week 5 t2

When it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with worldviews different from your own, what are your strengths and weaknesses? If you were the patient, who would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation?

Final project about social media(SNS)

And read the instruction file carefully. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me while writing because i don’t want to request for revision.
Don’t plagiarize any ideas of others.

Major Approaches to Research Design

Officer Lightly has a colleague—Officer Brightly—who also has a background and experience with social science research. She joins the effort to develop a plan to involve citizens in protecting their own communities. She believes, however, that beginning the study by focusing on what motivates citizens to participate actively in providing for their own safe community is the wrong place to start. Officer Brightly proposes another direction; she is interested in examining what prevents or de-motivates people from taking action so clearly in their own best interest. She believes learning about these phenomena will aid the team in overcoming challenges through designing a comprehensive and thoughtful plan. Officer Brightly has a few guesses about the “why” here, but wants to examine the reality—systematically, thoroughly, and accurately.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:
Develop two (2) research questions drawn from the above scenario.
For each research question, develop two (2) hypotheses.
Operationalize completely each variable for each hypothesis.
Name and fully describe what types of data or observations will be collected and how they will be handled.
Describe the specific methods employed for collecting and processing all of the various sets of data.
Now you will take the role of another officer with Social Research experience. You are assigned to the team and told to look at the work the other two officers have accomplished so far. In a memorandum to the team chief, consider Officers Lightly’s and Brightly’s research questions and hypotheses.
How will Brightly and Lightly’s studies complement (or conflict with) each other as currently constructed? Explain.
What gaps and seams exist in their research even after their methods and data are pooled? Explain.
What recommendations can you offer to the team chief that explain and support the methods you would add to their approaches? Explain.
What could you do to create a more comprehensive and coherent study? Explain.
What tactics and tools would you use to gather the data and observations? Why?

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Policymaking Process

The term global war on terrorism (GWOT) remains fixed in the American lexicon. The Obama Administration, soon after taking office, directed all military and civilian federal agencies to refer to efforts to combat terrorism, particularly in reference to the two primary theatres of operation (Afghanistan and Iraq), as “overseas contingency operations.” For the purposes of clarity and ease of understanding for the learner, the term GWOT is used in this assignment.

You have been asked, as a recognized homeland security expert in your jurisdiction, to write a memo for your newly elected U.S. senator. She would like to know your thoughts on the following questions.

Using the course materials, textbook, and Web resources, consider the following questions as you write a memo of 750–1,000 words to your senator.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
Have the strategies enacted since 2001 clearly articulated the transition from the posture adopted during the Cold War to that required for non-state threats and the conduct of the GWOT?
Are they clear enough to define roles of organizations that are responsible for homeland security? Have you identified any areas of conflict (potential or actual) between federal agencies’ assignments?
Several HSPDs assign responsibilities for incident management leadership to federal departments that fall outside of the area of responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security. Do the identified lead departments have a day-to-day HS mission and focus? What challenges may exist when they are called to lead a multidisciplinary response effort if emergency management or HS are not their primary focus?
State emergency management and homeland security agencies design their response structures to reflect the anticipated organizational hierarchy established in several federal laws and policies (e.g., the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and HSPD-5). Does current policy guidance support this planning assumption?
What challenges exist or may emerge as a result of unclear pathways of command, control/coordination, and convergence during disaster or incident response operations?
Is the new environment supportive and appropriate for an all-hazards concept of homeland security and emergency management, or is it too focused on terrorism?
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Research paper of the Tempest


Choose one of the topics from The Tempest essay writing assignment and research one article that relates to this topic. Write a one-paragraph summary of the article. You may use Google Scholar to search for your topic on The Tempest. Your summary should be no longer than 1/2 page, double-spaced, and use the bibliographic form of the article as your heading to the summary. The bibliographic form may appear on the same page with your article, or you may need to use the link owl.purdue.edu for MLA documentation style for how to list a journal article.
Choose one of the following topics and develop 4 pages in an analytical paper with research. First, determine what position or point of view you are presenting. Then, draft a one-page commentary (separate from 4 pages of your essay) without quotations from the play. After completing your draft, choose 3-4 quotations to support your commentary and paraphrase these quotations on a separate page. Then, choose 3 direct quotes from one of the critical articles on The Tempest and list these quotes with your explanation of how the critic either supports your thesis statement or not. Finally, combine your direct quotations from both primary and secondary sources with your own analysis in a finished draft. Be sure to include a separate page at the end for your list of Works Cited that lists your primary text of The Tempest and the critical articles as your secondary sources. List them all in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. See MLA style for formatting: https://owl.purdue.edu.
1. Choose two characters from The Tempest and compare how they each view their world and society. Answer the following questions within the context of your discussion.
a. What role does the character play?
b. What is the character’s relationship to important characters in the play?
c. What does the character contribute to the significance of the play?
d. How would the play be different without this character?
2. Describe the struggle for independence within The Tempest and consider what forces work to encourage and/or to defeat this independence. Choose 2-3 characters to explain who struggles in the play, how, and why.
3. Describe the elements of imagination in the play, the use of magic, dreaming, sleeping, pretense, and disguise, to show how the success of the plot relies on these elements. Choose 2-3 significant events that contribute to the development of the story within the play.
4. Explain the theme of shifting power struggles within the play to show where authority shifts occur, how they occur, and with whom the power lies at any given time within the play. Choose 2-3 characters and describe the movement of power within the relationships between these characters.
5. Duke Prospero has been exiled from Milan by his brother Antonio but rules Ariel and Caliban on the island. What kind of ruler do you think he is? A benevolent ruler or cruel tyrant? Develop an argument to defend your position. Draw on examples from the text to illustrate your ideas.
Be sure to use the MLA heading, a centered title, direct quotations, paraphrasing, summary points, and interpretative commentary to develop your responses. Cite the act, scene, and line numbers within parenthetical references after each direct quote from the play: (2.3.12-14); use author’s last name followed by page number for the critical articles: (Reuben 20).
So, a 1/2-page summary of the article on 1 page. 1 page of commentary. 1 page of quotations. 4 pages of the essay. 7 pages in total.

Which types of countries should have open capital markets?

The paper must pose a well-defined question and must make use of reasoning related to course material. The paper should be about 8 double-spaced pages and must be no longer than 15 pages. The paper should contain a list of sources at the end. The body of the paper should contain specific references to these sources.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Use the source data to build a predictive model targeted at predicting number of wins, then use
that model to predict the number of wins on the subject data.

the excel file is just a copy of the data you don’t have to do anything with it .

i uploaded the answer sheet in a screen shot picture

A time that occured or you experienced verbal agressiveness

It’s based on verbal aggressiveness so basically a time or interaction that you occurred with someone who was being verbally aggressive. The requirements are in the first & second page.
Here’s the book to cite.
Has to be in Chicago style to cite sources : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/
The page numbers it will be on is 200-211. Really 210-211.
It’s based on verbal aggressiveness so basically a time or interaction occurred with someone who was verbal aggressive.
THE BOOK TO CITE IS LISTED and include paper numbers of the book.
Also my heading is Na’Kiya Jackson
Professor name is : Dr Erdely
Date: 4/17/2020