Any book roughly A.D. 1500-present

students will be responsible for completing one formal writing assignment, a 5 page scholarly book review. The book used for this assignment will be selected by the student, but its contents must correspond to the time period covered in the course (roughly A.D. 1500-present).

Risk Management 2

1. a. Explain why you (representing the organisation) would review its existing
risk management practices (policy, procedure, process).
b. Provide the rationale for the review
c. List the benefits of doing the review.
2. a. Provide three examples of the scope that risk management may cover;
b. provide a brief explanation of what it is within the scope that risk
management will be applied.
3. In your own works, summarize:
a. 11 Principles of the AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management – Principles and
b. Three objectives of the AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management – Principles
and Guidelines
4. How would you ensure that your risk management processes take into
account the following legislation, codes of practice and national standards?
Briefly describe each legislation.
Provide a practical example for each legislation of what risk action you
would take that takes into account the legislation.
a. Duty of care
b. Company law
c. Contract law
d. Environmental law
e. Freedom of information
f. Industrial relations law
g. Privacy and confidentiality
h. Competition and Consumer Law
i. Disability law
5. a. Give an example of a risk management activity: and,
b. explain why it is important to gain the support stakeholders.
c. Explain one method you can use to gain support; and,
d. why you chose this particular method.
6. a. Discuss three ways of how you will communicate with relevant
stakeholders about the risk management process.
b. Justify why you chose these.
7. a. Explain how you would encourage stakeholders to participate and assist
in risk identification activities.
b. Justify the benefit of this approach.

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated BibliographyAn Annotated Bibliography is a way to collect sources and provide brief summaries for each entry. It is formatted much differently than a traditional essay, and has specific formatting expectations that must be followed. An Annotated Bibliography allows you to organize your research in a method that is beneficial when constructing your larger essay. It is also helpful when using multiple sources that cover various topics. This will be a resource that you can use both when prewriting for Writing Project 3 and when you write your actual essay. The Components of an Annotated Bibliography:There are different requirements for bibliographies depending on the assignment, the instructor, etc.; however, there are general similarities that exist. For this class, you will need to include the following information for each source. o Citation: Each annotation should begin with a formal citation in MLA format. This would mimic what would be included on a Works Cited page. o Summarize: Provide a brief summary of the piece. Included in this should be the general “big picture” takeaways from the readings and some relevant key points. o Assess: Review the bias, credibility, effectiveness, etc. of the piece. Was it effective? What made it a quality piece? What made it ineffective? o Reflect: Determine how this piece is beneficial to you and the piece you will be constructing. Where would it fit in your essay? Although more information may be included, the above expectations are the minimum requirements that must be covered in all annotations. Assignment Expectations:  MLA format  Minimum of 8 sources Keep in mind that not all sources HAVE to be used in your Writing Project 3 Essay. This is an exploratory assignment. You are still learning about your topic and gathering a plethora of information to do so; this Bib is a reflection of that.

personality styles and how they affect organizational effectiveness.

I took a personality test from Jung The results are that I have a ENFJ (Extravert 47%, Intuitive 6%, Feeling 41%, Judging 19%) personality type. I need you to write the paper talking about this personality type. Write as if you are a physician(doctor). More detail instructions are attached in the file labeled “materials”. Please use two of the sources I included but the third one you can choose. Answer the following questions:

How does my personality type affect my career (physician) and effectiveness at my job?


1.What did the test reveal about you?
2.What can you infer from this test about your strengths and weaknesses?
3.How does what you have learned from your module background materials about your personality type affect your motivation? Is this limited to a specific type of situation?
4.What specific steps can you take to increase your strengths and build up weaknesses?

Making a personal assessment of a relevant set of skills, focusing on your strengths and identifying any weaknesses that may have been revealed. You will then create a plan by which you can “grow” your strengths and shore up your weaknesses.
As we have discussed, your values and attitudes interact with your personality to create a strong effect on your work life. The fit between an individual’s personality and a company’s “style” is essential to job satisfaction. Someone who is risk-averse, for example, would probably be unhappy at 3M, a company with a reputation for innovation and risk-taking. Understanding the impact of your own personality on others helps you build productive work relationships with peers, subordinates, and bosses, alike.

las vegas landscape

You are going to read the articles that I’m going to attach and then you need to answer three questions. ALL OF YOU’RE EXAMPLES AND INFORMATION MUST ONLY COME FROM THE ARTICLES THAT I’M GOING TO ATTACH. PLEASE DON’T BE FAGUE ABOUT THE ANSWERS.


If the articles that I’m going to attach don’t answer some of the questions you’re free to add 3 sources as long as they come from an academic search engine such as Jstore.

Who (individual planner, private firm, and/or collection of agencies) is involved in
the design(s) for the plan? In specific terms, what does the plan attempt to
accomplish? Describe the physical features of the plan and how it will interact
with the existing cityscape.
● What is the history of the site on which the plan is to be implemented? If the
site is more of an infrastructural network than a specific physical location, what
infrastructure predates the new plan? How will the plan change the existing
landscape? How well does the plan attempt to connect to the city’s pre-existing
public spaces?
● Beyond physical changes, what anticipated economic, social and/or cultural
effects are expected as a result of the plan? What problems does the plan
attempt to solve?
● What theories and/or traditions in urban design or environmental planning
inform the concepts behind the plan? In other words, have other planners
attempted similar designs previously, perhaps in other cities?
● Do the news sources you read provide different interpretations or reactions to
the plan? Do you find evidence that the project has its “critics?” If so, why is the
group (or individual) opposed to the project? On an economic basis? Aesthetic?
● What is your personal assessment of the plan? Will it be successful?
Other Requirements:
● Include an engaging introduction that evokes a concrete image or mental map of
the city in question. Introduction includes a thesis statement about the role the
plan will play for the city.
● Include MLA format in-line citations throughout the essay, multiple times per
paragraph if necessary.
● Be sure to include a final version of your bibliography or “Works Cited.”
● Include relevant sketches, maps, images with proper image citations. Refer to
these images in your text by analyzing the visual elements of the design(s).

● Clarity of writing – clear organization; proper
sentence structure; proper use of grammar (I
recommend taking your paper to the Writing
Center before submission)
● Analysis – includes a clear thesis statement;
develops argument throughout the written review;
includes sophisticated interpretation of secondary
sources; evaluates the historic, political, cultural and
socioeconomic contexts and disparities that might
influence the planning and outcomes of the project

Business memo on Lisa Su or Marvin R. Ellison explain why and how s/he supports a corporate sustainability policy in her/his organization.

Cite the sources in your memo, and list these sources at the end of your memo. You must use the APA or MLA format.
Memo: Lisa Su and Marvin R. Ellison are well known CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They share some similarities. You may also notice some differences too. Pick one of these two CEOs who interests you more for your assignment. explain why and how s/he supports a corporate sustainability policy in her/his organization.
• Review the source article definitions carefully. Explain your reasoning in five to ten paragraphs. Be specific. Use facts from the articles you found. Stick to articles from respected publications like Fortune, Forbes, the Economist, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, etc. Blogs and press releases are NOT acceptable. I feel is not acceptable in a business assignment. Decisions and recommendations must be based on facts that you can demonstrate based on the solid sources you find – NOT someone’s feelings.
Marvin R. Ellison. Search on Marvin R. Ellison regarding sustainability or corporate social responsibility. You will easily find three or more recent articles where he explains his support for sustainability AND how it benefits Lowe’s revenue/profitability. Recent means 2017 or later.
Linda Su. Search on Linda Su on sustainability or corporate social responsibility. You will easily find three or more recent articles where she explains her support for sustainability AND how it benefits AMD revenue/profitability. Recent means 2017 or later.