Discuss, situating Plato’s claim in the broader context of his ‘Allegory of the cave’ under its metaphysical and political aspects.

Referring to this passage: “[Is it not] the turning round of a soul passing from a day which is little better than night to the true day of being, […] which we affirm to be true philosophy?” (Plato, The Republic, Chapter VII, pp. 379–380). Discuss, situating Plato’s claim in the broader context of his ‘Allegory of the cave’ under its metaphysical and political aspects.

no other sources needed! just cite from this chapter

lamb born with congenital malformation (embryogenesis)

A lamb that is born showing a severe congenital malformation such that it developed 2 spines within the cervical and thoracic vertebrae regions. These duplicated spinal cords were attached to one head at its anterior side and joined more posterior into one spine in the lumbar and sacral regions. How is this possible?

Articulate what the cellular and molecular mechanisms are enabling the creation of 2 spinal cords only within the position of the cervical and thoracic regions of this lamb. you have 2 options to answer this question. (Pick A or B)

A: Describe 2 separate models in which the first hypothesis would focus on how early developmental events (that may include mechanisms of maternal contributions, gastrulation, and/or axis determination) and a second hypothesis focused on issues of neural tube formation.

B: Alternatively, you can describe one model that incorporates both early developmental patterning mechanisms and those of neural tube formation.

Book used for this course is Developmental Biology by Berresi and Gilbert. 12th edition.

Operations Management – Business report

In the light of the new vision you have developed for the interim assessment (attached for reference), it is now time to redesign operations processes and supply networks to deliver better value for the customers.

Write a report that critically evaluates a process (or the operation, or the supply network) of an organisation (service or manufacturing) you are familiar with, and propose recommendations for improvement.

You need to use the Report Template provided. Your report should:

Describe the selected process (or operation/supply network) so that the reader can clearly understand it. Please ensure you present a process (or network) map to support your discussion. If the process is large, you may focus on only a part of it, i.e. delimit the scope.

Then critically analyse and evaluate the selected process (or operation/supply network) of the organisation using relevant operations management principles taught in any three of the topics from the list below.

Operations Design Decisions
1. Process Design – Positioning

2. Process Design – Flow Configuration

3. Supply Network Configuration

4. Facility Location Design

Operation Delivery and Development Decisions
5. Capacity Planning and Control

6. Agile Supply Chains

7. Lean Synchronisation

8. Total Quality Management

**Please pick at least 1 from Operations design decisions and 1 from Operation Delivery and Development Decisions and 1 other.

Based on your evaluation, identify two critical issues in the process relating to each of the selected topic areas, and propose recommendations for improvement.

Finally, use the concept of ‘Operations Strategy Matrix’ (see Slack and Brandon-Jones, 2018, pp.64-66) and use the insights from the article by Bollard et al. (2017) provided below, to demonstrate how the recommendations you propose can have a strategic impact for the business in a holistic and coherent way.

Bollard, A, Larrea, E, Singla, A & Sood, R 2017, The next generation operating model for the digital world, McKinsey & Company, viewed 22 January 2020, https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/the-next-generation-operating-model-for-the-digital-world

[This article discusses how various operations improvement initiatives can bring integrated and prioritised to have a holistic impact on the business.]

The required word length for this assessment is 2750 words (plus 10% before penalty applies).
You are required to use at least 6-12 academic references for this report, from different sources.
All references must be from credible sources such as recent academic articles, books, magazines, company documents and industry related journals.

Research Proposal – Cosplay

Assignment 2 is the Methodology and Structure sections of your re-search proposal and should contain the follow sections:

1. Research Philosophy.
2. Data Collection Methods.
3. Data Analysis Techniques.
4. Ethical Issues.

Assignment should be referenced, drawing on general methodology textbooks, books that focus on particular data collection methods and analysis techniques and ethics, and loads of journal articles. How many references are required: the answer is as many as necessary. However, again, at least 20 to 30 for Assignment 2 would be a rough guide.


research 2 or 3 paper and choose any topic related with my class topic and my country or my religion . see the attachment.

Argumentative Essay

The reading I chose is attached. Also I’m from Canada if your not comfortable commenting on social & economic culture in Canada please feel free to avoid doing so. I highlighted the essay outline to show this is the first essay. if you can please reach 1000 words that would be grateful.