Professional ePortfolio

For this assessment, your ePortfolio will focus on showcasing your growth and accomplishments in the context of the following course competencies:

Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.
Competency 6: Collaborate interprofessionally to improve patient and population outcomes.
Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.
For each competency, complete the following in your ePortfolio:

Create an area in your ePortfolio for the competency and label it with the course competency number or the competency language.
Select the two artifacts (assessments) that you feel best showcase your accomplishments or growth relative to the competency and place them in the corresponding ePortfolio area.
For each competency, write 2–3 paragraphs detailing the ways in the artifacts illustrate your accomplishments or growth in the competency so reviewers can easily understand your achievements and strengths. Place this in the corresponding ePortfolio area with your chosen artifacts.
For the Competency 8 section of your ePortfolio, include a professional resume that highlights your professional standards and values. Consult the resources in the Capella University Career Center, such as the Capella Career Center: Resume Rubric.

Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of leading people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of transforming processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care

Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in interprofessional collaboration to improve patient and population outcomes.
Explain how at last two chosen artifacts and a professional resume illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of integrating professional standards and values into practice.
Communicate ePortfolio in a clear and well-organized manner, using correct grammar and spelling.

Can love exist without hate

I already did a annotated bibliography on the topic and now my professors wants us to do a research essay on the same topic. I already have my 3 sources so you can use those sources to write the essay.
I will upload my first paper.
and the second uploaded file is kinda like the guide to writing the research essay.

Cybersecurity Teaching and Accreditation in UK Universities

Please could you provide a summary document that provides a non-technical “management level” summary of the paper’s content. You should provide an overview of the broad context of the paper, the research questions established and conclusions are drawn.

Try to avoid simply quoting material from the paper – put things in your own words as much as possible. You are summarising, so you do not need to include all the detail from the paper, try to identify the important points.

I attached a document on which I need to write a summary.

To what degree is nature presented as an antidote to modernity? Compare the responses offered by two texts from the list below: – Hardy – Return of the Native (1878) Conrad – Heart of Darkness (1899) Katherine Mansfield – ‘Prelude’ (1918) T.S. Eliot – The Waste Land (1922) Virginia Woolf – Orlando (1928)

Please write a comparative essay

1. To what degree is nature presented as an antidote to modernity? Compare the responses offered by two texts from the list below: –

Hardy – Return of the Native (1878)
Conrad – Heart of Darkness (1899)
Katherine Mansfield – ‘Prelude’ (1918)
T.S. Eliot – The Waste Land (1922)
Virginia Woolf – Orlando (1928)

You must use in line references on quotations to back up your must use quotations from literary critics on both texts to further consolidate your points.

The topic is written in the paper details.

1. Give a brief literature overview of the ADHD learning barrier and the challenges and contextual barriers learners experience.
2. Write a case study of a fictitious learner with ADHD indicating the weaknesses, assets and strenghts the learner may experience.
3. Discuss how you would mobilize strenghts to address the barriers/ weaknesses of the child to optimize learning and functioning.

font: Ariel
font size: 12

Discuss the effects of globalisation in two of the following novels: Purple Hibiscus, Animal’s People, The God of Small Things. How do these texts show us the slippage between the terms ‘globalisation’ and ‘neo-colonialism’?

Discuss the effects of globalisation in two of the following novels: Purple Hibiscus, Animal’s People, The God of Small Things. How do these texts show us the slippage between the terms ‘globalisation’ and ‘neo-colonialism’?

You must use in line references on quotations to back up your points.

you must use quotations from literary critics on both texts to further consolidate your points.

Discuss a social issue that you feel deeply about. Describe how you would contribute to the solution.

Discuss a social issue that you feel deeply about. Describe how you would contribute to the solution. I chose business as subject area because i wasnt sure if it fell into that category. This is just another admission essay that is required and i currently dont have the time to do it. I am looking to get into a masters of finance program. Let me know if you have any questions. Please use 12 point font, double-spaced

Polycythemia Vera

Functional Genomics Research Assignments:
Genetics and the Pathophysiological Basis of Disease
Welcome to the Functional Genomics Research Assignments. In this activity, you will explore the Physiology
and Functional Genomics as it relates to human disease.
1) Learn to use literature searches.
2) Understand the complexity and physiological basis of diseases of genetic origin.
3) Explore and understand accepted treatment options.
For each disease, you will write a short paper (no more than 1000 words total) addressing each of the following:
1) What is the genetic basis of the disease?
2) What is the molecular basis of the disease? (what is abnormal at the cellular, biochemical, or molecular
3) What are the physiologic implications of the disease? (what is abnormal about the physiology of people
with this disease?)
4) What are the treatment options?
Each of these questions can be addressed sufficiently in one paragraph (250 words or less for each question).
An important objective of this exercise is to find reliable information that is pertinent to your needs. You could
start with standard textbooks, such as Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine, or Ganong’s Review of Medical
Physiology. An excellent array of textbooks is available to you through the UF library. A disadvantage of
relying solely on this approach, however, is that textbooks are rarely current. After gathering general
information, you might wish to consult reliable information on the world-wide web. There are several sites
which exist for the purpose of teaching. For example, see
Another great place to start, however, is the national repository of all peer-reviewed medical literature (since
1966), PubMed. This site is accessed through the National Library of Medicine, and can be found at the
following site:
In PubMed, you will be able to find both primary literature and reviews which will be useful.