forbes on disney

According to forbes (2017) Disney utilises many business intelligences tools and technologies to boost customer experience. With the aid of examples, discuss how business how business intelligence plays a role in Disney’s Success

*How effective are community-based education programs vs. hospital-based education programs at preventing cardiovascular disease in the African American adult?

The paper will be 8-page narrative (8 pages maximum – 5-point deduction for over page limit as submitted in Turnitin) plus a title page, abstract page, and reference list.
You must use a minimum of four original research articles for your paper.

The purpose of this literature review to answer your PICOT question using research evidence. Discuss how this health problem is applicable in both the USA and non-USA country, and appraise four research studies on your topic. This is a scholarly paper, written as a “Review of the Literature” article published in a nursing journal.

Page 1: Title page: Create a title for your paper. Refer to your APA Manual.

Page 2: Abstract The abstract should open with a sentence that will serve as an introduction to the purpose of the paper. Refer to your APA Manual. An abstract is usually a brief outline of the contents you wrote in the paper and typically does not exceed 250 words. At the end of the abstract place the phrase Key Words, and denote 3-4 keywords that would describe your paper (as for publication and indexing in CINAHL or PubMed).

Pages 3-10 Narrative (Eight pages maximum)

Use the heading: Significance and Background Start the paper defining the global health problem, and discuss why it is important for nursing (why you are discussing this topic). Discuss what is known about this problem in the USA and non-USA countries. (Approximately 1 page).
Use the heading: Purpose State the purpose of this literature review in terms of your PICOT question. (Approximately ½-page).
Use the heading: Methods Discuss the methods used to select the following research studies.
Use the heading: Results
Next use the subheading:
Use the Subheading: Study #1: Nursing research Study in the USA Provide a brief appraisal (Approximately 1½ pages)
Use the Subheading: Study #2: Nursing Research Study Non-USA Provide a brief appraisal (Approximately 1½ pages)
Use the Subheading: Study #3: Nursing Research Study [USA or Non-USA] Provide a brief appraisal (Approximately 1½ pages)
Use the Subheading: Study #4: Nursing Research Study [USA or Non-USA] Provide a brief appraisal (Approximately 1½ pages)
Heading: Conclusion Summarize the key points from the results verifying the trustworthiness of the evidence. (Approximately 1 page).

Page 11: Reference page. Refer to your APA Manual.

This review is a scholarly paper in APA format and with at least four APA with both in text and the reference page citations.

Select research articles published within the past five years (2016 to present).
Do not use a non-peer review journal.
Do not use a literature review article, systematic review article, meta-analysis or meta-synthesis, or clinical protocols as one of your articles.
At least TWO of the four research articles MUST BE authored by nurses and published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal.
At least ONE of the two nursing research studies must address nursing practice in a non-USA country.
Do not write in first person.
Do not use quotes [practice paraphrasing]


Review the Week 7 Short Response Guidelines and Rubric and submit your Week 7 Short Responses

Infant and maternal health

I must write a 7-8 page research paper where I present data and discuss multiple points of view on a health topic. The paper must consist of the following sections:
I. Introduction
II. Statisticaloverview
III. Different explanations for the cause/contributors of the problem (e.g., biological, social). IV. Different types of interventions to address the problem (e.g., health education aimed at individuals or new policies).
V. Conclusion
VI. Bibliography (not included in page count)

***My assigned topic is infant and maternal health. My chosen area of focus is health, risks and mortality. More specifically, the prevalence of infant and maternal sickness and mortality amongst women of African American descent compared to their counterparts of Western European descent***

I have attached the explicit details and requirements of the paper, a powerpoint presentation on the topic and the grading rubric that my professor will use.

*Also, I see that an outline is included in my order. My professor gave us a format or the online so I have also attached that. I hope the writer will be able to use it.

Personal Statement

Personal statement for the Respiratory Technician program. Please write a description of yourself, your goals, and why you chose respiratory care. Please address your strengths and weaknesses.

Please see the attached document for more details.

Essay Questions: an untamed state Discuss Gay’s use of the fairytale motif throughout the novel. Why does she use this motif to tell a story of abuse, kidnap and rapes? In what ways does she incorporate the fairytale motif, i.e. through narrative, mini fables and tales through the narration by Mireille, others?

5 page, choose my topic and tell the reader about the an untamed state story from Part one , part two and end. please use psychology 204 life span e-book as a source, an untamed state book and two from other sources.