Evaluation of a global organization

Select a global human services organization that holds interest for you as a human services professional (i.e., Africare, CLASP [Connective Link Among Special Needs Programs] International, and Servas). Review the organization’s website, any related press releases, and journal articles that mention its programs or accomplishments. Address these items regarding the organization you select:

What it is about this organization’s services that interests you as human services professional?
How is the organization structured and who are the stakeholders (Board of Directors, investors/funding sources, management team, government agencies, and clients, for example)?
Any information the organization lists regarding employee engagement, motivation, benefits, and/or recognition.
Additionally, imagine you have been hired as a supervisor within this organization. Address these elements: How you would incorporate a contemporary management theory with your staff?

How you would incorporate a motivational theory with your staff?
What traits or experience you look for when hiring new employees?
Describe how you would orient and train new staff in the organization.
Describe the challenges you would face in managing a global organization.
Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the organization, including staff and program effectiveness.
Describe how you would manage and monitor finances and contracts within the organization.

Relationship Conflict

You will be required to write a thread of at least 400 words on the topic, complete with page references and specifics to document the response and submit it to the corresponding Discussion Board Forum. Proper English and grammar are required.

*******Please see attachments for additional instructions****

Do Long Work Hours Adversely Influence Relational Unions?

I am in search of a quantitative research proposal for my Social Research Method course. I have created a “fake” questionarre that is to be included in this paper. I have to write it as though I have already collected the data and follow the provided guidelines form my professor. I will attach both so you have an idea of what I and her are looking for. Even though I have studied my work and done the required assignments, I am still completely lost in the research world. Please Help!


I attached few files, i attached also example from the previouse yeae. The company is Uber.

Research and evidence based practice

Learning outcomes for the assignment are below. I need to meet these learning outcomes in order to pass assignment.

Learning outcome 1
1. Explore and evaluate the principles underpinning quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology research.

This is a discussion around what is qualitative and what is quantitative research. What do we understand by mixed methodology research? How do they differ? Why do they differ? What makes them strong in their own right? What makes them weak?

Learning out come 2
2. Use an appropriate framework to critically appraise a chosen piece of research evidence.

This is where you critique your chosen article. You are only looking at one article. You can use whatever critiquing framework you like but I have given you the Coughlan ones on blackboard as a starter; personally, I find the CASP quite easy to follow. Choose the one that is appropriate to the study so if it is a quantitative study choose a quantitative framework and the same for qualitative. Feel free to bring in other frameworks as you progress through to argue or support points that you raise. Don’t forget to refer to the framework directly as you use it and also to tell me which article you are critiquing. Both the framework and the article need to be in your reference list at the back.

Learning outcome 3
3. Demonstrate the ability to adhere concisely to the requirements contained within the assessment brief.

This time you have to stick to the word count. If you go over or do not use available word count, you will not meet learning outcome 5 and have to resubmit.

Remember to structure your assignment well. You need a clear introduction, main body (use subheadings if you like here) and conclusion. There are certain characteristics that each of these has.

Please see the uploaded research paper for this assignment

Brains of serial Killers

Do you believe crimes such a serial killing, most rape, any violent behaviors are due to nature (biology) or nurture (learning) and why? Use the video and the paper to support your answer. Also use any scholarly articles you find on the Internet or in text books. You may apply this to recent school shootings or other mass killings.

1) Nature Perspective
2) Nurture Perspective
3) Interaction Perspective
4) Summary and Opinion

2 references a Video and article

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzUsaXfSQDY VIDEO

http://www.aaets.org/article213.htm ARTICLE