How might the psychological contract of public sector workers be more effectively managed?

The essay needs to answer the question: How might the psychological contract of public sector workers be more effectively managed?

It should use most of the following references, but not only those exclusively:

Conway, N. and Briner, R. (2012) Fifty Years of Psychological Contract Research: What Do We Know and What are the Main Challenges? International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Conway, N., Kiefer, T., Hartley, J. and Briner, R. (2014) Doing More with Less? Employee Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach via Target Similarity or Spillover during Public Sector Organizational Change, British Journal of Management, Vol. 25, 737–754

Constaing, S. (2006) The Effects of Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Public Service Motivation on Organization Commitment in the French Civil Services, Public Policy and Administration, 21(1)

Conway. N. T and Coyle-Shapiro, N. (2012) The reciprocal relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and employee performance and the moderating role of perceived organizational support, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85:2, 277–299

Coyle-Shapiro, J. and Kessler, I. (2003) The Employment Relationship in the UK public sector: A psychological contract perspective, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 13(2) 213-30.

Cullinane, N. and Dundon, T. (2006) The psychological contract: A critical review, International Journal of Management Reviews 8(2)Guest, D. (2004). “The psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract”. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (4): 541-555

Guest, D. and Conway, N. (2002) Communicating the Psychological Contract: An Employer Perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 12(2), 22-38

O’Donnell, M. and Shields J. (2002) Performance Management and the Psychological Contract in the Australian Federal Public Sector, Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3)

I attached a Powerpoint on the topic for reference

Economics engineering

Analyze this case study by: Introduction: name problems to the case study, body: proposed solution to the problem. And conclusion

MBA project – Managing Organizational Behavior Class

Please refer to the case: “Hancock Products, Inc.” (Answer Q1, Q2, Q3)

This is a project for the managing organizational behavior MBA class. There are no outside references needed for this project other than class discussions and readings. I attached a file that includes some of the class discussions and also attached some files from the readings from the class. It is very critical to use and reference the discussions and some of the many readings attached. Please refer to those things when doing the project. I attached plenty of readings that were offered for the course, so please just use some of them for reference. I also attached the main case “Hancock Products, Inc.” Also, you might want to reference to my current career sometimes if needed. Just to give you an insight of what I do, I am a relationship banker at Chase Bank which is mainly a sales position (investments and deposit products).

The questions of the project are?

Q1. How should Bill Phillips lead and manage the change at Hancock? Discuss a set of actions that need to be taken to resolve the problems at Hancock. Use examples and insights from readings and class discussion forums as part of your answer (40% weight).

Q2. Consider in more depth the readings and class discussion forums on leadership: How are insights from various authors and class discussion forums useful for understanding the role of leadership in this situation. (40% weight)

Q3. Suppose this event occurred in another country or geographical area, such Germany, Japan, India, China (you can chose a particular country), would Bill Phillip’s CFO career get derailed? Why or why not? What is your definition of derailment? (20% weight).

The Plight of Public Employee Unions and Public Pensions”.

Do you think public employees run a risk of becoming more isolated from private sector workers who don’t have pensions and aren’t in unions? Why? Why not?

Why is it wrong that the unions use legal challenges in court as a primary strategy to achieve their goals?

Why should public employees not receiving such life-long defined benefit-pensions? Explain why it places a burden on the younger taxpayer generations?

Find a pension plans offered to the employees of your local government of Florida that is extremely to much for a public employee. Explain What you think about them?

Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide

1. State End of Life medical ethics issue and write a paragraph explaining why you have chosen this medical ethics issue to research.
2. In your own words, describe the difference between euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Select an argument for or against either euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. How would you defend your argument?

Evolution of Transportation Trucks

Evolution of Transportation Trucks from Diesel to more renewable energy options such as Electric, Propane, Etc. Teacher states that I need incorporate players in the market and results of each. Please include diesel trucks that haul commercial products. (18 wheelers) Sorry this is a little vague.


Students will each write a research paper, approximately ten (10) to twelve (12) pages in length, double spaced, on a transportation topic of his or her choice. See the assignment page for submission. Only need the topic, not an outline.
Strongly consider narrowing your selected topic. For example the history of railroading is much too broad versus history of railroading from 1825 – 1869. Same with electric cars. Electric cars data back to the late 1800’s. A better approach would be partnerships between auto manufacturers between 2010 – 2020. Students are encouraged to utilize the resources of the UMSL Mercantile or Ellis Library which are available online as well as on UMSL campus. Each paper should demonstrate critical thinking on the chosen topic and include some historical analysis, the reason for selection, personal interest and relevance to class material.

Thank you so much and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Limitations of Technology

For this project, you will assume a position of a law enforcement agency employee. You are required to research and present an examination of an actual detection, inspection, or surveillance tool that will increase the capability of an agency to identify or thwart threats that would cause considerable damage to a populace if successful. In addition to the technological capabilities and the expected result, consider the cost to an agency in monetary terms, goodwill to the public, and consequences if the tool is or is not purchased and deployed.

Also, research the way 2–3 detection, inspection, or surveillance technologies are moving to ensure security of the United States and ways to mitigate potential threats to security. You should pursue a corresponding humanistic (legal or ethical) approach to ensure that the technology being used for security does not, at the same time, take away or infringe upon the basic natural rights of people. You must address the technologies with regard to physical, legal, ethical, technological, and human use limitations.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in a research paper of 750–1,000 words:
Describe and summarize your selected detection, inspection, or surveillance technology that could be used to increase law enforcement agency capabilities.
How exactly will the technology be able to improve the ability of an agency to prevent or mitigate catastrophic events? Explain.
Consider the following when evaluating the technology:
Monetary costs
Benefits to civilian populations
Consequences of not implementing the technology
Next, select and briefly summarize 2–3 different detection, inspection, or surveillance technologies that are currently being used to ensure the security of the United States.
Address the following questions for each of the selected technologies:
How expensive and complex is the technology? Explain.
What are the implications of the technology with regard to citizens’ rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution? Explain.
What unethical activities could the use of this technology facilitate? Explain.
How can human error play a role in the use of this technology? Explain.
Compile your responses into the final research paper, and submit the file to your instructor.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Limitations of Technology

Evaluating Surveillance, Detection, and Inspection Technology

History shows us that the average length of an empire through time is 250–300 years. In the year 2010, the United States became 234 years old (counting from July 4, 1776). The United States has built walls of concrete and steel along the U.S.–Mexico border and mined the area of the wall with the latest technology of seismic alarms and surveillance equipment, including cameras, satellites, and unmanned aircraft. This is all in an attempt to stop the illegal flow of traffic into and out of the United States.

How much privacy and freedom are people willing to sacrifice in the name of security? Since the 1970s, technology has grown rapidly, moving the world into a technical dependence, creating a society dependent on technology for everything from cooking to national security. Along with that dependence, however, is an equally sizable payout—the loss of individual privacy and freedom.

Do the ethical and constitutional issues of the Bill of Rights take a secondary position to the overall picture of homeland security? It appears to some that many rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are being endangered in the rush to create a totally secure homeland.

The primary motivation for the creation of the concept of homeland security was to detect, deter, and deny terrorist activity against the United States. With the rapidly growing dependence on technology and implementation of restrictions on the individual, can it be argued that the terrorists have won?

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

How much further can surveillance, detection, and inspection technologies advance?
What new efficient and practical additions, if any, can be implemented?
Has the United States become a modern-day Roman Empire, falling into decline?
Consider the economy, use of military technology on U.S. soil, surveillance of citizens, civil and human rights, and technological and military advancement of other nations.
Is technological dependence a serious issue for the world? Why or why not?
How much national security is sufficient?
Will people ever feel secure enough to stop implementation of advanced surveillance, detection, and inspection technologies on U.S. soil? Why or why not?
Is there an ideal balance of security and freedom? Explain.
What do you think is next with regard to further technological advancements and implementation as they relate to constitutional rights and regulatory legislation? Explain and support.

Child Marriage

Please write about child marriage!

Write a paper that specifically focuses topics related to child abuse. Try to pick a topic that was either not covered or only minimally covered in the text. Narrow your topic will help keep your research and writing more focused. You may find ideas on the topics covered in the texts. Remember to cite the text if you use one or both. You should reference at least 3 other journal articles (from professional journals). Illustrations from the popular media are also useful, but will not be counted as your 3 required journal articles. If you are having trouble narrowing you focus, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please see rubric for additional grading criteria.

Social policy

give one example of how
racial/ethnic groups were unfairly treated by a particular social policy and what changes or new policies were created to solve that problem.