

In this activity, you will show that you can identify and discuss the THEMES of a book, and find evidence to support the accuracy of your claims about a book’s theme.
Watch the video to help you understand the concept of theme.
Most longer texts, such as novels, feature more than one theme. In this activity, you will be required to show your understanding of TWO THEMES that are important in the book you selected.
PRESENT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN A SLIDE SHOW (PowerPoint or Prezi) (repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for the second theme)
slide 1. identify the BOOK that you read
slide 2. present a KEYWORD or TERM that represents a topic or idea important in the book (expressed in one word, for example, “love”)
below/beside that word or term, make a THEME STATEMENT (related to the keyword or term) that captures a universal or overarching message that the story expresses. This theme statement will be one or two sentences. Do not reference character names or plot events in the book… for example: “trying to avoid the pain of loss by refusing to allow oneself to love or be loved will only result in greater pain”.
slide 3,4. EXPLAIN HOW your chosen book communicates this theme, both indirectly and also directly, if both are applicable. Use at least TWO EXAMPLES from the book for each theme.
Show use of INFERENCING skills, using critical analysis to suggest themes that are based on accumulated evidence rather than overt statements — many texts, especially complex works of art such as novels and films, do not directly or overtly state their themes.
FORMAT: slide show, video, Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.. a format that includes multi-media elements (minimum requirement: words and images… optional enriched content might include video and audio)


This experiment is regarding IONIC COMPOUNDS AND PRESENCE OF IONS. I going to send to you the result kindly just discuss the result . Could you just copy paste the method and there is not a word count as well .

Abstract and Intro only

please see uploaded file (labeled, vignette case conceptualization) I need only an abstract and intro based off of the file provided. no style, no citations, nothing fancy. this is paper is in its infancy stage and evolving. Abstract should not be longer than 250 words (can be shorter though)

Module 6 Short Answer 3

See attached.

For each question, you will: (4 points for each question): correctly and thoroughly respond to the question, provide appropriate examples as required, and demonstrate an understating of the subject matter of the question.

You will also ensure writing mechanics (2 points): Demonstrate knowledge and use of writing mechanics to enhance the readability.

Finally, you will provide support for responses (2 points): Uses professional sources to support responses. Cites sources using good APA style. Place all responses into a single Word document for submission.

Click on the following document to access the data for this exercise: *HRM 4150 Data for M6-8.xlsxPreview the document

Focusing on the “March” data only, answer the following questions:

1. What is the formula to calculate “Average Acceptance Rate?” What was Joe’s Average Acceptance Rate for March? What was the overall department’s average (all recruiters)? What does this indicate?
2. What is the formula to calculate “Average Candidates per Hire?” What was Carly’s Average Candidates per Hire for March? What was the overall department’s average (all recruiters)? What does this indicate?
3. What is the formula to calculate “Average Time to Hire (days)?” What was Sam’s Average Time to Hire (days) for March? What was the overall department’s average (all recruiters)? What does this indicate?
4. What is the formula to calculate “Average Applicants per Hire?” What was Molly’s Average Applicants per Hire for March? What was the overall department’s average (all recruiters)? What does this indicate?

book Molecular Pathology Laboratory Management page 967 & table 62.4 Answer the questions of a table

• background( Theoretical information concerning the disorder and the test).
• Principle of examination :Description of how the restriction enzyme detects the specific mutation
• Examination summary: Characteristics of the restriction-based assay used
• Clinical importance: Use of the test for patient care
• strategy for Analysis : Overview of the testing steps (i.e., extraction, PCR amplification, digestion, gel electrophoresis
• Collecting or obtaining samples: Description of acceptable specimen type, storage, shipment, and required clinical information
• Criteria for rejected samples: Description of unacceptable samples (i.e., specific specimen types, improper labeling, damage
• Equipment and supplies; List of equipment necessary for testing (i.e., PCR machine, gel electrophoresis
• Reagents; List of reagents used for each test step (e.g., PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, gel electrophoresis equipment
• Assay procedure : Description of the testing steps, including general considerations, sample preparation, pre-PCR preparation and setup, thermal cycling, PCR cleanup, PCR product digestion, gel preparation and electrophoresis, gel documentation.
• Analysis of the results: Description of expected results, control results, criteria for gel analysis and interpretation, documentation of results in the LIS and laboratory database, if used
• Turnaround time and schedule sample for retaining seimen: Expected turnaround time for the specific test, specimen and DNA storage, and schedule for retaining the specimen and DNA
• References: Literature or commercial-based information
• Appendix; E.g., the worksheet for the specific test, the manufacturer’s product insert

Project Management

Project Management Assignment: • Total Word count is 3,000 words. +/-10% either side of the word count is deemed to be acceptable. Any text that exceeds an additional 10% will not attract any marks. • Word count excludes text in tables, figures, the list of references, and appendices

This assignment is a two part portfolio focusing on: • Part A: Project Management Review • Part B: Project Plan Development

Multiple Choice Questions

This is an question – answer type essay. I have uploaded the questions and the paper that i need to reference. No more than three pages, 1.25 spacing. Also require three other sources of information.

writers choice

please follow prompts that are attached thoroughly
5 cited sources and 5 entries for annotated bibliography

Reactivity of metals

This experiment is regarding Reactivity of metals . I am going to sent to you the result in the power point . In slides 2 and 3 are the results of the tables kindly discuss the results . You can copy paste the method there is not a word count as well.