Reasons for High Prices in Prescription Drugs for Consumers and Inconsistency

Overview: From the beginning of the semester, you have researched an issue of your choice. This is a topic in which you are obviously interested, and you have summarized and analyzed information accordingly in past assignments. Now is the time to argue the relevance of your chosen topic. In a report style format, you will present your research and convince the reader that it is a relevant topic of discussion. While you will be arguing your point, the purpose of this final report is to present information on the topic in an organized and coherent fashion.
Purpose and Audience:
The purpose of this report is to illustrate the relevance of your topic, so you should approach this project as an expert in the field. Because your audience is your peer group, you must remember that your readers may not be familiar with the topic. That is why you have to handle two tasks at the same time – to make your essay both interesting and informative. To do so, you need to plan your essay well and revise it to overcome any issues.
You have chosen your topic at the beginning of the semester, but now it is time to make a final narrowing down and answering your research question. After reading your research report, the reader should walk away with a feeling they learned something very important. Your explanation of the extensive research should convey this feeling.
You will continue using APA formatting style. You are required to use 5+ academically reliable sources for this report. To make your point stronger you might have to add more to what you had in your literature review or to replace some of them with more appropriate sources.
• Cover page
• Abstract
• Report
o At least one graphic should be included in the report (it should be not only included but used and formatted in accordance with APA).
• Reference page
Your report should be anywhere between 5 to 10 pages of text (not counting title page, abstract, and references)

Personal statement for guy who lives in california

Required (250-650 words): At the University of Colorado Boulder, no two Buffs are alike. We value difference and support equity and inclusion of all students and their many intersecting identities. Pick one of your unique identities and describe its significance.

Variation of The Median Nerve in The Hand

The dissertation will be produced in A4 size, with margins of 2cm (left margin 2.5cm), Calibri font 12, line spacing 1.5, appropriately divided into coherent sections.
4. The maximum word count is as follows:
b. Literature based projects 16,000-18,000
The word count must include the main body of the text (see point 7 below), including references in the text, figure legends and table legends, but exclude the declaration, acknowledgements and contents at the beginning of the thesis (see point 6 below), references in the reference list, and the appendices. Any words over these limits will not be marked.
5. The front cover (see Section 6, page 28 for template) must clearly state the title, your name, your student number and the word count.
6. The introductory pages must include:
a. A signed declaration that the dissertation is your own work (see Section 6, page 27)
b. Acknowledgements
c. Table of contents
d. Lists of figures, tables and (where necessary) appendices.
e. A list of abbreviations (keep to a minimum).
7. The main body of the dissertation should contain the following section:

Literature project:
a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Literature review
d. Discussion
e. Conclusion
f. References
g. Appendices (if necessary)

Psychological Resilience in Army Adventurous Training

The paper itself is 16000, however I am requesting 10000 as there will be a lot of specific detail regarding the Army that i will need to add to provide the context. This is a dissertation for my MSc in Education and Innovation.

The input will be adhoc in each area so I can add the Army context. For e.g. i will require 3-4k words in the Lit r/v and i will wrap a 1k around the existing content. Thank you

An Evaluation on the Effectiveness and Limits of Counter- Terrorism Strategies since 9/11]

dissertation writing in a very professional and academic way with a writer holds Ph.D. certificate in political science and.

1- I need a very professional writer not less ph.d in political science and IR.
2- I need to talk with him in each part of my thesis.
3- several orders may be followed with the following month.
4- my order 22,000 words in 80 pages. and could be increased.
5- the citation style and Bibliography APA.
6- methodology: mixed methods.
7- I will discuss my argument ( Hypothesis) with the writer.
8- My thesis should include documentation as I mentioned and emphasized:

what I need is the following :

– Table of content – I will send it.

– List of figures. Included the organization that specialized in statistical studies.

– List of Abbreviations.

– Glossary.

– Introduction which should contain the followings with No more than 10 pages

* Research questions. I will send mine and to be discussed with the writer.

* Hypothesis. arguments. I will send mine and to be discussed with the writer.

* Methodology. Mixed method ( qualitative and quantitative ) Global terrorism index, START, RAND ..etc

* Contribution ( the significance of the thesis)

* Research framework.

Chapter one : Evolution of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Strategies: A conceptual and historical framework. ( 6) pages

1.1 Terrorism and its evolution. ( around14 pages)

1.2 Main pillars of counter-terrorism strategies. ( around 14 pages)

Chapter one with 30 pages with at least ( 40 references) ( books , essays , thesis, conferences ..etc)

Chapter Two: counter-terrorism strategies revisited.

2.1 The US strategies of counter-terrorism since 2001.

2.2 The UN counter-terrorism strategies since 2001.

2.3 The European counter-terrorism strategies since 2001.

The second chapter should be around 40 pages encompasses and includes:

1- The US National strategy for combating Terrorism since 2001 till 20018. With 25 pages.

2- UN strategies with 10 pages include the documentation of the united nation regarding the topic.2001-2018.

3- EU strategy with 10 pages includes the documentation of EU. 2001-2018.

4- Contains statistics ( charts, figures, table …etc )of terrorist attacks. Global terrorism index , START , RAND ..etc

Conclusion: around 5 pages. I will send my findings need to be corrected or replaced according to the opinion and suggestions of the writer.


Legalization of Marijuana and Part II Index Crimes OR Racial Disparities and the Death Penatly

I attempted this topic with my college, but they said I was not meeting the checklist requirements. They said they believe the topic could work, but I need to make it fit within the specific template. I then made another attempt with a different topic (racial disparities) and still received poor feedback. I am definitely willing to change topics if this does not work. I have attached the checklist, the grading rubric, and the last feedback for both topics. Like I said, if these two topics won’t work, I am perfectly fine switching to a different topic. At this point, I’m just ready to finish this successfully.