Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market

Discussion Board Forum 3
Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market:

Globalization presents new frontiers and challenges for labor organizations. These changes include westernized labor mindsets being introduced into foreign cultures, which often collide with pre-existing organized labor in the host countries. Discuss why globalization has profound implications for domestic employment issues and whether these implications suggest an enforceable labor standard (a social clause) be added to free trade agreements. If so, what should the standards be and how should they be enforced?
Please see attachment for additional instruction.
I have included one of the three sources.

Psychology (Substance Abuse )

Part 2:

In a 500 word essay, discuss some of the major issues and difficulties in determining the effectiveness of addiction treatment outcomes

Part 3:

Discuss the history and influences of the Self-Help Movement, the Minnesota Model of Treatment, and the therapeutic community model. Be sure your response is at least 500 words.


For this simulation, you will be presented with a scenario in which you must identify a problem that needs solving, provide a description of how you could improve that problem, and provide an evidence-based rationale for why your proposed solution could be viable.
I will send you the guidance and the topic that you need to follow and write

Major Approaches To Research Design

Social scientists know that research is a continuing process. OFC Lightly chose a place to start to consider his topic, but also knows he has many more pieces to contemplate if he wants to deliver the best possible community policing plan to help reduce the incidence of property crime.

OFC Lightly, in formulating his research plan, realizes something important. He has only considered examining citizen activities and attitudes in areas were the incidence of property crime is high. He believes the citizens, the geographic areas and the sensibilities of the community should be reconsidered; he realizes he must look at other factors.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

What are some other potential factors OFC Lightly should evaluate in his research? Identify and describe.
Why should they be examined? Explain.
What can OFC Lightly learn by looking at these elements? Explain.
OFC Lightly decided to enlarge his scope to expand his plan to the whole community, whether or not its members have been victims of property crime.
What do you think will be the significance of this information when gathered? Why?
What other potential measures and solutions do you think can be considered in his planning besides encouraging citizens’ active participation? Explain.
Do these need to be evaluated in this research? Explain your answer.
Reexamine the variables that OFC Lightly operationalized.
What problems might OFC Lightly have with his means of measuring his variables? Explain.
How might he overcome these challenges? Explain.
Where would you begin if given the assignment to produce a community policing plan?

Change driver impacting upon an organisation- PART 2 OF ORDER ID2613561842

Second submission: project outline
In this week’s activity, you will design an expanded change management framework to support your intended change process.
In your first submission to the Project requirements of this module, you produced a proposal that would identify a relevant change driver impacting upon an organisation with which you are familiar. The proposal would:

• Suggest a suitable change process that would appropriately respond to that change driver
• Identify likely stakeholder reactions to the change process you advocate
• Describe how an existing organisational design might be amended to best accommodate the planned change

In this activity, you will design an expanded change management framework to support your intended change process. This will, in turn, function as a base for the final change management project plan, due LATER ON.

Scenario reminder
Your role in this project is to identify a specific change driver that you consider especially relevant to an organisation of your choice. You are challenged to apply the theoretical principles discussed in this module to the specification of an appropriate process that will successfully respond to the demands of that change driver.


• Review the material studied during the first weeks.

Prepare and submit a preliminary outline version (approximately 1,000 words) of what will eventually be your final Module Project report due later on.

Your outline version this week should contain the following sections:

• Organisational Profile: what is the name of the organisation you propose to use, where is it located, what is its primary business and approximately how many staff does it employ? (If there are any concerns about any aspect of commercial sensitivity, it is permissible to use an assumed name for the organisation you select).

• Organisational Structure: how are human and other resources arranged within this organisation, what levels of seniority exist and how are those levels of seniority connected through formal reporting lines? (A structure diagram would be useful here.) To what extent is the decision process centralised in the senior management team, and to what extent is it devolved to lower levels in the organisation?

• Change Drivers: to what extent does this organisation currently align with the principle of punctuated equilibrium? What are the factors in either or both of the external or internal operating environments that suggest a significant element of change is needed to the way in which this organisation works? Each change driver you identify should be categorised according to the criteria presented in relation to the Week 2 Deseret News case.

• Key Stakeholders: who are the individuals, groups and organisations who will be most directly affected by the type of change that is indicated by change driver analysis? To what extent do you expect each stakeholder’s reaction to be positive or negative? What are the primary ‘unanswered questions’ that you expect to receive?

• Change Initiative Overview: what is the primary aim of the change initiative that you recommend be introduced, and how could this initiative be classified in terms of the parameters suggested by Nasim & Sushil? How will success or failure in this initiative be measured? What ethical considerations need to be taken into account as the initiative is designed?

Portfolios project

No Plagiarism. Follow the steps to the t. If there is any questions feel free to email me. If it cannot be completed let me know within two days.

Biotechnology Regulatory Strategy

Based on the attached document:

1. Using 500 words write the executive summary.
2. Using 800 words write the Introduction and Background
3. Using 700 words write the clinical outsourcing section. This should include the choosing of a contract manufacturing organization that will help manage cost, time, risk of development, quality control, and regulatory compliance.

Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Overall Assessment Structure

Structure: The structure of the assignment is shown in Figure 1. It comprises of Part 1 Theory (40% weighting) Part 2 Micro-Enterprise – co-creation (40% weighting) 3 Reflection. (20% weighting).

The assessment will be based on an enterprise project Word Guide 3000 – 4000 words in length. The Micro-enterprise element of the assessment can be done as an individual or part of a group. There will be no ‘final presentation’ but students are encouraged to ‘pitch’ ideas via slides or other creative platforms to support their Micro-enterprise report. You will receive feedback to improve your final report.

Part 1 – The Global World: Global Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability – Theory and
Practice. (40% – Weighting)

Part 2 – Our Global World: Global Entrepreneurship Micro – Enterprise- Co-creation Idea/ Project. (40% – Weighting)

Part 3 – My Global World: Critical Reflection of Entrepreneurial Theories, Concepts and Techniques. (20 – Weighting)

Appendices – References and supporting documents.

Digital Citizenship

Instructions have been attached in word document. Thank you!
(The 18 sources are explained what they need to be for in the document as well)