Leadership and Management in the Social Work Profession and Organizations

I am attaching 2 documents. 1 is the assignment rubric and the other is the assignment completed without my part yet done. My part is part 5, V. Execution (1 ½ pages)
A. Organizational strategic planning – Identify the vision, mission, goals and objectives of your innovation. Describe how it will be implemented.
B. Conflict and negotiation – Describe one conflict resolution model you would use to resolve problems and one negotiation strategy you would use to work with others effectively.
C. Managerial model – Describe which managerial model would you apply to implement your innovation. Why is this managerial model potentially the most effective in your innovation? Give at least two reasons.
Please make sure that my part fits with the rest of the paper’s ideas, and fits organizationally. Also, please make sure to use actual conflict and negotiation models as well as managerial models. Thanks so much!

Writing Routine and Positive Messages


Electronic media provides you with many options for creating effective messages in
business. Many scenarios come up in which you will be asked to craft a positive
message in response to a customer’s issue. In this assignment, you will be asked to
compose messages from both the perspective of a customer and a customer service


• Choose a recent purchase or customer experience you have had that did not
meet your expectations. (Car service at Toyota dealership was unsatisfactory, the car broke down 2 days later after service)
• Write an email to the company expressing your dissatisfaction and concerns.
• Place yourself as the customer service representative receiving your email and
respond appropriately.


• Your email messages should be brief and to the point.
• Be sure to use the proper tone appropriate for the scenario.
• Include a clear subject line in each email.
• Use a professional tone

One page is for an email to the company and another page is for the reply from the company.

Sociology Francis F. Bacon paper

Write a 2page summary/critique of F Bacon idols of the mind. Include at least 6 paragraphs: An introduction describing what is an idol to F Bacon, and his purpose of why it is important to consider it. Include 4 body paragraphs one for each idol—tribe, cave, marketplace, and theater. Describe what each idol is and give an example in your own experience. Lastly, write a conclusion critiquing and/or evaluating the use /misuse or abuse of these idols and in light of your answer what is bias and can you overcome it?

Discussion 6/7

1. In your opinion, why do males become involved in Juvenile Delinquency more often than females?

2. In your opinion, who is (or was) the dominant role model in your childhood? Why?

3. In your opinion, are males more aggressive due to nature (genetic differences) or nurture (learned behaviors)?

4. Describe the major family influences that can lead to juvenile delinquency.


1. Important Domains to include in your research paper about the developmental period you are writing about : physical, cognitive, personality and sociocultural.

2. The in text citations and the reference page should be done APA Style.

3.Include three sources : one book( you can use your textbook), one or two scholarly journal articles and one website. Please note, when researching the material about the developmental stage only “.org” or “.gov” websites are acceptable.

4. class book – Understanding Human Development
Wendy L. Dun

Tenants and the American Dream:

Can you write a proposal regarding this topic in a paragraph?

Why is it that many tenants can’t make the leap to homeownership? Why do we value owning over renting? Why does federal and state tax policy provide tax advantages for homeowners but not for tenants? Evaluate the pros and cons of renting vs. owning and the effectiveness of city or county policies that encourage homeownership.

Thank You

Quantitative Research Article Critique

Conduct a critical appraisal of literature that demonstrates an understanding of quantitative research.

Using Chapter 18 Table 18-1 Summary of Major Content Sections of a Research Report and Related Critical Appraisal Guidelines (pp. 348-350), write a critique of a quantitative research article that you have read related to your clinical practice.

Submission Instructions:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

SHRM Frameworks/models

1. you are required to prepare and electronically submit
presentation slides (e.g. PowerPoint) in which you
critically analyse and evaluate two theoretical models
for Strategic Human Resource Management.
2. You are expected to assess the two theoretical models
by summarising, evaluating, and judging the
credibility of the models to one current Strategic
Human Resource issue.
3. The focus should be on critical evaluation of the two
theoretical models and an overview of any related
ethical issues