Curriculum Implementation

(1) Rewrite the appended sample paper in order to bring down the percentage of similarity.
(2) The main ideas in the sample paper MUST remain the same.

Draft of Research Essay (How to Stop and Prevent Cyberbullying in Social Media)

The short of it: Write a research essay about the topic that you wrote your annotated bibliography
about. This research essay should include a unique thesis, a logical argument built with sources, a
naysayer, and a conclusion that answers the question, “So what?”
The long of it: You spent the annotated bibliography unit doing research on your topic. Now, you’re
going to take that research and formulate it into an approximately 7-10 pages research essay that
moves the field forward. I’m going to be looking for the following elements: unique thesis, logical
argument using sources, a naysayer, and a conclusion that answers the question, “So what?”

● Unique thesis: I want your argument to be something new, something unique, something
that you want to argue. You’ve spent a lot of time researching this topic–now is your time to
flesh out your own ideas about this subject.

● Logical argument using sources: When using sources, think about the way that the research
essays that we’ve read have used sources. They should be used in support of your own

● A naysayer: Think about what you read in Chapter 6 of “They Say, I Say.” Including someone
who doesn’t agree with your argument can make your argument that much stronger.

● A conclusion that tackles the question, “So what?”: Think about what you read in chapter 7
of “They Say, I Say.” When discussing the “So what?” you’re really thinking about why the
argument that you’re making matters.

Attached below research documents that you will be need to use and follow up on reading this draft.
Thank you

How do people become bullies

I have attached all articles to be read for this paper these are the articles I have found, plus attached the lit review outline he sent us.

Remember your literature review will be about the Factors that Contribute to Bullying. So far, I have asked you to search for articles that define bullying to help you with the introduction of your paper.

Before the break, I asked you to also look for articles that provide background work on bullying so you should be doing that. In a nutshell, you need to find psychology papers that provide either:

A biological/genetics/nature explanation for why people are aggressive, and other papers that can explain why some people might become bullies.

Social/cultural/nurture explanation for why people are aggressive, and other apers that can explain why some people might become bullies. This section can also provide an explanation for “how” people learn to become bullies.

My suggestion is to find at least 2 papers for each of the two points listed above, and begin reading them in preparation for writing your literature review.

The structure of the paper will be to start with an introduction where you will define bullying, its significance and importance for us in society to learn about it, and some background work that’s been done to understand it.

You’ll end that introduction by discussing the general outline for the rest of the literature review. In short, you’ll be describing the nature explanation in the next section followed by the nurture explanations in the 3rd section. You’ll be using the articles that you found to provide support for your sections.

The final section is a general writeup and discussion that describes solutions and treatments to prevent bullying not when you see it happening, but rather to stop bullies from existing altogether based on the readings (and not your personal opinions). If there is none, you have to provide a rationale (again based on the readings you provided).

Your final literature review paper and I’ll provide a TurnItIn link as we get closer to that date. The final paper can be any number of pages that is longer than 6 double spaced, Times New Roman font.

Enquiry Domain

Writing about Enquiry
Hopefully the class activities have helped you think about what it means to take an inquiry-based stance in your work. Now it’s time to draft your introduction to this section of your KEEPS portfolio. This piece of writing should address the following questions (please do not “answer” the questions in list form — these are GUIDELINES to the kinds of things that should be addressed.)

• How would you define Enquiry? How has this domain been defined for you via LIU coursework and assignments. Be sure to draw attention to where your understanding and the academic standing converge and differ.
• What ideas about Enquiry particularly engage you?
• What is your understanding of Enquiry as it relates to teaching?
• In what way does Enquiry manifest in your teaching practice?
• Have your ideas about Enquiry changed over the course of the program? How?
• What questions persist for you?

Keep in mind that the domain addresses both the inquiry you do you’re your teaching practice, and your ability to enact inquiry-based learning in your classroom. Reflect upon your strengths and areas of growth for you in relation to the claims.

You are expected to incorporate ideas from the reading that you have done for TAL 971/975 and/or that you have encountered in other courses and contexts (including your personal life.) Be sure to cite sources appropriately using APA format. You must incorporate AT LEAST 3 SOURCES in your domain narrative.

These drafts should be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, using correct APA format.

I have attached a sample essay for you to use a guideline.