Finance Event study(event can be chosen by writer)

I need a thesis to be written on the topic of finance event study. Any topic (event) can be chosen by the writer. The word limit is 4000 words, excluding tables, footnotes, references, and appendices. The thesis is formatted with line spacing 1.3 and font size 12pt, and footnotes have line spacing 1 and font size 11pt. The legends and captions for tables or figures should be complete enough that the table or figure can stand on its own. The regular tables and figures should be included in the text and not in a separate appendix. In tables, use line spacing 1 and font size 11pt. Table titles should be clear and meaningful. Equations in the text are indented on a separate line with the number of the equation right- justified. All equations are numbered, even if they are never referred to in the text. Mathematical symbols are presented in italic. Everything in the list of references should be cited in the text, and everything listed in the references connects with a citation. In the reference list, there are no quotation marks, no underlines, and no italics. The authors’ last names and first initials are used. Only the first word of an article title is capitalized. Book and journal titles take normal initial capitals. The reference list is in alphabetical order by author, and multiple works by the same author are in chronological order. All of this information and more can be found in attached files.

Planning, Response, and Technology

In this assignment, you are required to create and present an essay that addresses a real-world scenario regarding the anticipation of a devastating crisis emergency (student selected), and you must make an assessment of the necessary technology (software or hard technology) to mitigate, resolve, and restore normalcy. The scenario may be of a terrorist attack, a natural phenomenon (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flooding, etc.), a school shooting or act of workplace violence, an infrastructure failure, a natural gas line explosion and resulting fire, a forest fire threatening homes and lives, and so forth.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in an essay of 750–1,000 words:
In detail, describe your selected scenario.
As stated above, your scenario can include terrorist attacks, natural disasters, violent domestic acts, school shootings, infrastructure failures, natural gas explosions, forest fires, and so on.
Regarding your scenario, what are 1–2 types of technology that you would use during each of the different phases of emergency management? Consider technology that is used to improve operational efficiencies, such as communications, industrial technology, and data storage.
The 4 phases that need to be addressed are as follows:
For each technology that you have selected, address the following:
Is this technology applicable to any of the other emergency management phases? Why or why not?
Based on past use, how effective is the technology? Explain.
How much does the technology cost? Explain.
Consider equipment, training, maintenance, and implementation costs.
Considering future advancements, is the technology practical for long-term applications? Explain.

Planning, Response, and Technology

A crisis or an emergency may be one thing to one person but a completely different set of circumstances to another person. Often, a president, governor, or mayor is in a position to declare a state of emergency. In this particular scenario, a high-pressure underground gasoline pipeline is running underneath a section of the city. For this assignment, you will discuss what information should be included in an assessment to determine the potential damage or likelihood that the pipeline will rupture and explode. A C3 or C4 command post is being preemptively established to address the situation should the pipeline explode.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

What types of equipment do you think should be included in the C3 or C4 facility? Explain your reasoning.
How do you think the facility should be staffed?
Consider education, training, and the interoperability and compatibility of equipment and personnel.
What types of technology do you think are essential to the strategic planning phase of all-hazards planning and response? Why?
How should decisions be made regarding the allocation of limited technological resources? Why?
Would you consider communications technology to be the most important technology for response operations? Why or why not?
What are the most significant problems or challenges associated with current communications technology? Explain.
What do you recommend for alleviating those problems and overcoming those challenges? Explain.

Global Issues in Russia

Using data from the CIA Factbook and, write a 1-2 page profile of what your life would be like if you lived in that nation. Some topics to address could include: life expectancy, health, education, employment, family, wealth/class, identity, rights/freedom, etc. (33.3%)  Four short papers on any four of the following issues: human rights, economic development/challenges, health issues, military/security threats, environmental problems, or societal conflicts. For these papers, students will read several articles and then use them as the basis for a short paper exploring the issues/challenges their country faces in this area. Each paper should have a list of works cited. Do not use Wikipedia! (33.3%) Please note: These must address four separate Global Issues, in other words they cannot all be about the environment, etc.  A position paper on the Global Issue that your country feels is the most important Global Issue, and thus the one that the global community should focus upon. This paper should include why your country feels this issue is the most significant, and any proposals for ways to address that issue.

Semiotics Of The Pink Ribbon

In order to satisfy your requirement for Composition II, you have been asked to write a 6-8 page (not including the Works Cited) critical essay in which you evaluate the cultural significance of a primary text of your choice from popular culture. Possible subjects include comic books, graphic novels, pop songs, advertisements, photographs, visual art, movies, music videos and TV shows.

As we discussed in class, the paper must provide a semiotic analysis (papers that do not will be considered to be off topic and will automatically receive 0 points), and it must present an argument. Your topic must be preapproved by me, or the paper will receive 0 points.

The paper also must have a thesis, or main point, included in the introduction and should include at least four body paragraphs and a conclusion.

For this paper, you must use at least five sources, one of which should be your primary text.

The Library homepage is a very rich source of easily accessible information. Use these databases (Tri-C’s card catalog, OhioLink, Academic Search Complete) as well as other Internet search engines to collect your information. If you have any questions about using these tools, ask the librarians or me.

Your critical essay must adhere to MLA guidelines and should be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font. It should use correct margins and headers and include a Works Cited page. A title is required for your paper, but no title pages or cover pages please. Be sure to put your name, the name of your teacher, the name of the class, and the date in the upper-left hand corner. Your title for the paper should be centered and capitalized (but not in all caps) and should reflect the point of the essay.


Please watch the film “Cabaret”

and write a 3-4 page paper discussing how it serves as a means of expression.

How does the film use the dialogue, mise en scene, sound and music, and actor portrayals to create a cohesive artistic expression in the film. What, if discernible, is the greater or deeper meaning of the film?

Art serves as a mirror to the society in which it exists. Discuss the contextual and cultural relevance of the piece within its societal framework. How does the film speak to or comment on society?

What kind of reaction did you have to this film? Did you engage with it fully or find it lacking in some way? Discuss prescriptively your feelings.

The paper should be 3-4 pages and double spaced.