In about 500 words, discuss whether Baldwin’s story is an effective way of discussing racism (by effective, think about whether it is likely to deepen understanding of what racism is and why people develop racist thinking, denounce prejudice, or create self-reflection in readers).

the essay is about the story that I have attached. (going to meet the man)
the topic is:
In about 500 words, discuss whether Baldwin’s story is an effective way of discussing racism (by effective, think about whether it is likely to deepen understanding of what racism is and why people develop racist thinking, denounce prejudice, or create self-reflection in readers).
Begin by stating your thesis clearly (whether it is effective or not) and give a reason for your opinion. Then, justify your opinion by giving and explaining examples from the text. When using examples, please use the text rather than personal impressions (for example, an argument based on analysis will point to the level of graphic descriptions in the story to explain why it is shocking, while a personal impression might emphasize the reader’s disbelief that such a thing could happen).


Choose any topic you are comfortable with.
no sources
Thank you

Modifying Lesson Plan

An essential part of being a special educator is writing and implementing IEPs and lesson plans associated with goals on IEPs. Due to legal requirements, special educators should understand the steps that go into planning effective lessons and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Being able to translate IEP goals into learning objectives and accompanying lessons requires practice.
Review “Marcus Partial IEP and Lesson” to inform the assignment.
Upon reviewing the Present Level of Performance and the second grade literacy-based standards, create one academic goal specific to Marcus’ needs. Include this academic goal within the “Lesson Summary and Focus” section of the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”
Design a standards-based lesson plan, using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” that modifies and extends skills taught in Marcus’ sample lesson plan and is aligned to his identified academic goal.
Write a 250-500 word rationale explaining your instructional choices, how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Lesson Plan” for Marcus, and how the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal. Discuss how elements of UDL will be incorporated to enhance Marcus’ learning.

For this paper, describe what you feel are important issues that individuals and governments should be concerned about regarding the internet. What current solutions exist for the issues you’ve described? What more do you feel needs to be done?

For this paper, you will be expected to plan and write a response to one or more of the readings from this module using one of the prompts below. Important note: for this assignment you will practice using and citing sources. Therefore you will be required to have at least three cited sources in your paper and a works cited page, all in MLA format. You can access Purdue OWL here to see how to use edition 8 of MLA. The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to citations and give you a basic feel for how to use sources. A more in-depth training on research and citation will come with English 102, for those who take that course.

Since you are expected to have three sources. Feel free to use the sources provided and also find additional sources on your own. You should consider the expertise of your sources and how they will add to your argument. You should also find quotes within those sources that provide specific, detailed information that will support a point you are going to make. There is an excellent document that I suggest you use, also in the Course Resources folder, titled, “Guidelines for Using In-text Quotations”. It walks you through nearly all important aspects of how to use sources in your paper.

You should submit this paper via Turnitin. (Please note that Turnitin does NOT accept .pages or .gdoc file types. Use .doc or .pdf if possible.) After you upload your file, you will come to a new screen, where you must confirm the upload. You should then get confirmation on screen that the submission worked, as well as an email from Turnitin that your paper was submitted. Please keep these for your records in case of a technical issue.

Before you begin, you should view the essay rubric in the Course Resources section. Please note that your grade for the rough draft will be not be based on this rubric, but on full completion of this assignment. If you have a complete essay turned in, you will receive the points. However, this rubric will give you clear expectations as to what we expect for the final draft.
There is no one, single way to approach a paper, or one size or shape. Therefore we are not looking for a particular number of paragraphs (although to prepare you for the exit essay, you should have at least 5) or a particular word count. If you look at the rubric, you will see what we want. First, you should have a strong introduction, which introduces the topic and identifies the paper’s direction. Next, there should be quality support, which offers specific details that are well organized and thoughtful. Finally, you will need a conclusion that challenges the reader and adds to the paper. This should be done with clear and concise writing. Think outside of formulas and focus on being as effective as you can be.

Also, view the videos on Academic Tone and Intros and Conclusions in the Course Resources folder for additional help.

For this paper, describe what you feel are important issues that individuals and governments should be concerned about regarding the internet. What current solutions exist for the issues you’ve described? What more do you feel needs to be done?

Think about a basic comparison with cigarettes, which have labels that identify the health hazards. Should users be similarly warned about the far-reaching health effects of social media use? For added context on this issue, you can read this article, which describes Mark Zuckerberg’s call for the government to regulate social media.


write about the effect of a Shigellosis communicable disease on your community.
Write a two page paper that summarizes your research. Your paper should:

Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it.
Identify the environmental factors related to this disease.
Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management.
Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available.
Include recommendations to expand the community’s programs if there are gaps.
Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease.
Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health.

criminal justice

3 pages For this assignment, assume that, in fact, science has been able to identify the particular gene that is associated with an increased risk of adult antisocial behavior in that persons with this gene are four times more likely to commit a felony from the ages of 18–30 than are persons who lack this gene (call the culprit gene ASF, short for AntiSocial Factor). What should you do with this information? For this task, you may want to research how governments have used genetic information in the past (e.g,, phrenology was routinely used in the 19th century in America and Europe, and has since been discredited).

Specifically, you are to create and justify a policy regarding how this knowledge should be used. Should people be tested for ASF? If they test positive for it, what should be done? It is permissible to answer in the negative: you can argue that people should not test for ASF and should not use that information for policy purposes.

Your response should address the following:

Should the government mandate testing for the ASF gene? Why or why not?
Answer the following questions even if you believe that the government should not test for ASF:
If the government does test for the ASF gene, what should be done about people who test positive for the ASF gene? For example, should they be denied a security clearance for sensitive jobs? Explain and justify your position.
What additional conditions or safeguards would you want in place if ASF testing were used?
If a person with the ASF gene is convicted of a crime, should his or her ASF status be considered as part of his or her sentencing? If yes, how so?
Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page.
Additional Resources

Genetics and Crime: Integrating New Genomic Discoveries Into Psychological Research About Antisocial Behavior
Impact of Behavioral Genetic Evidence on the Adjudication of Criminal Behavior