Honoring war veterans “Arc de Triomphe de l’EÌtoile” and “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” and the “9/11 Memorial & Museum”. 

I have wrote my essay but I ended up getting an F on it because my professor told me that I didn’t answer it correctly. I will attach my essay so you can have an Idea of what I wrote, I also attached her feedback and my classwork classes so you can understand what we are talking about as well as the rubric and some research and examples she gave us for reference, Please make sure you read everything I have included, I really need a good grade in this class! It is very important to me.

This is for my humanity class, the theme is “Honoring veterans in war”. Basically the Arc de Triomphe de l’EÌtoile” and “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” were chosen already but I also had to choose a contemporary work so I ended up choosing the 9/11 memorial and museum because it is the only one I could think of that happened recently. If you have a better Idea you can always change it. My milestone 1 essay has a lot to do with this essay so I will attach it so you can copy and use it as well.

What sorts of relationships are important in late adulthood?

• Friendships are important in later life because they offer personal control, companionship, and social support.
• Family relationships, especially with siblings and children, provide a great deal of emotional support for people in later life.
• In the increasingly prevalent phenomenon of elder abuse, parents who are socially isolated and in poor health may be abused by children who are forced to act as caregivers

Think about yourself OR the people in your life who are currently in late adulthood. What kinds of relationships do they have? Are they the right kind? Are they beneficial to them or detrimental? What can be done to improve if needed?


use the history to help do me a chart.
It will be good if a medical personnel does it

Renal Cell Cancers

Check the Upload and also
Format Instructions:

 Length – 3- 4 pages – (not including a References and Cover Page)
 Double-spaced, size 12 font, margins 1” left, right, upper and lower.
 Use the APA format for references, there are instructions in the College Library for your information.
 Cite all borrowed language in quotations (not more than 10% of your paper)
 Research must include 6 different sources – not more than 3 internet sources
 Bibliography / Reference Page should be in “end note” format

You are required to write a critical analysis of the disease of your choice.
Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose
affects the various body systems where relevant.

The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in your write up.

 Name of disease
 History of the disease
 Description of disease

Anatomy of the system(s) involved

 Effects on other body systems
 Cause of disease
 Signs and symptoms
 Diagnosis of the disease
 Complications, if any
 Treatment and side effects

Conclusion should include the following:

 Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the
 disease.
 Prevention strategies if any
 Your insight / opinion

Thinking about your own life, where do you see connections between your health and your happiness? What is the role of money in your life? How much is your happiness tied to money? And who or what has been a key influence on your attitudes about the use of money?

This essay must be a APA reflective style paper. Must include an abstract, correct use of citations within paper, and correct APA style reference page. I have also attached a grading rubric that you can follow as well. For the questions in the topic, you can answer them in your own opinion. For the last question, you can use my experience or write based off your opinion. My brief answer to the last question: I had no one to tell me the right way to use my money, so I had to learn that all on my own based on my own experiences. I have learned about the use of money overtime by having to pay for my own bills and provide for myself. I had to introduce this idea very early on in my life at age fifteen due my father being ill and my brother having a drug addiction which lead to financial issues. (If you need any more information, do not hesitate to contact me.)

Empathy Domain Narrative

Writing about Empathy
Hopefully the class activities have helped you think about what it means to take an empathic stance in your work. Now it’s time to draft your introduction to the Empathy section of your KEEPS portfolio. This piece of writing should address the following questions (please do not “answer” the questions in list form — these are GUIDELINES to the kinds of things that should be addressed.)

• How would you define Empathy? How has this domain been defined for you via LIU coursework and assignments. Be sure to draw attention to where your understanding and the academic standing converge and differ.
• How has this domain showed up in your professional work as a teacher with the DOE?
• What ideas about Empathy particularly engage you?
• What is your understanding of Empathy as it relates to teaching?
• In what way does Empathy manifest in your teaching practice?
• Have your ideas about Empathy changed over the course of the program? How?
• What questions persist for you?

Keep in mind that the domain addresses both the empathy you express in your teaching practice, and in your practice as a masters level student. Reflect upon your strengths and areas of growth for you in relation to the claims.

You are expected to incorporate ideas from the reading that you have done for TAL 971/975 and/or that you have encountered in other courses and contexts (including your personal life.) Be sure to cite sources appropriately using APA format. You must incorporate AT LEAST 3 SOURCES in your domain narrative.

These drafts should be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, using correct APA format.

I am attaching a sample essay, please use it as a guide. Thank you.

Exercise Physiology

Instructions for the journal entry summary are attached along with a copy of the selected article (“Effects of Rhodiola Rosea supplementation on mental performance, physical capacity, and oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy men” –


Same as previous journal summaries.

how sleep affects musicians

Your paper should approximately 4-6 pages long, double-spaced, and typed using Times New Roman 12-point font. •Page numbers should be placed in the upper right-hand corner.•Papers should have a well-developed and clear thesis and a logical organization.•Citations and lists of works cited should be done using Chicago Humanities format and include footnotes and a bibliography. The bibliography will not count towards the total word count. •Excellent grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is expected.
Research paper rubric•10% Appropriate format and font, clearly labeled with name and title•10% Appropriate length•10% Has a well-developed and clear thesis•10% Provides copious research to document the thesis and omits extraneous details and information•10% Records important ideas from a variety of sources and uses citations appropriately•10% Has a logical organization•10% Appropriate documentation of resources (using Chicago Humanities style) •10% Bibliography includes appropriate number of scholarly sources•10% Few (or no) errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure •10% Is engaging and distinctive; shows evidence of creative and critical thinking