Research Methods

Please review and edit the attached section II I.A.W. the posted comments available once you select the review tab from the attached document “literature review rewrite.docx”. Also, a power point is attached for help. along with a more clear explanation/description of instructions.

The United States’ Foreign Policy Under the Trump’s Administration

Political Science Essay Prompt:
Early in his presidency, President Trump described his foreign policy as “America First.” Using examples from his stated policy principles and/or his administration’s decisions, explain which perspectives dominate the United States foreign policy. Additionally, describe some of the critiques of President Trump’s policy/decisions from other perspectives.

*Answer the questions as thoroughly as you can.
*The questions need to be answered in three-pages, double-spaced and using Times New Roman font.
*Use at least two perspectives.
*Be sure to use complete sentences, proofread your work, and ensure coherent sentences, paragraphs.
*This is not a history course essay. Do not focus on writing historical matters.
*Thesis must be stated, and your writing needs to be argumentative.

*Thorough and comprehensive – 19 points
*Use of different perspectives – 7 points
*Uses more than one secondary source (not from the course textbook) – 7 points
*Logical, coherent, properly structured, and easy to follow – 7 points
*Adequately proofread, and grammatically correct – 7 points.

Kinds of Perspectives ( Copied from the textbook – Perspectives on International Relations, power-institutions-ideas, Fifth edition, by Henry R. Nau )
*Realist perspective – Emphasizing the struggle for relative power, which in turn limits the universality of what is right. It sees the world largely in terms of strong actors seeking to dominate weak ones and weak actors resisting strong ones to preserve their interests and independence. Realist scholars writing about the past do not tell the whole story.
*Liberal perspective – Emphasizing relationships and interdependence among actors in international affairs, how a group interacts communicate, negotiate, and trade with one another.
*Identity perspective – Emphasizing the importance of ideas that define the identities of actors and motivate (cause) their use of power and negotiations in international affairs.
*Critical theory perspective – Such as Marxism, emphasizing the deeper material forces propelling history toward its predetermined end. In the case of Marxism, the predetermined end is communism. In other instances of critical theory, it might be the emancipation of marginalized voices of simply deconstruction of all power relationships. Critical approaches remind us that attempts to understand history through perspectives are always selective and, therefore, biased. Social forces are holistic. They drive social science researchers no less than do the political, economic, and military events that researchers try selectively to understand. These approaches make people skeptical of all effects to select and emphasize specific factors to understand international relations, whether power or identity factors. Critical theories, on the other hand, face a comparable limitation. Even though they insist on studying history as a whole, not by selecting and focusing on specific hypotheses, they have to concede that they can ever tell us the whole story of history. Critical theory can tell us the story of history only from the social vantage point of a particular critical theory scholar.

Is redistribution of wealth a good solution to the poverty problem in America?

typed essay (not counting works cited page) where you give your opinion on a specific question and compare/contrast your opinion on the question with that of:
1) The opinions expressed in at least two readings covered in class that addressed the same question
2) The opinions expressed by at least one person you interviewed on the same question
3) The opinions expressed in at least one electronic research article that addressed the same question
*The two readings you use, the two readings that were covered in class, must either be two readings that offer two competing/conflicting views on the question you have chosen or that can be used to argue two competing/conflicting views on the question chosen

*Must incorporate life experiences into your essay (part of support)

Sample Questions:

1) Is redistribution of wealth a good solution to the poverty problem in America? (ex. “Singer Solution” vs. “What Is Poverty?”)

Essay Must:
Be Double Spaced with even spacing throughout
Have 1 inch margins
Have Proper Header
Have Proper Heading
Have Proper Works Cited Page
Have an intro, body, and a conclusion
Have an intro that has a hook , a brief summary of each of the three articles, and a clear, strong thesis

Have an Intro that clearly establishes how you feel about the question, how the articles feel about the question, and how the person you interviewed feels about the question

Have a body that has topic sentences, quotes that are properly cited, and analysis of the quotes used
Have a conclusion that sums up + engages

You must give/defend your opinion on the question in this essay

You must interview at least one person for this essay and incorporate the interview(s) into your essay

You must find at least one electronic research article that relates to your question and incorporate the article(s) into your essay

You must compare and contrast your views on the question to the views of your sources when it comes to the same question

You must quote from each source at least once and the quotes must connect back to the thesis.

this is the article that I choose

Business writing (emails and reports)

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the skills required for effective writing of letters and documents
• Identify the essential elements of well written accurate, lucid documentation in a business environment
• Apply those skills practically to hypothetical scenarios

1. Write an email in a business context using the attached scenario (Word limit 400 words):
-Check the attached file for the scenario

2. Write a business report using the attached scenario(Word limit 1,100 words):
-Check the attached file for the scenario

Ethics in the Community

Discussion: Ethics in the Community

In Chapter 1 of your text, you saw how moral reasoning involves moving back and forth between general, abstract ideas like principles and values and particular concrete judgments about what is good or right, and seeking to find a kind of agreement or equilibrium between those.

In Chapters 3, 4, and 5, you were introduced to utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Each of these ethical theories represents different ways of reasoning about ethical questions, based in different account of the principles, values, and other conceptions that inform the “abstract” side of the dialectic.

In this course, and in much of life, the “concrete” ethical issues that receive the most attention are frequently those that elicit passionate responses and widespread debate, affect large numbers of people, involve matters of deep significance like life and death or fundamental rights, and so on. However, as important as these issues are, there is often a limit to how much impact most individuals can have on such matters; instead, the place where ethics and moral reasoning have their greatest impact is in one’s local community. Thus, in this final discussion board, you will demonstrate your grasp of the relation between the abstract ideas in one of these theories and a concrete ethical issue or social problem in your local community.

Engage the community:
Begin by finding an ethical issue or social problem that currently impacts or has recently impacted your local or regional community (such as your neighborhood, town or city, county, school district, religious community, or something of similar scope to any of these).
Briefly summarize the issue or problem, and provide a link to a news article, video, or some other resource that documents the issue or problem so that your fellow students can learn more about it when formulating their responses to you.
Apply the theory:
Next, choose one of the ethical theories and discuss how the moral reasoning of the theory might be used to address or resolve the issue or problem.
Evaluate the reasoning:
In evaluating the application of the moral theory you may, for example, consider one or more questions like:
Does this differ from the way this issue is currently being addressed?
Does it present a better response than another ethical approach would?
Does the theory present an adequate response to the issue, or does it leave significant aspects of the issue unresolved?
Does applying the theory to this issue raise other problems or concerns?
In light of this issue, are there ways the principles or values of the theory might need to be modified from the form that we studied in class?

womens issues

For this paper, choose a focus issue on women’s rights to explore.

Use the website of The Global Fund for Women (Links to an external site.) OR the Ms. Foundation for Women (Links to an external site.)as both have focus issues you can learn more about. Follow some of the links and then write a one-page paper that includes the following:

What did you read about or learn? What is the the focus issue, and what is being done? Give a brief summary of what you read.
Why did you choose this topic/why is it important to you?
What is this website’s overall message on feminism? After browsing this site, did your opinions on feminism change or stay the same?


1. What did you learn about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that you did not know before watching this film?

2. What thoughts did you have after watching this film on any issues or strategies that might lead to peace in this conflict?

3. What might the film have done better? (This can be more general critique, not necessarily having to do with conflict analysis or resolution.)

Everyday Psychology

Navigate through the Everyday Psychology Interactive. Once you have completed the interactive scenario, return to Brightspace to answer the following questions:
What is the fundamental attribution error?
Who developed and tested this theory?
Give examples of how it could be applied to a real-life situation.
In what ways have you used this mode of thinking in your life?
Were your appraisals correct? Explain your reasoning.

sources that need to be used-,ip,url,cpid&custid=shapiro&db=e000xna&AN=474305&site=ehost-live&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_367