Aeropostale Clothing

Aeropostale has chosen to target a younger audience for their products.

They are targeting 11 to 18 years old.

From your perspective do you think this is good marketing to build relationship and possibly loyalty with a younger audience or would you consider Aeropostale’s targeting unethical?

Johnson & Johnson and the Tylenol crisis in 1982

Select an organization (Johnson & Johnson) that has had quality issues and address the following:

Description of the Incident
How did the organization handle the situation?
Do you believe their response is adequate? Why or why not?
How would you have handled the issue?

Resources: Current articles, LexisNexis, Market Line and Company Website, Library, Partitioner Articles, Journal Articles & Academic Literature.

Nationalist qualities of the music of Copland and Revueltas

the subject area of the essay is history of music, and specifically the questions I want to be answered in the essay are “Compare the nationalist qualities of the music of Copland and Revueltas. How does each include traditional and modern elements in their work? What audience is intended for each? What is the political significance of the works?” this essay should be from (250 to 300 worlds) or a full page long. you can include up to 3 sources, but you can include more if its necessary. The quality of the essay is more important than the number of sources. let me know if i need to clarify on any point or have any questions.

Rock/Pop Groups Essay

he Subject area of the essay is history of music. the essay topic is “Which can be considered “classic” rock/pop groups and why? Choose four groups to discuss. Include the band’s members, their careers, their successes, their style, their greatest singles and albums, and their influence.” Include bibliographies for this topic. the essay should have 775 to 900 words or 3 pages long. you can include up to 4 sources but you can more if its necessary. quality of the writing is more important than the limit of sources. let me know if I need to clarify on any point or have any questions.

Student and social media

I need the work to be divided please. The first part of the essay has to be a Literature review based on students and social media. Topic: “Does the use of social media affect student life?”
Hypothesis and aims and objectives need to be developed. Students use social media for a variety of reasons. For example; in education, it often provides more useful information as well as enables students to connect with learning groups and a range of other educational systems. Social media can also be a tool for students to network with other institutions which brings about many opportunities which can help to improve learning methods.
For students, social media can be beneficial as it keeps them up to date about current affairs, it makes it easier to carry out research work, boosts self- esteem, enables students with disabilities to interact at the same level as others, aids in getting jobs
This part of the essay (literature review) has to be 1,440 words. Followed by citations and bibliography/ references.

The second part of the essay is a research proposal based on the same topic (students and social media). There is not a need for any data collection for this essay, it just needs to be a plan (research proposal). The proposal needs to include an introduction, literature review, methodology, limitations and potential issues, work schedule followed by reference. This part of the essay has to be 2,160 words.

impact of offshore wind farms on navigation system

In order to obtain a marine license, offshore wind farms developers need to conduct a NRA . The impact of offshore wind farms on navigation safety in england and wales and evaluate international and national primary sources, so for example UNCLOS, The Energy Acts 2004 and 2006 and The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Looking at marine spatial planning in the UK will probably also be helpful. It will also be necessary to distinguish between the different zones (i.e. territorial sea, EEZ etc.).

Aleatoric music and Minimalism Essay

the Subject area of the essay is history of music. the essay topic is Two of the most radical techniques of 20th century music are aleatoric (chance) music and minimalism. Define the terms, and discuss the lives of pioneers John Cage and Steve Reich, their compositions, their individual techniques and influence. Include bibliographies for this topic. the essay should have 775 to 900 words or 3 pages long. you can include up to 4 sources but you can more if its necessary. quality of the writing is more important than the limit of sources. let me know if I need to clarify on any point or have any questions.

Regarding the Mary Barnett case,

Regarding the Mary Barnett case,

1) what is your verdict?

2) was it difficult to determine your verdict? Why? Why not?

Support your verdict with specific details from the case.

What specific evidence influenced your point of view?
Why do you find the source(s) credible?
What are your responses to conflicting testimony?
Be sure to carefully consider case evidence/testimony.

You’ll find this material in the assigned reading.


Read Thinking Critically (Chapter 2).
Read Thinking Critically (Chapter 7).

Book : Thinking Critically, 12th Ed. Chaffee. Houghton Mifflin, 2019. ISBN: 978-1-337-55850-1.

Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health

Review all materials in Chapter 52 and conduct research on the United States Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990). The full text of this case, along with numerous case briefs, commentaries, summaries, etc., may be found by simply entering the full name of the case into any major online search engine of your choosing. Alternatively, you may use Westlaw, Lexis or any other professional legal research databank in your research, however, use of such is not required. Following your research, review the following questions:• What was the ultimate numerical vote of the court?
• When and how can life support be withdrawn?
• How does death by refusal of treatment differ from suicide?
• How does a living will work and when does it become of legal effect?
• What is a health care directive and how does it work?After completing your research, summarize your answers, and, along with any other sources, if any, address and support your particular position/view on the following specific issues, and, specifically, how you would apply the Saint Leo University Core Values of Community, Respect, and Integrity into your actions. Be sure to use proper APA format for citations.
Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.Respect
We value all individuals’ unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community’s strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas, and on learning, living and working harmoniously.
The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just and consistent in word and deed.1. What are the potential foreseeable financial, psychological, and medical, yet unintended, harmful consequences to one’s family and friends in failing to provide a properly executed will and living will prior to one’s final illness and death?2. What are the fundamental distinctions between recuperative medical care and palliative care? Who should be included in the decision to modify care from recuperative to palliative? When, if ever, is the right to refuse any and all medical care appropriate when such virtually ensures the death of the patient?3. What professionals, medical or otherwise, should be involved in advising decisions concerning end-of-life wishes? How does euthanasia differ from a simple cessation of treatment? Who should make end of life decisions for those who are without a family member to take on such a role?4. What measures can be taken to ensure the quality of ongoing family and social relationships, individually and as a group, to end-of-life patients? What pitfalls are to be avoided in ensuring maintenance of these relationships? What actions may be taken to ensure the spiritual and existential dimensions of the process are respected and integrated?Reference book:
Business Law: Cheeseman, H. R. (2019). Business law: legal environment, online commerce,
ethics, and international issues (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134729060