Tetrahymena phagocytosis

How does the temperature that the Tetrahymena is in affects the rate of phagocytosis

condition 1: Source – Peterson
Control – 37 Degrees Celsius

condition 2: Source – Peterson
20 Degrees Celsius

condition 3: Source – Peterson
10 Degrees Celsius

condition 4: Source – Peterson
0 Degrees Celsius

Show prove why it affects the changes from qualified sources.

Homeland Security Intelligence for Federal, State, Local, and Tribal

Assignment Overview

Understanding the relationships between the different organizations in the intelligence community is important, especially with respect to the Department of Homeland Security.

Joint Publication 2-01* describes the roles of National Intelligence Organizations:

National intelligence organizations employ specialized resources and dedicated personnel to gain information about potential adversaries, events, and other worldwide intelligent reports (IRs). The national intelligence organizations routinely provide support to the Joint Forces Commander (JFC) while continuing to support national decision makers. However, the focus of these national organizations is not evenly split among intelligence customers and varies according to the situation and competing requirements. The intelligence community (IC) refers in the aggregate to those Executive Branch agencies and organizations that are funded in the National Intelligence Program. The IC consists of 17 member organizations.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is one of the IC members. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis website defines its mission to equip the Homeland Security Enterprise with the intelligence and information it needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient.

I&A’s mission is supported by four strategic goals:

Promote Understanding of Threats Through Intelligence Analysis
Collect Information and Intelligence Pertinent to Homeland Security
Share Information Necessary for Action
Manage Intelligence for the Homeland Security Enterprise

*Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations. http://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/jp2_01_20170705v2.pdf
Case Assignment

Answer the following:

How can DHS leverage Department of Defense resources to analyze vulnerabilities?
How much authority should the U.S. military have in domestic matters? If it is a large role, how does Defense Intelligence come in to play?

What role(s) do the National Guard Bureau and State National Guard have in domestic intelligence support?
Assignment Expectations

Support your work with peer-reviewed, government, and subject matter expert sources. Your paper will not be longer than 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page).

Research 2 Practice

Research2Practice (R2P) podcast for their field experience. For each R2P podcast episode you listen to, you will write a concise (~1 paragraph) summary. You can pick any 5 podcasts to listen to and then write a one paragraph summary of each podcast. There needs to be a total of 5 summaries for 5 different podcasts. Here is the link to the podcasts:

High-Leverages in SPED

Write a paper summarizing eight high-leverage practices (HLPs) as defined by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Essentially, HLPs are educational practices that all special educators should know how to do. These practices are evidence-based, meaning that when successfully implemented, can improve results for struggling learners. The CEC has identified twenty-two high-leverage practices in the broad areas of collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction. You will write a summary of the following HLPs:

HLP #7: Consistent Learning Environment
HLP #8 and #22: Feedback
HLP #12: Systematically Design Instruction
HLP #13: Make Adaptations Final
HLP #16: Explicit Instruction
HLP #17: Use Flexible Grouping
HLP #18: Student Engagement
HLP #20: Provide Intensive Instruction
Use the following website to learn more about the targeted HLPs: https://highleveragepractices.org/a-professional-development-guide-for-school-leaders/ (Links to an external site.)

Once you have read about each of the eight HLPs indicated above and watched the corresponding videos, you will write a summary of each. Then, you will write an action plan outlining how you plan to incorporate each of the eight HLPs in your current, or future, classroom setting.

financial crisis 1) The efficient market hypothesis, (2) New Keynesian theories of market imperfection (3) Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis or (4) behavioural finance.

With reference to at least two of the crises discussed during the course, discuss and critically evaluate how two of the following theoretical explanations for the workings of financial markets fare in explaining the crises episodes:
(1) The efficient market hypothesis, (2) New Keynesian theories of market imperfection (3) Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis or (4) behavioural finance.
Compare and contrast the two theoretical views you have chosen in light of the financial crises you are discussing. What is the relationship between the real economy and finance according to each of the two theoretical perspectives? Which of the two explanations that you have presented do you find most convincing for the crises episodes you are discussing and why? Use empirical evidence (data, graphs, empirical findings by other academics/research institutions etc.) to support your evaluation.
Word limit: 2500 words (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography)


– the great depression
– japans lost decade
– the east asian crisis
– the subprie mortgage crisis
-the sovergein debt crisis

thank you

Northern Nevada Artifact

With Essay 2 we hope to make progress towards those outcomes, of course, and we will make that progress by exploring a method of development that might seem more academic than other methods of development we have practiced so far. I say this because we have mostly done personal writing, but now we will be interacting with and responding to texts.

Analysis is the method of development we will be practicing with Essay 2. Note that our textbook uses Analysis and Division interchangeably. Either way you say it, Analysis/Division is a method of development central to college success—and a process at the heart of many career fields. What’s more, responsible civic life requires analysis because it helps us unpack election campaigns, prominent corporate marketing, and news coverage of domestic and global affairs.

Analysis helps us understand what others are trying to achieve with their writing and how meaning is produced in an object or text. Once you develop the skills, you would, with practice and experience, be able to analyze pictures, sculptures, novels, movies—but also futures markets, a baseball team’s projected win totals, advertisements, and so much more.

Analysis continues the process we began with our introduction to critical reading. We learned to ask questions about audience, purpose, and author background, which will still be important. Now, however, we are adding tools that will help us break some whole (an essay, an article, an image, an object) into its constitutive elements to understand how they work to produce meaning. It might be helpful to think of analysis as a process of examining the relationship between parts that make up a whole. The key is to figure out how to recognize and organize the parts.

Of course, with Essay 2 we continue to strive to a) produce essays that make a specific point about a topic based on a particular writing situation, b) determine our audience and purpose with precision, c) determine how best to increase the credibility of our argument by paying close attention to how our grammar, tone, and presentation influence our message, and d) write a clear, well-organized essay.


Write a short essay—750 words—in which you analyze one cultural object or cultural production: a painting, a photo, a print advertisement, a television commercial, a short film, etc. Please use MLA or APA style and 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Essay 2 is worth 10 points, which is distributed over Draft 1 (5) and the Final Draft (5).


First and foremost, I think you should pick a topic that genuinely interests you. Cooperative extension offices provide material for an incredibly wide range of topics, including agriculture, horticulture, food insecurity, domestic violence, natural resources, community development, and so on. Also, since we are using University of Nevada’s Cooperative Extension, I suggest thinking about your topic in terms of Nevada issues you care about. If you have an interest, pursue it. In my experience, it’s easier to find a point of view if you care about what you are saying. That said, we want to make sure our interests and passions don’t bias our analysis. Analysis should be objective as possible.

Criteria for Evaluation

-You need a thesis that that makes a point; it should be arguable and significant

-You develop and/or support your thesis with specific textual evidence from the University of Nevada Cooperative extension web page or article you have selected

-You explain how the evidence develops and/or supports your thesis rather than expect quotations or other textual evidence to speak for itself

-Each paragraph needs to have topic sentence that tells your reader what the paragraph is about and the main idea of the paragraph.

-Each paragraph develops logically

-Each paragraph ends with a sentence that links it to the next paragraph

-The essay is organized logically

-You need to have varied sentence length and style.