unit 8 hn370

There are many factors to consider when becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Imagine you are a human services professional working with clients who are in the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The most popular option continues to be to reunited children with their biological parents whenever possible. Kinship care has become a viable option when this is not possible.

Please respond to the following:

What are some positives and negatives of kinship care? In your opinion, is this a good option for children? Why or why not?
Describe three reasons why children might be placed into foster care. In your opinion, what would be the most damaging to child development and why?
Should foster parents be of the same racial or cultural backgrounds as their foster children? What obligation might foster parents have to children of different cultures living in their homes?
Explain some reasons why children struggle in foster care. What programs are in place in your community to help children when they leave the foster care system? Give two examples of programs they can turn for support in your community.

Consumers and Marketing

Purpose: In this project, you will assess marketing from a business perspective. Specifically, you will complete research and use the course material to discuss a product, brand or industry, discuss how the product is suited to marketing of a particular company. You will also learn about the responsibilities of marketers in relation to ethics.

Outcomes met by completing this project:

1. identify ethical issues that arise in domestic and global business environments using an understanding of ethical concepts and of legal and business principles

How to Set Up the Paper

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font. The final product will be between 6-8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely.


The five “conceptions of a consumer” presents a framework for examining and organizing the purchase decision process of consumers. Thus, the framework presents an opportunity to examine the responsibility of the marketer to consider the ethical ramifications to its consumer base, i.e. Corporate Social Responsibility. The following 5 conceptions are defined and explained in the Business Ethics Workshop, eBook, Chapter 12.

1. The wary consumer

2. The contracting consumer

3. The protected consumer

4. The renegade consumer

5. The capable consumer

Course Material and Research

This project requires you to do research on the Internet. You are expected to use course material going beyond defining terms. You are expected to explain the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally showing an understanding of the logical connections between the course material and the question(s) being asked. Using one or two in-text citations from the course material throughout the entire paper will not earn many points on the assignment. The support must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term or concept but by clearly and thoroughly explaining or discussing the question at hand.

Your Role

As consumers we can define our attitudes and acceptance or rejection of advertising based upon our perceptions and experience. But as students of Business Management, we are called upon to examine the topic more in depth and from a corporate perspective. Project 2 will address the following questions from the perspective of a business owner or chief marketing officer.


Use the attached excel document as guidance to complete these 3 pages long word assignment. Also, I have attached a word document with all the details of this assignment.

th er social economy movement using the IPI model, attending to issues of success/failure in terms of suitability as a local, regional, or national alternative development model

this paper is an analysis of the term paper that I completed on Mondragon, in comparison to SEWA Kudumbashree movement. So basically i have attached the take home syllabus and highlighted the part you would need to work on, read the course material i have sent, so the Parb B is what you will be completing. Part B – Essay Question (6–8 pp.): 50 points
In clear, grammatically correct academic style in paragraph form, compare your term paper topic
to one (1) other social economy movement using the IPI model, attending to issues of
success/failure in terms of suitability as a local, regional, or national alternative development
model. Your answer will be evaluated on your ability to:
a) clearly state and develop an argument with a thesis;
b) summarize (substantially reword, not copy-paste) your term paper and course readings;
c) use of course readings with citations & bibliography (and seminar notes); and
d) apply critical skills and analysis.

please check the mirosoft word doc for my assignment that you would need to compare and analayse with SEWA movement. IPI model is a must.

Channel flow (exhumation)

Produce a geologic model showing the weak layer sandwiched between two stronger rocks which is visualise size of the weak layer and the interactions between the weak and strong layers. rocks like serpentanite and metasediments are a good start, look at the paper the report is based.

Using calculations, the channel width can be determined swapping out the viscosity value to simulate other weak rocks, along with velocities.

A sufficient amount of weak rocks are to be examined as a part of the model to see if there is any differences between the rocks as they are exhumed such as velocity rates, channel width etc.

I am mainly looking for the results section of this research project, so conclusion, intro, abstract isnt needed but graphs should still be produced like in the paper below.

This research project is based on the following paper and so are the calculations requested found at:


The calculations in the above paper can be solved via:

The flow of material through the channel is equal to –

The velocity profile in the channel is equal to and The pressure gradient between the base and the top of the channel is expressed by –

Additonal papers that may help research this field is –



Outline & References

I would like you to write and OUTLINE. I send all the instructions that you’re going to need. I need you to read all the instructors clearly before you start to write the paper, and make sure everything on the instruction is an answer before you send back the paper. Please read the rubric to make sure all critical components are included. Also, make sure that you follow the current APA format and utilize at least 5 scholarly resources. My instructor is going to check for plagiarism, so make sure it is NO plagiarism. Make sure that you added five (5) sources related to my area of practice.

Finance Management for Managers

Key Skills: The key skills addressed through this assessment are logical reasoning, analysis, evaluating, synthesis, learning and study, structure and consistency.

Harvard Referencing: Complete reference list which MUST conform to the Harvard System of Referencing must be included at the end of your assignment and in text citations where appropriate.

Theory / Reality Therapy

Theory/Reality Therapy, Chapter 11
Read the Corey text, Chapter 11 and the Student Manual, Chapter 11
I have attach two files one is the two cases and the other is the chapter.

Provide a detailed response to the questions following the case :

(Please include the two cases or stem separately)
number the questions and answer separately in each case. please use chapter 11 as reference in APA format.