Written Essay 3 – Persuasive

For this essay please use as a foundation the draft you submitted for your “Short Written Assignment 6 – Persuasion” and simply build and expand upon that.
Length: 750-1000 words (approximately 2.5-3.5 pages)
Format: APA; 12-pt. font, 1-inch margins, double spaced
Research: In order to support your three main points (from your thesis statement) you are required to bring some outside sources into your writing. Articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers found online are acceptable.
Persuasion; Ch. 18
To write a good Research/Persuasion essay, remember the following:
• Select a subject about which you hold a strong opinion and for which alternative or opposing opinions can be held.
• Develop a critical position in which you state what you are trying to convince your readers to think or do.
• Support your position with compelling evidence :statements by experts, scholarly research, statistics, and case studies.
Please read and refer to chapter 4; “Supporting Your Points” before and during your writing of this essay. In order to expand on your three main points (from your thesis statement) you will want to make sure to use the four main types of support (all found in chapter 4) for each of your three main points (from your thesis statement):
Brief Examples
Narrative Examples
Supporting Quotations
As well, make sure to use one of the several available motivators, as discussed in Chapter 7, as part of your introduction. The book of the chapters are on this website https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com to access my book – pls ask support team for login info

Write a business report

Write a formal business report to your “boss” at the company. The purpose of this business report is to permit you to show what you have learned in the course about statistics, in particular what you have learned about correlation and regression, and what should be included in a practical business report using statistical analyses.
Students must submit a concise business report for which they should:
Utilize appropriate statistical analyses of the sample data provided
Interpret the results in the context of a business situation
Discuss the statistical results in the context of the business situation
Discuss any problems or shortcomings with the way the study was conducted (if any)
If necessary, describe methods of improving the study
Discuss any recommendations you think appropriate

Assume that you are writing this report so that it can be read by two types of readers: those who know no statistics (such as your “boss” at this company) and those who know statistics (such as her statistics expert assistant who will want enough information to know if you analysed the data properly and whether you have drawn the correct conclusions). Use anything you have learned throughout this course when composing your comprehensive, yet concise, well-organized and well-written report. Instructions: The business report is strictly limited to a maximum of 3 pages, 12-point, double-spaced, Times Roman (not including title page, graphs, tables, references, or appendices). Ensure all Excel analyses are attached. This report should be written in essay-format (i.e., sentences and paragraphs), not point form.
Criteria for evaluation will include appropriateness and correctness of analyses; quality and thoroughness of analyses; quality of organization and writing; clarity and correctness of interpretation; professional quality of job performed.

Deita Wire docx is the report we gonna write and I will upload some business report examples to you for better understand about what I am gonna to write like

Power Point Presentation – A critical review of a physical activity or exercise intervention/s for a specific target group.

Learning Outcomes:Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will have demonstrated:LO 2. Be critically aware of psychological issues in physical activity intervention with specific populations. LO 4. Use knowledge of psychology to examine and critically evaluate physical activity intervention with specific populations. General instructionsThe assignment consists of a group presentation demonstrating a critical evaluation of an existing intervention/s that aims to increase health related physical activity or exercise with a specific target population. Your evaluation will focus on psychological issues related to the enhancement of physical activity with the target group specified. Examples of specific target groups include prevention and/or treatment of lifestyle illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and CHD; mental health disorders such as depression or stress; school based physical activity in childhood, community projects for adolescence, pregnancy, work based interventions etc. or National media campaigns aimed at the general public.You need to work in a small group of 2, 3 or 4 to prepare the delivery of one presentation. During preparation you should:Make use of a variety of resources, for example:Library – Books, journals, databases such as DISCOVER. Organisations that represent this population.Physically active and inactive members of the population.Exercise leaders or coaches working with this population.Policy documents etc.You will be allocated to your group during the seminar in weeks 1 and 2. Your presentation will take place in weeks 9, 10 or 11. Each group will select a topic and then be allocated a presentation week. You must attend the weekly seminar each week even if you are not presenting in order to offer a peer review to your fellow presenters. Not only is the information presented at the seminars a part of the module requirements, the students leading the seminar also need to be able to count on a full class. As a group, you need to bring one printed copy of the presentation material including a list of all references used to give to the examiner on the day of your presentation. Print this off using the ‘notes page’ option on power point. This will enable you to indicate slide by slide each student’s personal contribution to that slide. Each slide on this printed copy of your presentation will have written on it: a.The name or names of the student responsible for providing the knowledge and information (sourcing materials and selecting information) used to prepare the slide.b.The name or names of the student responsible for preparing the visual presentation of that slide.By doing this you will be clarifying for the examiner, the specific elements of the group work that you personally contributed (i.e. depth and breadth of relevant knowledge, Analysis and Interpretation of Evidence and Critical Evaluation). If two or more of you contributed equally to one or more slides than this will be indicated on each slide and the group mark section (see rubric below) will be equal between group members.

Corporate Risk and Crisis Management

Social Media Case Study

Case Study: Identify and describe a situation where social media has had an impact on crisis response
(examples could be the Boston Marathon bombing (2013), or Queensland flooding (2011).

Describe how the event unfolded, and how social media had an impact.

Describe the use of social media from multiple perspectives, including official agency communication, social media sites, personal communications, international coverage, media coverage, information collation, real- time dissemination and post-event evidence recovery.

• Some of the points you should cover in your report should include
• Explain the impact on information management on organisational risk and crisis management
• Identify the ways that organisations interact with media management
• Describe the various uses of social media
• Identify how social media can be used in different ways during a crisis event
• Give examples of where social media has had a positive or negative on an organisations crisis management ability and / or reputation management

The Role of a 21st Century Corporate Security & Risk Manager

Explain the ways in which the roles, responsibilities, challenges and capabilities of a modern corporate security and risk manager differ from a similar role twenty five years ago.

Take into account of the nature of the risks and threats, the tools that are currently available (particularly technology), and the advantages and disadvantages that brings.

Your report should cover the issues associated with modern complexity, globalisation, inter-dependence, rapidly cascading consequences and the significance of all of those to modern risk management.

You should also refer to issues such as communications, the significance of security management technology, IT dependence and other issues that are central to modern security and risk management.
Some of the points you should cover in your report should include;

Describe the nature of 21st century crises

Describe the different causes of crises

Describe the impact crises have on organisations

Identify the roles of High threat, time urgency, confusion and level of potential loss

Natural disasters, terrorism, technological breakdown, human error, social disorder

Breakdown in communications, need for immediate decision, maintenance of normal activities, brand / image management 

The assignments can be developed according to your own personal preference, but overall, the content should demonstrate an understanding of
• The underlying principles and their applications associated with security and risk management
• The underlying principles and their applications associated with business continuity
• The underlying principles and their applications associated with crisis management
• The concepts around complexity and emerging threats
•The development of a corporate risk management programme appropriate to a raft of organisations

Corporate Risk and Crisis Management


This report would be an overview of an organisation’s risk and crisis management capabilities, including potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and a detailed proposal that could be used to support the development of a strategic capability development programme across the organisation.

The report would be in a format appropriate for delivery to C-Suite decision makers, and would need to make the case that there is a quantifiable benefit to the organisation from the enhanced security and risk management capabilities that effective Corporate Risk and Crisis Management could bring.

Audie Murphy’s Accomplishments and Downfalls

I am in need of an annotated bibliography of 2 sources on my Audie Murphy paper. The sources are located on my work cited page. Please select 2 sources and complete the bibliographies on. The example and rubric i need to follow is attached.

Corporate Risk and Crisis Management

Success and Failures in Crisis Management

Write a report on an example of where ineffective corporate response has led to the escalation of a simple or major incident to a crisis situation.
You should describe the internal and external causes that led to the final crisis state, including the organisational decision-making and response management processes that contributed to (or were a direct cause of) the failure.
Include post-event reports and reviews to show how the failures that occurred happened, and what lessons should have been learned.
Give special focus to those areas where lessons should have been learned from previous experiences but weren’t, and identify the levels of catastrophic losses associated with these basic management failures.