Book review of Mark Mathabane’s Kaffir Boy

Review one of the underlisted African Novels and relate it to THREE otthe themes in history of modern Africa such as gender relations, culture, labor. welfare, race relations, recreation, welfare, religion, trade and health. Support your review with materials from the lectures and other sources. The review should include the setting. a brief summary (one paragraph), discussion of any three of afore listed theiiies with materjajs fmm other Sgurces, conclusion, references (Chicago style) and bibliography

List and describe the major trends in computer hardware. Which of these do you think will create the biggest changes in business information systems and why?

(Class: BAM 225 , Information Management)
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).
Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations
Please ONLY reference:
Essentials of MIS 11th Edition, 2015
Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon Pearson
ISBN-13: 9780133576849

Robinson and Crow (2009:2) posited that ‘offender rehabilitation can imply not just behavioural change, but also a symbolic process where an individual is permitted to shed the negative label of offender’ and be reinstated within the community after a period of exclusion or censure’ Critically explore the extent to which contemporary rehabilitation practice achieves this goal

Paper format should be UCD HARVARD STYLE, available at

attached primary sources you will have to rely on and utilise others which you may find relevant.. Microsoft docx contains my opinion on how the paper may be approached

Team Characterisics and Diversity

Use this assignment to conduct research for your Individual Writing Assignment. Identify a peer-reviewed article and write an Annotated Bibliography.
Review the Annotated Bibliography Helpful Hints under Course Home for a properly formatted journal article and requirements.
The length is variable but should be no more than 1 page. Coversheets are not required. Put the APA reference at the top, and then start writing on the next line.
Proper APA formatting of the reference itself is important. You should be using all Journal Articles so the format will be the same each time.

Isolating hotspots

In the New Yorker Medical Report, The Hot Spotters, (Links to an external site.) Dr. Jeffrey Brenner reports that nearly half the population in the city is seen in the emergency department. Imagine you are the senior health care nursing leader for your organization. Would you recommend such a practice for community assessment and intervention for your health system?
Discuss the following:
the reasons patients use the emergency department for primary care
Could a model such as the one discussed in the article improve access and quality?

Marketing as a Recruitment Strategy

Discuss how marketing can be used in both recruitment strategies and to build a long-term image of an organization. Make sure to discuss how organizations that have recruitment/retention issues can use marketing to build a positive reputation in the community.

Strategic Management

Answer ALL of the sections (A, B, C and D) and address all the tasks set, applying strategic management theory and frameworks.
For all your answers note that there are no marks for primary research through talking to business owners. Instead, concentrate on the application of the strategic models to what you can see, to what you research online and to reports you find in the library.

1. Analyse the competitive forces in the travel agency industry in the UK taking account of the variety of players from small independents to the largest chains and on-line travel agents (OTAs).
2. How does this help you explain the competition in travel agency services which exists in your own town/city (this is the location of your university campus).

1. Choose ONE of the travel agency retailer sites in your town/city. Analyse their resources and capabilities.
2. Use the VRIN model to help you, explain how they thrive (or struggle) in competition with the other retailers and on-line providers.

1. Prepare a stakeholder analysis for the on-line accommodation platform AirBnB.
2. Identify two stakeholder relationships you consider are particularly important and set out how this organisation should manage those relationships.

1. Evaluate the change in Amazon’s corporate scope following the purchase of Whole Foods and the recent purchase of the rights to broadcast Premier League Football.
2. Assess the motivations for these acquisitions in light of Amazon’s corporate objectives.

Comparing Foreign Policy

PSC 310-508 Comparative Public Policy
Final paper – guidelines

The final paper is a study which examines and critically assesses a certain public policy (or policy sector, or policy response) across 3 countries. One of the countries must be the United States. The other 2 countries could be any of the following: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.

You have to pick one of the following public policies:
Economic Policy
Education Policy
Foreign Policy**********
Health Care Policy
Environmental Policy
Immigration Policy
Energy Policy
Taxation Policy
Criminal Justice Policy
Welfare Policy
Homeland Security

Instead of picking a public policy, you can pick a policy sector. Examples of policy sectors: renewable energy policy, anti-poverty policy, support for the elderly, support for child raising, drug policy, incarceration policy, gun rights policy…

More narrowly, instead of a public policy or policy sector, you can pick a policy response. Examples of policy responses: policy response to the coronavirus, policy response to 2008 financial crisis, policy response to climate change…

Paper’s format

Double spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, font size 12 in MS-Word compatible format. The paper should contain cover and reference pages. The cover page will include the title, student’s name, course name and number, and date.

Paper’s structure

Introduction (0.5 pages)
Examine the public policy/policy sector/policy response in the United States. Briefly, discuss the positive and negative aspects of that policy/sector/response. (undergraduate students: 2+ pages; graduate students: 3+ pages)
Examine the public policy/policy sector/policy response in Country 2. Briefly, discuss the positive and negative aspects of that policy/sector/response.
(undergraduate students: 2+ pages; graduate students: 3+ pages)
Examine the public policy/policy sector/policy response in Country 3. Briefly, discuss the positive and negative aspects of that policy/sector/response.
(undergraduate students: 2+ pages; graduate students: 3+ pages)
What can the United States learn from the other two countries’ policies? Are there any specific elements that the United States can borrow from those two countries’ policies? Will there be any challenges? Explain.
(undergraduate students: 1.5+ pages; graduate students: 2.5+ pages)
Conclusion (0.5+ pages)

Sources and citation

Undergraduate students: 7+ sources (at least 5 scholarly sources).
Graduate students: 10+ sources (at least 7 scholarly sources).

Scholarly sources include: books, journal articles, and magazine articles, government documents and reports from intergovernmental organizations. Scholarly sources do not include textbooks, encyclopedia, dictionaries, atlases, articles from popular magazines or non-peer reviewed periodicals (such as newspapers), Wikipedia. Newspapers are not considered scholarly sources. Do not use Wikipedia as a source for your paper.

Balanced Scorecard- Narrated Powerpoint Presentation

I already have a paper, just need the Narrated Powerpoint created
Your PowerPoint presentation should be at least 10 slides (Not including the opening and closing slide), which highlight the major points of your paper. The narration should be about 3-5 minutes long. The term paper should be a discussion of an in-depth advanced cost topic and not a rehash of the textbook or a basic accounting topic. Your paper must be adding new knowledge above the course material. The purpose of the term paper is to increase knowledge and not be an overview of a textbook topic. Make sure you have done some research before you post your topic, so that you know that you can find resources to support your topic.
PowerPoint Presentation: Did you have at least 10 slides and did the slides highlight the theme of your paper? Was the narrative clear and concise? This does not include the opening and closing slides. I will take off 7.5 pts. if there is no narration. I will take off 5 pts. if you just read the slides during your narration.