The Psychodynamic Perspective & The Self: Discussion

When many people think of psychology, the first thing that comes to mind is Sigmund Freud. Although some of his work has been debunked by research, personality psychologists today tend to agree that the unconscious plays a role in our decision making process. Using what you learned in this chapter please discuss the following:

1. What is the structural model of personality development? Describe this model in your own words in 2-3 sentences.

2, What are the three structures of the structural model?

3. Consider the following scenario: You are in high school and have just been asked to the prom by your crush. You are so excited to go and realize you don’t have anything to wear. When you go shopping later that day, you find the PERFECT outfit…except for the price. It is WAY out of your budget….but you really want the outfit! Explain how the id would handle the situation, the ego, and the superego.

Please watch this talk on
How Do YOU Define Yourself Lizzie Velasquez at TEDxAustinWomen and

After reading the text and watching the videos please answer the following:

4. How would you define self-efficacy? Provide at least one example of a scenario in which you would have high self- efficacy and an example of a scenario where your self-efficacy would be low.

5. Think about what defines you? Please use examples from the previous chapters to describe how you know yourself.

6. What gives you Power over the world? What takes it away? Below are two videos that may be helpful in sparking conversation: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Historical Impact of Brown v. Board of Education

The culminating project for the Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain is writing a research paper that describes your vision of the purpose and structure of schools in the future. In order to develop a vision of education for the future, it is important to understand educational trends, practices, and theories of the past.
In preparation for the Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain, this task requires a 4–6 page paper on a topic of historical importance in education.

A. Develop the paper by doing the following:
1. Provide an effective and captivating introduction.
2. Provide a thesis statement that defines the paper topic.
3. Develop supporting points for the thesis statement in a sequence of organized paragraphs in the body of the paper.
4. Provide scholarly evidence for each supporting point, using specifically cited examples from works read on the topic.

B. Create a conclusion in which you do the following:
1. Restate the thesis.
2. Summarize the paper.

C. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Blackfoot Indians and their affinity of the color red, blood, and war

This project represents your greatest opportunity to demonstrate your personal interests and research abilities in Native American studies. You are being asked to conduct your own research that is relevant to the overall course topics and objectives. You may choose to further explore an issue discussed in the course, topics addressed in the suggested materials, or topics found elsewhere through your own research. You are constrained by only three factors when selecting your topic:

Your research must be centered on indigenous peoples and relevant issues in Native North America.
Your research should be ethnographic, meaning narrow and focused in scope (i.e. on X issue or X group of people, at Y place, at Z time).
You must select and research a topic that you can access adequate information on. You are strongly advised to use ethnographic resources such as eHRAF, volumes from the Handbook of North American Indian series, and prominent scholarly writing related to your topic (Handbooks and journal articles are great resources to begin snowballing those key sources, journal articles being the easiest to get your hands on electronically).
The main objective here is to learn and teach something new that aids in your ability to benefit from and contribute to discussions of other topics in class.
Your research paper should include several key elements:

A creative and representative project title (Think of this as a publication title and quality of work)
A one paragraph (single spaced) abstract, which includes a statement of the problem or topic, a brief explanation the key factors involved, and your main conclusion.
An introduction that includes discussions of cultural context and historical background related to your topic.
The main body of your discussion, in which you draw on key points from the background and your sources.
A relevant summary and conclusion that included recommendations for future research.
A Works Cited section with a minimum of four scholarly sources (peer-reviewed journals and/or monographs [peer-reviewed only, not government or NGO reports, for example); and any other reliable sources that you incorporate and cite in your paper. You are very strongly advised to utilize Yale’s eHRAF World Cultures (Access through the WSU Library via anthropology resources in the Databases List – then see instructions for finding specific cultural information at Yale’s Practical Guide to Using eHRAF ). You are welcome to use other popular media or non-academic sources as long as you effectively utilize the four required sources. This paper should be rigorous in its research – this is not an opinion piece, rather, an in-depth treatment of your topic requiring substantial defense of ideas and data.
The final research paper should be 5-7 well-written, double-spaced pages, not including your Works Cited section, tables, figures, images, cover sheets or appendices. You should use any sections and titles/subtitles that you feel are appropriate for your topic and style. Use standard margins and font (in size 11 or 12), and be sure to provide thorough citations in accordance to the Chicago Manual of Style or style guide for your discipline.

Editing and polishing should be thorough. The quality of your sources and your application of them will be closely evaluated. Plagiarism, including liberal use of ideas or quotes without citation will result in automatic failure, so double- and triple-check your work. You are encouraged to run your complete draft by an advisor at the writing center before the due date. You are also encouraged to review the grading rubric

for the assignment in advance, which is based on percentage values.

Take a historiographical position regarding the dropping of the atomic bombs over Japan. Was it necessary or unnecessary?

Read all 3 articles:

Gather evidence that will support your position. You must reference at least all 3 articles (provided above) in the paper. Address the major arguments surrounding the dropping of the atomic bomb by providing analysis of the arguments. Choose at least 3 points that you will use to support your argument in favor of the historian’s view on the dropping of the atomic bomb.

The introduction paragraph should contain a topic sentence and a thesis statement. What are you going to prove or argue?

The body of the paper should support the points and directly include quotes from each article.

Your conclusion should support your thesis.

Sources need to be in APA format and a bibliography is required at the end. No title page is necessary. 1200 words minimum.

Compare the Declaration of Independence and Letters from a Birmingham Jail. These documents are protest letters. What ideals and concepts do they share? Have we met the challenges set forth by Dr. King? Are we living up to the ideals set forth by Jefferson? (You will find it helpful to read and study the Statement by Alabama Clergymen.)

Prepare a 3 – 5-page essay (Times New Roman or Georgia, 12-point font, 1 inch-margins),
addressing one of the above topics. State your premise(s) and back up your writing with
scholarly sources. This is not an opinion essay. Make sure that you adhere to the page length
Focus your writing so that your essay is neither less than 3 nor more than 5 pages of doublespaced text. Paper titles, “References” pages, and notes do not count as “text.”
You must utilize a minimum of 3 primary and/or scholarly sources, and APA format. Your
textbook can be a source.

Harvard Business Review, “Crime, Greed, What the 1980s Were All About,” by Bill Taylor (1992),

Author Bill Taylor writes: “According … Den of Thieves…the meaning of the 1980s lies in the true crime stories of Martin Siegel, Dennis Levine, Ivan Boesky, and Michael Milken, participants in what Stewart considers “the greatest criminal conspiracy the financial world has ever known.” What was the “greatest criminal conspiracy” the author is writing about in this article? Provide a summary of the article and try your best to explain how the financial world committed crimes during the 1980s.