Materials Processing and Manufacturing Research

Manufacturing is one of the main technical thrust areas of the University of Alabama. The faculty in this area are Drs. Allison, Daniewicz, Davami, Fonseca, Jordon, Kasemer, Todd, and Volkov. Write a paper about the current research being done by the faculty in this group. Include a reference section with at least 5 journal papers published in the past year by these faculty and their students.

Choose a good new title and add introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph to either Decencies of Behavior or The Old Gray Wrapper Habit.

To practice writing a good title, introduction, and conclusion, you will return to the Emily Post essay that was taken from Etiquette in Society. It has always seemed to me that this essay could use a good title, introductory paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.

The handout has two sections, Decencies of Behavior and The Old Gray Wrapper Habit. Choose one of them. Either one is fine. It may seem strange to add the first and last paragraphs after the entire body of the essay is written; however, it’s easy to get stuck on that first paragraph when you’re first writing a paper. Often I advise students to write the second paragraph and worry about composing the first and last paragraphs when they have their body paragraphs complete. It helps get past writer’s block.

First, you will give the section you’ve chosen a new title that is either straightforward or creative, as suggested in your textbook.

Then you will write an introduction and a conclusion, as neither section of the essay seems to have one. Before you begin, refer to those pages in your textbook that offer the strategies for writing good introductory and concluding paragraphs. Choose one of the seven strategies for introductions on page 260 and one of the strategies for conclusions on page 273. Label your paragraphs with which of them that you used.

The introductory and concluding paragraph should each be at least five sentences long. Edit them well so there are no mechanical or punctuation errors. First and last paragraphs generally don’t have quotes, but if you choose to use one, don’t forget the attributive tag.

Your grade is based on having a good title (five points), an introductory paragraph, and a concluding paragraph (ten points each).

communication ethics

Use Google’s code of conduct as an example to discuss. You are starting your own company ( advertising company). You want to make certain that your organization is viewed as highly ethical. How will you establish your company’s ethical standards and communicate them to your workforce, customers and other businesses.
At the beginning of the paper give a two paragraphs introduction to the company(advertising company, 60~100 employees ), Then the paper should include those sections related to creating and assuring high ethical standards:
internal marketing (1.5 page)
external marketing (1.5 page)
promotional goals (1.5 page)
strategies and assessment tool.(1.5 page), each section needs to analyze objects : workforce, customers and other businesses. Then conclusion.
provide all of the components of your business that shape, monitor and support its high ethical standards.

Your answer should include, at least, an analysis of: (1) the stages this relationship has gone through and where it seems to be now, (2) how our culture’s beliefs about love and romance may have contributed to the problems faced by this couple, (3) how the “hamburger fight” is an indication of this couple’s inability to deal with conflict, and, (4) how this fight might have been done differently and perhaps have led this “saga” to a different ending.

You may analyze not only the communication you see in the case but also the communication that you might reasonably infer has (or has not) happened in the story when it is noted that some time has elapsed. You’ll note that the names of each person are gender-neutral “nicknames”. If you wish, you may assign a gender to each of the participants and use this concept in your analysis. Just remember to stay focused on the data on gender and communication style. ABSOLUTELY NO OUTSIDE SOURCES.

Topic 1: Planning in the Hotel industry utilizing online feedback. Topic 2: The challenges and leadership principles hotel manager utilize.

Initially, review the issues discussed in this unit, such as marketing, hospitality management styles, planning, organizing, leadership or other topics from the three textbook chapters in your required reading. Then, choose two of the issues listed above, and search the CSU Online Library for two articles pertaining to each of two issues. This will give you a total of four articles to critique in this assignment. The chosen articles should be less than three years old and should exceed three pages in length.
Analyze and evaluate the articles as to their relevance in today’s marketplace, and organize your Article Critique as follows:
Part 1 of the critique consists of the identification of the two issue areas that you have selected and the articles that pertain to each issue or topic. Be certain that you provide readers with enough information about the articles through proper APA formatting in in-text citations and in your references list at the end of your submission. This way, the reader can find the articles themselves if he or she wishes to read them.
Part 2 presents an abstract of each article in which you briefly summarize the main points the author(s) established.
Part 3 offers your actual critique of the articles. You are to provide your reaction (insightful, critical, and logical) to the points the authors made in their respective articles. A simple statement of agreement or disagreement is not sufficient. While you may make such a statement by way of an introduction to your reaction, you must clearly and logically state the reasons for the position you have taken toward the data presented within the articles.
Your critique should be a minimum of 1,000 words. Be sure to utilize proper APA formatting throughout your critique, including citations and references.

NOTE: I have researched the articles and have each of the PDF files for the article critique which I would like to send the writer if possible.

Intermediate Sanctions and Probation vs. Parole

Part I: Define intermediate sanctions and briefly discuss the effectiveness of each sanction listed below.

Intensive probation supervision, house arrest, electronic monitoring, Restitution orders, fines, and community service.

Part II: Define probation and parole separately. How do probation and parole differ? How are they alike?

Part III: What are some of the challenges that an ex-convict face after their release from incarceration? Should defendants be able to automatically assume their previous life’s freedom once they complete their sentence? Should they be able to vote, assume food stamp programs, etc? Is it a violation of their basic freedom for ex-convicts not to be allowed to vote? Once their sentence is served, should they continue to be “sentenced” to a life of inequality? Why or why not? This is especially true with sex offenders who are forced to register on sex offender registries for the rest of their lives, much longer than their original sentence? Are sex offender registries legitimate?

Final paper rough draft

Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
Conclusion paragraph.
Must document any information used from at least five scholarly sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper Note that you will need at least eight scholarly sources for your Final Paper in Week 5.

Final Discussion Reflections (Personal Selling Class)

I am sending the instructions as a Word document. (On the page below the instructions, I have started the assignment. I need you to fix and edit what I have wrote and answer the questions that are incomplete. Please edit and correct what is highlighted in light blue and fully answer what is highlighted yellow which is incomplete) Thank you very much.