Fall in the hospital

This is a literature review paper of the annotated bibliography that I completed this past week. I have an outline of how the paper needs to be written. 5 page minimum not including title and references. I have the title and reference page already completed.


Introduction to Philosophy

Final Essay

In a 3 to 4 page essay (about 1000 words), choose one philosopher whose ideas have impacted you this semester, and discuss how those ideas have influenced your thinking. Questions that are not required but will help you choose your philosopher and help organize your essay are: Which philosopher did you agree the most with? Which philosopher made you re-think the way you think about reality? Which philosopher gave you new insights into what it means to be human or ‘happy’? Which philosopher wrote about topics that you had never thought about before?

Other requirements:

Remember APA/MLA formatting—title page and reference page.

Be specific—use in-text citations and provide references.

You may use first person.

How climate change is going to change the United States in the future.

I am writing a research paper on how the insurance industry the USA is going to change due to climate change. I basically need an overall synopsis on how the future will be changed by climate change and the reasoning why. I will be writing the effects on the insurance industry on my own but it is okay to reference this topic when writing.

Psychographic profiling as a business tool

The initial research proposal is attached, as well as all subsequent information.

To what extent could the psychographic profiling method from political campaigns be repurposed to maximize the efficiencies of business operations?

Ethical Behavior

Each case study response must be between 2–3 full pages, double-spaced, and in current APA formatting. This assignment must include a title page and reference page (not included in page count). There must be a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook. *****See attachment for additional instructions********

Child Psychology

Rutter’s (1998, 2001) theory of attachment, critically evaluate its usefulness to a child psychologist for understanding that aspect of development. Make reference to research evidence, other relevant theories and methodology in your answer. (3000 words). The focus has to be specifically on Rutter’s Theory of attachment (and its usefulness for a child psychologist). You need to describe Rutter’s theory, critically evaluate his adoption studies with Romanian orphans and any other relevant studies. Then you need to compare his theory to Bowlby’s.