business environment

I have to submit an assignment written in Harward academic style i did attached the assignment brief for this assignment.
Keep in mind the assignment is divided in two parts


Using information from your learning resources this week, what condition or situation in the world today calls out for a social movement aimed at change? Why is change necessary? If you could start this social movement, what activities would you instigate to help bring about this change?

Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese State Owned Firms Investing in Africa

The purpose of the study is to provide further research concerning China’s increasing interest and investment in Africa, and the sustainability. From initial research, there is the observation that fragile economies are in a poor bargaining power and accept low prices for the sale of its natural resource, in order to try and raise capital for economic growth. From initial observations, after china has made its investment, profits are circulated back to China, and the product / service is exported out of the host country, therefore limiting the positive impact of China’s investment on economic growth. The research will further explore if this theory is true and to what extent.
In order to understand the link, context on china’s economic growth and as a result its motivations for investment abroad will be explained. Furthermore, the dissertation will explain for what reasons china has chosen to invest in Africa.
It will also look into the CSR theories that Chinese SOE’s have adopted as they face pressure over poor working conditions and health and safety standards. This dissertation will focus on Chinese state owned enterprises as they are the firms investing heavily into infrastructure and natural resource extraction, and private businesses tend to be in the services sector. There will be a case study on the Chambishi mine in Zambia, where following an explosion and shooting where Zambian workers were killed, the Zambian government has insisted Chinese firms now perform CSR. I will analyse the gap between formulation of CSR policies and the implementation in the African countries china has invested in, and in the conclusion will provide recommendations on how it could be more successful.

More Advanced Optimization

Advanced optimization techniques are often necessary to solve real problems in health care. Techniques like goal programming and data envelopment analysis are often used to solve multiple objective problems, such as minimizing cost while maximizing access measures. Other advanced techniques are often required for problems that sometimes seem straightforward. Although you may not encounter the use of advanced optimization techniques on a day-to-day basis, understanding the methodology and application of these techniques is a valuable skill for the healthcare administration leader.
For this Assignment, Reflect on, and consider, the advanced optimization techniques highlighted. Think about how you might apply these advanced optimization techniques to healthcare delivery challenges in a health services organization.
****For Chapter 14, problems 80 and 90, you will need to download the files P14_80.xlsx and P14_90.xlsx from the textbook companion website (ATTACHMENTS)
****The Assignment: (3 PAGE WORD DOCUMENT)
Complete Problem 80 (pharmaceutical company) and Problem 90 (brain tumor) on pages 751 and 753 of your course text. (PROBLEMS IN THE ATTACHMENTS PDF 40)

Cosmetic Psychopharmacology

1. Provide relevant background information on your topic, including why it is an important area of study. Be sure to use appropriate professional (not websites) references as sources of background information and cite them in the text.
2. Explain the specific research question or thesis that will be addressed by your review and the organization of the review (for example, are you addressing a controversy, a timeline, comparing two drug treatments, different methodologies used in the research, etc.?).
3. Describe the previous research on the topic, including the research methods used and the results of the research, based on at least 5 primary research articles. The idea here is to synthesize information from the studies. Do NOT take the approach of describing one study per paragraph. Instead group studies based on similar methodologies or similar results.
4. Evaluate/critique the research studies.
5. Describe your final conclusion based on all of the studies reviewed.
6. Discuss the real-world implications of the research.
7. Discuss possible future directions of the research.