Sport Leadership

Part I- Research and provide detailed discussion which includes summaries of minimum TWO scholarly articles relating to the importance of “Building a Culture of Success in Sport” and the challenges and importance of “Changes, Turnaround, and Crisis Leadership in Sport.”

Part II- Discuss which leadership strategy, concept, behavior or style (coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, or coaching) you would employ to be most effective for a specific work environment. Provide rationale. Provide examples, or current sport situations based on the chosen leadership concepts from above (“Building a Culture of Success in Sport” and “Changes, Turnaround, and Crisis Leadership in Sport”).

Follow correct APA format. Minimum 9 double-spaced, typed pages (excludes cover page and reference list). Minimum 8 scholarly sources in your reference list. Include cover page.

Cultural Counseling Presentation

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing your cultural background (in addition, you should include a title slide and reference slide in your presentation). When discussing your culture, consider components of yourself such as race, ethnicity, religion, spiritual heritage, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, socioeconomic status, traditions, and family heritage. (Please see attachment for most answers)

Include the following in your presentation:
Communication styles of your culture (verbal and nonverbal)
Parts of your culture you are proud of
Parts of your culture that you would like to improve
Stereotypes toward your culture
Stereotypes held within your culture
How your culture perceives substance use. Are there any traditional uses of substances that are deemed culturally acceptable?
How your culture perceives counseling
How your cultural background will influence your ability to counsel someone from your culture and someone from another culture
Speaker notes that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person
APA format is required and at least 2 scholarly references in your presentation.

change theories

Compare and contrast two change theories, and determine which theory makes the most sense for implementing your specific EBP project. Why? Has your mentor used either theory, and to what result?

I work in a ER in arizona as an RN, apparently I am supposed to have a Mentor through this. so keep it hypothetical. I am consistently using you to get through these papers and you have been SO freaking helpful. focusing on external female catheter to avoid CAUTI.

Lovely Still

In Lovely Still, Mary, introduces herself to man in her neighborhood, and an initial attraction leads to a burgeoning romance. Her adult daughter clearly opposes the budding romance. Do you think her daughter’s concern is justified? Why, or why not? Who is this man? Is he really a new acquaintance? Discuss the ethical and metaphysical issues that emerge as the plot unfolds. (5:3,4)

EBP implementation

Why is understanding the health care system at the local level important to consider when planning an EBP implementation? Conduct research and solicit anecdotal evidence from your course mentor that you will take into consideration for your own change project.

I work in a ER in arizona as an RN, apparently I am supposed to have a Mentor through this. so keep it hypothetical. I am consistently using you to get through these papers and you have been SO freaking helpful. focusing on external female catheter to avoid CAUTI.

Thanks again!

Asset Allocation Project

Assignment: Equity Analyst Project: Individual Asset Allocation Exercise
To enable the student to demonstrate proficiency in the first stage of a top-down, three-stage valuation analysis: analysis of investment prospects in the U.S. macroeconomy.

This individual assignment involves an analysis of general economic conditions or systematic risk, i.e., the risk that affects all industries and companies, in the U.S. macroeconomy. You will be asked to determine in percentage terms an optimal allocation of $1,000,000 among the following three asset classes: U.S. equities, U.S. Treasury bonds, and cash. The goal is to maximize your expected return over the next 12 months. You will be asked to write a 1 page business brief providing your analysis of the asset classes’ prospects and your justification of your allocation among them.

Discussion Week 1/Prompt


In our textbook, read Erin Brodwin’s article on pages 81-82, titled “The Secret to Efficient Teamwork is Ridiculously Simple.”
In a well-developed paragraph of at least 150 words, incorporating and using in-text citations to document examples from our readings, respond to one of the questions below:

What is Brodwin’s claim?
What reasons does Brodwin provide to support her claim? Does she offer evidence to support it? Is support needed?
Do you agree with Brodwin’s claim? Explain why or why not, providing your own reasoning for the conclusion you draw.

Brodwin, E. (2019). The secret to efficient teamwork is ridiculously simple. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader (pp. 81-82). New York: McGraw Hill.

Becoming an Expat

This is Human Geogrpahy Research Paper. We went on a field Trip to Nerja Spain where we had the research question of Becoming an expat. we had to do interviews regarding expats in the area. These interviews will be sent. The max word count is 3000. This includes the Abstract, Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Data analysis and discussion and conclusion. I will send a guidline paper including all of this. I will alsi send my one of my groups paper so you can see and compare it. But pleasde do not copy becasue that will be detected.