The Army building a new Barracks in an already garrisoned town

You are a public relations manager, you are part of a team who are building a new barracks in a town who already has a heavy presence in the town of Catterick in Yorkshire England.

Produce a press article presenting the barracks in a positive light to the local people and press, highlight the benefits of this exciting development to the local community.

The hook for the story could be the extra employment opportunities that the new barracks will bring.

Also produce a list of 6 questions you are likely to be asked in a tv interview and how you would respond.

300 for press article

200 for questions and answers

political science week 6 assignment

Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries.

Summarize the article.
What is the issue?
Explain why this issue is important to the global community.
What outside influences might help change this issue?
What is your opinion?
Option 2: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a proposed budgetary change.

Summarize the article.
What is the issue?
Explain who benefits most from the change?
Who might be negatively affected by this change?
What is your opinion?
Writing Requirements (APA format). Refer to the APA manual.

Length: 3 full pages (not including the title or references page)
1-inch margins
12-point Times New Roman font
Title and Reference page required
APA cite article with link
Scan copy of article required

Febrile neutropenia

Please see paper that is attached and help with writing Chapter 4 and 5. Thank you. . Thank you.

References dont need to be new. You can use ones to support the data. Use file _557844.docx

Threats to HIT Training Plan

Data accuracy and security are crucial to the administration of electronic medical records. Threats to the use of electronic medical records include physical loss or damage, crimes, viruses, and unauthorized access.

Select one of the following topics as it relates to electronic medical records:

Health Systems Security
Health Systems Quality
Health Systems Privacy.
Then design a training plan that focuses on this topic and addresses the following:

Identify various challenges that are present for small practices in implementing an electronic medical record. Are these different from those affecting a large healthcare system? Explain why you think so.
Identify the key stakeholders—who could benefit from training on the threat you selected, particularly as it relates to EMR?
Outline a training strategy that will build the skills needed to effectively support and utilize an EMR.
Determine and explain key elements to be included in the training and frequency of training.
Your training plan should meet the following requirements:

Four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
Support your plan and points with a minimum of three sources in addition to the course text. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported, and in-text citations used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list. The CSU-Global library is a good place to find these references.

Policy brief

Write a policy brief of already written dissertation on child and family policy in Ireland emphasis laid on children experiencing domestic violence. Comparing with Britain, I have uploaded the dissertation file and examples of how to write a policy brief also a powerpoint lecture. Please read my dissertation properly and write accordingly following the examples I uploaded.

South-Asian female students in higher education: Perceptions of mental health and wellbeing

I would like to research indepth into the perceptions of mental health and wellbeing of South Asian female students attending university in England.
Being a young South Asian woman attending higher education myself, I have faced many cultural challenges which have impacted my mental health and wellbeing vastly in various ways. Having many South Asian female family/friends/colleagues either attending or having completed higher education, I have frequently witnessed these individuals facing similar as well as different struggles which can often stem from being from the South Asian culture.
I want to go in-depth into what extent having a South Asian background impacts one’s mental health and wellbeing. Various studies have been conducted on South Asian women in higher education. I feel having a vast amount of literature along with my in-depth study, I will allow me to understand the mental health and wellbeing of South Asian women in higher education in England.

What is Love?

This essay has to do with defining what is love and what is truly means. Answer the following questions below. : how would you define love? Is it a goal worthy to be achieved among people? Why or why not? Also express how you feel about the connection between sex and love. Use MLA format please Thank you