Notable Minority in U.S. History

Throughout each era in history, there have been people who have impacted the course of history. These people have been remembered and studied and are now part of the narrative of our country’s story. Many of the people that have shaped our history are less known and not studied in traditional U.S. history classes.

1. Find a gender/race/ethnic Minority person in history from the 1700s through the 2000s that have made contributions in the United States but is not studied in U.S. history courses. Investigate a person who has had a significant
influence in shaping America, but has not been amply studied.

2. Create an argument as to why you believe the person you’ve chosen should be studied in U.S. history courses. Argue the reasons why you think their contribution to America should be noted, studied and even celebrated.


a. Biographical Information

Include the person’s people group (gender, ethnic background, cultural background, etc..).
Location in the U.S.
Migration experience
Struggles (social, political, etc.)

b. Historical Context

Content should include a brief background of the person.
What were the societal context and the time period in which he/she lived in?
What was going on that was historically significant? How did he/she affect that particular era?

c. Notable Contributions to U.S. History

What did they do that was significant and why was it significant?
What area of society did they contribute to? (education, justice, poverty, law, politics, science etc…)

d. Argument articulating why this person should be studied

What ongoing legacy do they have or should they have?
How if at all, did the faith of this person influence their actions? Did their faith have anything to do with why they helped others?

Week 6 Medication Paper Rough Draft

please open all additional material files.
you did all part of this paper last weeks. this is the rough draft. i attached all parts of this paper that you already did weeks ago.
thank you.

Incentive plan

Part A – Give your opinion

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Individual incentive plans are less preferable than group incentives and companywide incentives.” Explain what you see are the major differences and explain why you agree or disagree.

Part B – Apply your opinion

You own Falzer’s Tool Coating Company, a high-tech firm specializing in the coating of cutting tools (e.g. drill bits, cutting blades) to provide longer life before re-sharpening is needed. You are concerned that the competition continues to develop new coating methods and new applications of coating in different industries. You want to create a work environment where employees offer more new product ideas and suggest new industries where these ideas might be applied. What type of variable compensation plan will you recommend? Specifically address whether you think an individual or group incentive plan should be applied in this case, and why.

Please cite Compensation textbook by Newman, Gerhart, & Milkovich. I attached a copy of the textbook. Please also cite two scholarly articles. Thanks


For this assignment you will read a news article and use your knowledge gained from the lectures and the Dobe/Ju’hoansi book to write an essay. The topic of the essay is the future of “uncontacted” native cultures in the Amazon. Based on what you have read in the Dobe book, lecture material, and the “Last of the Hiding Tribes” video evaluate the article and make a prediction what the outcome(s) of contact between these native Amazonian groups and outsiders will be. Explain why you predict these outcomes with concepts related to contact between “traditional” societies and modern nation states. Be sure to address differences between the “natives” and “outsiders” (type of society, population, political/social organization, subsistence and economy, etc.) and how these influence the outcome. Please limit your essay to no more than two hand written pages.
– the notes and article are attached to this assignment

254 4.2 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)

Read the fact sheets from NASA. Write a one-page (not including cover and reference pages) APA-formatted report on structural and aerodynamic research conducted by the NACA.

Write a one-page summary report (not including your cover page and reference pages) on NACA’s structural and aerodynamic research, APA formatted. The in-text citation requires validating your comments.

Financial Management

Manage Finance: budgeting, financial forecasting, reporting, contributing to financial bids, allocating funds & managing resources.



RWrite your reflection on the graphic organizers activity you completed. Head your paper with your name, date, FEAP standard(s), and Performance Indicator(s) for this course. Your reflection should be a minimum of two paragraphs or half a page. The first paragraph should explain the meaning of the FEAP and the second paragraph should explain how your artifact shows that you have mastered the FEAP and the Performance Indicator(s)


1) How do students responses indicate their understanding of content and skills being taught?
2)What metacognitive skills were modeled during lesson (e.g. think aloud)?


• Explore how privacy has changed in response to digital technology and dataveillance.
• Describe what the future of privacy looks like
• Discuss whether or not there a need to rethink the concept of privacy in the digital age? Why or why not?
This paper will need to include both valid references and also some of your own thinking outside the box, just make sure to make a valid defense of what you develop from your own thoughts if there is no reference to back it up!

Types of Bonus plans

Watch the following video:

The video notes a change in the usage and popularity of the four types of bonus plans outlined. Explain what you attribute this change to? What implications does this change have to employees? What implications does this change have to employers?
Please cite Compensation textbook by Newman, Gerhart, and Milkovich I have attached a copy of the book. ANd cite two other scholarly articles. THanks