See the screen shot,png. (font size 11)Choose only one of the following topics.

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:
 Groundwater overdraft in China
 Drought and food supply
 Management of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in raw water
 Recreational use of reservoirs in Hong Kong
 Flood management and its impact on freshwater biodiversity
 Management of pharmaceutical wastewater
 Waterborne diseases and religions
2. Your essay should include the following points:
 Description/overview of the issue(s) of concern, with real examples as a
case study
 Challenges associated with the management of said issue(s)
 Recommendation on how the management can be improved

writers choice

The topic for this choice is at the student’s discretion. This essay must be an argument written for a secular audience and include all the elements of formal written argument (see Handbook), including a refutation. It must also be on a subject that you have not previously written on, and for this choice, you may not use a source from the assigned texts.
The past topics i have written about is gender equality, hate speech, social media, and gun violence so these topics are out of the question.
I am aiming for a B to A- on this assignment.
I’ve attached one of my C grade papers for reference on my writing skills so that you can write a paper that wont compromise my integrity. Thank you.

Leadership and Teamwork in a healthcare organization

Analyse, develop, and solve, a case study related to leadership and teamwork in a healthcare organization of my choice – Currently, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi that has the concept of Cleveland Ohio values and mission. The objective is to analyze leadership and teamwork systems in a healthcare environment and make specific recommendations as to how both may be improved for the benefit of the organization and the workforce as a whole.
I will probably need to provide specific information or I will add after if needed.

A Right to Healthcare?

Controversy in Public Health

Students will identify a current controversy or ethical dilemma within public health and write a short research paper on the topic. The paper will include 1) background of the issue, 2) at least two different positions taken on the issue (“Some say… However, others say…”), and 3) your own opinion on the issue and why you hold that opinion. Guidelines for the assignment will be shared in class and posted to Canvas. This assignment should be submitted to Canvas.

While the mission of public health is to ensure the health of populations, this mission is often complicated by ethical considerations and controversy. Please read the prompts below and respond to one of them by answering the underlined question. Your response should be 1 – 2 pages and follow APA format. While citations are not required, if you use citations, please put them in APA format. A grading rubric is included below.

Scenario 2: A Right to Health Care?

In the United States, access to health care is mostly determined by whether you have health insurance. But today, roughly 30 million Americans do not have access to health insurance. Another roughly 30 million Americans are underinsured; that is, they have health insurance, but their insurance is inadequate because either it is too expensive to use (high premiums, co-pays, and/or deductibles) or it does not cover all of their health needs. In this respect, the US is unique among high-income countries, which provide universal access to health care for all of their citizens and often to non-citizens as well. During the democratic primaries for the 2020 presidential election, the candidates will debate various ways of increasing access to health care. “Medicare for All,” is a policy that would create a single form of health insurance that is run by the government and that everyone can have access to. Various other Democratic policy proposals also seek to increase access to health care. However, some argue that access to health care is not a right and that just because someone does not have access to health care does not mean that society or the government is obligated to provide it to them. Instead, they argue that health care is a privilege that is only for those who have enough money to purchase it or who have jobs that offer health insurance.

Is access to health care is a human right or a privilege? Discuss.

Grading Rubric

2 points – A very brief background of the issue is presented in the student’s own words
3 points – Two opposing perspectives on a public health issue are clearly presented
3 points – The student clearly provides their own opinion
1 point – All formatting requirements are followed
1 point – The paper is free of grammatical errors

Importance of HPE in the School Curriculum

Part A … Importance of HPE in the school curriculum.
Part B … Do a ‘30 minute’ Lesson Plan

Part A … You will rationalise the importance of Health and Physical Education (HPE) in the school curriculum.

Part B … Develop a ‘30 minute’ physical education lesson plan that support students’ well-being and safety working within the school curriculum.

Below is Part A
1. Rationalise and explain why HPE is a compulsory learning area (Prep to Year 10) in the school curriculum for all Victorian students to an audience of parents.

2. You will need to convince them why HPE should be valued and is an important part of the school curriculum.

3. Use contemporary research evidence related to children’s health and wellbeing, and what they will learn in HPE to support your argument.

4. You could look at how learning in HPE can be transferred across other subject areas/curriculum.

Note Well:
Be positive- HPE is NOT about ‘reducing obesity’ rates or managing diseases.

5. Focus on understanding the aims, philosophy of the Victorian Curriculum Health & Physical Education and/or the Australian Curriculum Health & Physical Education.

Font: New Times Romans,
Font size: 11-12,
Double spaced,
820 words in Part A
Write 4-5 paragraphs including Introduction 50 words and Conclusion 50 words
Use at least 5 references/evidence to support your argument (References must be in-text and in the reference list and must be Peer Reviewed Scholarly references.
References in APA format