Business Valuation of Nantucket Nectars

I need to answer the following questions. It would be helpful to have someone who knows business valuations for example concepts around: IPO, Capitalized earnings, Price-earnings ratio (P-E), Rate of return, Discount rate, Book value.

What should Tom and Tom do and why? Along the way, you should consider:
1. What are the pros and cons for Nantucket Nectars remaining independent? For doing an IPO? For selling?
2. Acting as an adviser to the company, what is Nantucket Nectars worth? To whom? Why?

Realism, Naturalism, Modernism

See attached example annotated bibliography and use these links and use these scholarly sources:

Epic Heroes Annotated Bibliography

Consider the following epic stories and the heroes within them: The Illiad, Sundiata, The Song of Roland, Paradise Lost, Medea, and Antigone. Develop a research question (or prompt) that requires you to discuss the significance of how four of them complement one another thematically. State a thesis or argument that effectively answers the question you ask yourself. After that, create an annotated bibliography comprised of at least five scholarly or professional articles or books (in addition to the stories). For each annotation, briefly summarize the content of the respective text then thoroughly explain how it would be useful in supporting or demonstrating your thesis (the theme). You’ll need specific quotes from the texts to help you make your point.

I am uploading the last annotated bibliography I submitted for this class and the feedback I got from it so you have something to go off of. It was the same assignment but on sacred texts instead of the stories listed above.


America is Obsessed with Serial Killers

Why do serial murderers maintain such an enduring grip on the American psyche? Draw from the video to answer the question.

Street Codes: Code of the Street – Elijah Anderson

Elijah Anderson, a well known ethnographer and sociologists has been a prominent figure in the social science community for his exploration of inner-city culture. Based on the video, what is the code of the streets? Why, according to Anderson and his research participants, does the code of the streets take on a prominent role for some communities? How, if at all, is the code of the streets related to street violence?

Answer both question in 5-6 sentences each.

Information Technology Management

What is the difference between data warehousing and database? How can they both help organizations access the information they need?

No references needed.

Please read below material to be able to answer. Below attachments are course materials.

Psychology – A Model of Self-Control in regards to spending behaviours

The final paper focuses on a particular area of self-regulation studied over the term (the area of choice will be spending). You will identify your topic of interest and develop a model explaining the behaviour or adaptive process through a self-regulation lens. You will argue for your model using the research literature reviewed over the course of the term and any additional material you find necessary to support your model.
Sections within the paper should include:
Introduction – introducing the topic to the reader and why the topic is important. Include relevant citations.
Model – a diagram of your model of self-regulation along with a narrative description and explanation of how the model works to explain.
Literature Review – a critical, integrated review of research findings supporting your model. Do not summarize papers one by one; rather, integrate the findings of the papers organized according to the structure and relationships in your model. Your review should be a coherent narrative that supports your model, but also qualifies any areas where conflicting findings and/or limited research findings are evident.
Conclusion – summarize your model, implications for interventions, and gaps in knowledge and understanding based on your evaluation of the literature reviewed.

Materials provided:
I have attached the articles we have read for the area of spending along with the models which we have created from the information withdrawn (the significant results found within the articles aided us to included what was relevant towards understanding what leads to failure in self-control/self-regulation). The first week we were assigned 3 articles to which the first model was drawn and then another week we were assigned another 3 articles to which a newer model was drawn with the option of including previous information from the older model. From these two models provided a newer one has to be derived. I have also provided a foundational article on Theory Mapping itself along with two conceptual papers. These conceptual papers provide a consistent structure on how the paper should be where the authors introduce the problem, describe the model, review the evidence in support of the model (and where there might be uncertainties) and finally a conclusion.

The learning objectives are also attached where the paper will be evaluated to the extent it successfully meets them. The grading rubric is attached as well.