urgent care

Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice (urgent care) and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format and write a 1-page summary.

Submission Instructions:

Must be a research article.
Write a 1-page summary using an outline of the steps of the research process, discuss the study type, purpose, and research question(s).
The summary is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The summary should be formatted per current APA and 1 page in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Human Resources Management

Many supervisors are not well-trained on the difficult task of terminating an employee and instead resort to other methods of forcing someone out of the organization. Methods include giving the employee unpleasant work tasks, reducing their hours, or modifying their jobs in some negative way. What are the ethical issues raised by this strategy and what are the risks to the organization?

Developing an Annotated Bibliography

Now that you have narrowed your focus to a manageable topic and problem, it is time to continue your review of the literature. This week, you will begin identifying additional resources—beyond those included in the Doctoral Study Prospectus—for your literature review (Chapter 2 of the Doctoral Study). Remember that the Doctoral Study process involves a great deal of exploration and reflection and that your specific focus may shift as you investigate the current literature. Refinements to the project are to be expected and are indicative of thorough and questioning research.
To prepare:
• Search for and retrieve at least five articles to support your topic and problem statement. The articles should be published in peer-reviewed journals. Include articles that meet the following criteria:
o Include one article that utilizes quantitative data analysis.
o Include one article that utilizes qualitative data analysis.
o Include one article that utilizes secondary data analysis.
o The other two articles can be of your choosing.
• It is essential that you take accurate notes on each article indicating the key points of each and how the article relates to your research. The more thorough you are now, the more useful the information will be in the future.
• Refer to this week’s Learning Resources for examples and insights on the literature review and developing an annotated bibliography. You can utilize a variety of formats for compiling an annotated bibliography. Be sure to select the format that works best for your research and that complies with APA formatting.
The Assignment (4–5 pages):
• For the articles you select, create an annotated bibliography that includes the following:
o APA-formatted citation for each article
o Summary of the key points of the article
o Research methodology
o Key findings
o Strengths and weaknesses of the research
o The relevance of the research and article to your proposed topic and research methodology

Business Organization

Hello writer, please read and follow the instruction carefully and write the report according to the attached rubric. Thanks in advance for the good job. 5 start rating awaits you!

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Answer the following question in an argumentative essay:
Compare and contrast the two roads that the speaker encounters in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. Use the poem and its poetic devices to support your answer.


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

Is professional development the responsibility of the employer or the employee?
What if the employee is licensed and required to have a license to work?
Should performance reviews and salary be transparent?

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment. Textbooks and websites will not meet this requirement. Please take a look at databases such as ProQuest as an example. References, citations and direct quotes will not count towards the word requirement.

1. Which of the various options discussed above (or other options that you have researched on your own) do you support as the best way forward for the American healthcare system? You may find it helpful to visit presidential candidate campaign and interest group websites for ideas. Explain your answer, explaining how it would best meet the nation’s needs, supported by factual information and data from your research.

Healthcare is one of the most economically pressing unresolved questions U.S. domestic policy issues. The United States spends twice as much in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare as the next biggest spender in the advanced world, and yet our average lifespan is less than most of the countries on the list.
The key point being debated in the upcoming 2020 congressional and presidential election campaigns is whether or not healthcare insurance should be provided as it is at present through a choice of employer benefit plans for those who work where this benefit is available, or through enrollment in the Affordable Care Act ACA), or a private insurance plan such as the self-employed may opt to join rather than enrolling in the ACA (Approximately 20,000,000 Americans currently are enrolled in the ACA for 2020.). A key question currently being discussed is whether the next congress in 2021 should improve on the ACA, including a public option of Medicare along with continuing to permit employer-based insurance plans where available to individuals, or whether healthcare access should be guaranteed to all through enrollment in Medicare alone.
Public polling suggests that there is no bigger public policy issue that Americans care about as much as healthcare at this point in our nation’s history.

Your initial discussion postings (250-300 or more words) should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and video. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources. In addition, you will also need to post two substantial responses (about 150-200words) to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

PGCE FE ESOL Teacher Training – Developing Evidence Based Practice to Improve Teaching

Create an action research proposal to improve your own teaching, learning and assessment practice, which includes the following:

1. An introduction to a problem faced in your context and rationale for your choice of inquiry (approximately 750 words)

2. A systematic investigation into the sources of evidence that you might obtain to solve the problem and a critical analysis of these sources (approximately 1000 words)

3. A robust plan of action for implementing a new strategy (approximately 750 words)