of all my sources, that currently reside in my mendeley account.

Also where appropriate, please feel free to correct any of my work if it is factually inaccurate.

Trade Relations between USA & China

U.S. Trade Relationship (approximately 500 words)China:

i. The history of trade.

ii. Any trade agreements (e.g., free trade agreements, etc.). Include type and when formed, if applicable.

iii. Any current trade restrictions, trade wars, embargoes, etc.

iv. State the product you have selected.

v. Provide the 10-digit HTSUS code for the product.

Money and the Bank

The phrases, “Show me the money” and “You can take that to the bank” demonstrate the influences of currency and the financial system in society. The phrase “Show me the money” from the 1996 movie Jerry Macguire, generally means that someone wants to know how much they will be paid for something or they want evidence that they will be paid. According to the Free Dictionary, (Link is below.) the phrase “You can take that to the bank” means that a statement or a piece of information is true. According to Urban Dictionary, (Link is below.) it comes from an obscure reference that a check is a guarantee that you can take to the bank and redeem it for its face value.

In this activity, you will select a country and analyze the banking and financial system of that country. Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses your selected country’s banking and financial system. You can use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze the article and then provide the following in your discussion.

a. Analyze your chosen country’s banking and financial systems.

b. Describe how money is measured in your chosen country.

c. Discuss the evolution of money over time as it pertains to your selected country.

d. Describe the process used by the banking system to create and destroy money.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words along with at least one reference to support your findings. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Digital Health Care

Refer to the Journal entry example, topic should be in digital health care.
Find an article that relate to digital health care technology and select an interesting, relevant article. To receive full credit for this assignment area, do the following 2 activities:
1. Provide the article and source of article in your Innovation Journal (IJ) entry – 1 point
2. Summarize 1) Discuss the key innovative/technology dimension(s) of the article 2) Describe how it could disruptive existing businesses, 3) Identify what type of innovation is most likely in the area (product, process, positioning, and/or paradigm)? 4) Comment on why it got your attention (total approximately 2-4 paragraphs) (See “Journal Entry Example” to guide your entry)

Literature review

Using no more than 800 words, excluding in-text citation (footnotes) and reference, provide a literature review of the Concise Statement regarding Westpac Banking Corporation’s breach of the AML/CTF Act 2006 (Cth) on more than 23 million occasions (
11/Westpac%20concise%20statement%20-%20November%202019.pdf). The statement is also attached in the attachment, named as “Westpac concise statement – November 2019”).

The literature review must include definition of key terms or concepts, discussion of relevant law, policy or practices, including providing a summary of relevant primary sources (e.g. legislation, court judgements and government policy documents) and secondary sources (e.g. academic articles).

Lecture slides on money laundering are attached, and are named as “CLAW3210 Topic 3…”, “CLAW3210 Topic 4A…”, “CLAW3210 Topic 4B…”, and “CLAW3210 Topic 5…”

The textbook excerpt related to money laundering and terrorist funding is also attached and named as “Excerpt on Money Laundering.”

Related legislations, including AML/CTF Act 2006 (Cth), Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) Division 400, and FATF Recommendations 2012, are also included as attachments and named accordingly.

It is expected for the paper to include reference that is provided in addressing the topic, i.e. the Concise Statement as previously mentioned, and then to use 2 or more scholarly references. The paper is expected to be referenced using AGLC4 format.