Leadership and Clinical Governance

Scenario: You have recently commenced your graduate year on an adult surgical unit. You are caring for Nicole, a 23 year old woman who has recently returned from theatre following a laproscopic appendectomy. You have previously cared for patients in the immediate postoperative period, however you have not previously cared for a patient post appendectomy. You assess Nicole at the beginning of your shift and Nicole explains that she is not sure how long she will be in hospital or what her nursing or medical care will involve. Task: Drawing on the above scenario, respond to the following prompts: Q1. Identify three or more significant risks for Nicole in the first 48 hours after her surgery. Q2. What sources of research evidence could be used to guide Nicole’s care? Q3. How might involving Nicole in her care impact on quality and safety? Q4. How would the concept of scope of practice be applied in this situation? Q5. How could the unit’s culture or leadership influence the quality and safety of Nicole’s care?

Business Intelligence

“Business intelligence (BI) software is a collection of decision support
technologies for the enterprise aimed at enabling knowledge workers to make
better and faster decisions. The past two decades have seen explosive growth,
both in the number of products and services offered and in the adoption of
these technologies by industry.”
Discuss two technologies that are becoming increasingly important and give your
opinion as to what the future holds for the Business Intelligence sector.

business intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) software is a collection of decision support technologies for the enterprise aimed at enabling knowledge workers to make better and faster decisions. The past two decades have seen explosive growth, both in the number of products and services offered and in the adoption of these technologies by industry.”
Discuss two technologies that are becoming increasingly important and give your opinion as to what the future holds for the Business Intelligence sector.

Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise buildings

This assessment 2 has been designed to allow you to provide evidence of your competence in the unit CPCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects.
Note: you will need to complete additional assessments as you progress through your course to demonstrate competence for all aspects of the unit.
In completing your final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to:
• Access and interpret relevant code and standard requirements
• Analyse and apply a range of solutions to a construction problem for compliance with the BCA.
To assist with this assessment, refer to Appendix A, B and C for relevant excerpts of the National Construction Code (NCC).


Provide a thorough assessment of our current scientific understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on the natural and managed systems of Biosphere

Untranslatability: Chinese tones

This is the dissertation for my course on Translation Studies so it must draw from translation theory. It would be appreciated if the writer could include discussions on the untranslatability of Chinese tones.