Understanding the American promise by: Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, and Hartmann

Hello! I need these questions answered:
(Chapters 23-28)

What were the roaring twenties? Provide examples. What was the divide between Rural and urban in the 1920s? What were the causes for the 1929 crash? What was the New Deal? Make sure you elaborate on the financial, economical, and social reforms enacted by FDR. Who opposed the New Deal and why? What is the Wagner Act? How it empowers workers? What are the limits of the Act? How did the US mobilize for World War II? Explain the military strategy in the Pacific Front. What was the Manhattan Project? Explain the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. What is the Taft-Hartley Act? What was McCarthyism? Present examples of how the Committee of Un-American Activities identified and engaged dissenters. How did the Cold war led to the Korean WarWhat fueled the prosperity of the 1950s? How did prosperity affect American society and culture? How did African Americans fight for civil rights in the 1950s? Explain Eisenhower’s foreign policy by providing and analyzing two examples. What was the Great Society? Explain the different strategies utilized by the Black freedom movement to gain equality and provide examples. How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 change America? What was the concept of black power? Provide examples. What was the Chicano movement? How did gays and Lesbian achieve equality in the 1960s? What was the concept of New Feminism? Provide examples. What was the Buffalo Creek Disaster? How did the survivors organize to sue the Coal Company? What was the basis for the legal challenge? How the Company defended itself? What was the outcome? What did the case do for the concept of PT

New York v. Benjamin Quarles 467 U.S. 649 (1984))

Sample Case Briefs
The case brief should include the following major categories. I am including a link to information from LexisNexis on writing case briefs. Format the brief so I can easily identify these sections.

How to write a case brief.

Facts of the Case: This is a summary of events that provide context to the issues discussed in the appeal. This most often includes a summary of events which lead to an arrest and trial of the defendant. It should also include some of the arguments made by the parties in the case which are related to the reason for the appeal. For example, a person may be arrested for possession of a controlled substance. His attorney may have argued that police conducted an illegal search and the evidence should be suppressed and not used against him during the trail. After the defendant’s conviction, this objection provides the basis for the defendant’s appeal to an appellate court. This summary should include a description of reasoning and ruling of all the lower courts involved in this case. For example, a case which has made it to the Supreme Court will have moved through more than one appellate court first. Describe each court’s decision on the issue. This summary may also include the original trial court judge’s ruling on the issue and possibly that trial court judge’s reasoning.

Procedural History: Each appellate case will have a legal basis for appeal in which one of the parties involved in the case will assert that an error was committed during the original trial. Using the example above the defendant’s attorney may argue that the conviction of his client should be reversed because of a violation of his client’s rights. Other precedents (previous cases) may be cited in making this argument. Be sure to include the precise error alleged to have been made. (e.g. 4th amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches)

Judgment: This is the outcome of the case. The final decision handed down by the highest appellate court. Was the original outcome of the trial court affirmed, reversed, remanded, modified, etc? In addition to the ruling, including the court’s reasoning behind the ruling citing any precedent the court relied on. If there is a dissenting opinion (judges on the court who do not agree with the majority decision), please include their reasoning.

Your Thoughts and Opinion: This is where I want to hear your own opinion or ideas about the case. Make it at least a paragraph but more is better. Is this a good/bad decision? Do you think there will be unintended consequences because of this decision? You are not confined to any particular issues in this section as long as you explain and justify your opinion.

Here is the link

Rule of the Road

Imagine you made your hobby of building model airplanes into a small business that produces very small remote control aircrafts capable of long sustained flights. You are ready to expand your business by competing for Department of Homeland Security contracts.

1. Analyze how the federal act supports and favors your business over large multinational organizations that build aircrafts (e.g., Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation).
2. Create an organizational chart that would best support working within the federal contracting system and explain the value of each position (i.e., internal contracting officer) to your proposed business.
3. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format.

I have attached the grading rubric on which this paper should follow.

Please do not use any sources older than 10 years.

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

In order to fully explore the SWOTs of an organization and its relation to the budget process, develop a paper that addresses the following for the organization or governmental entity you selected in Week 1:

Identify at least three (3) strengths, and then explain how these may affect the budget.
Identify at least three (3) weaknesses, and then explain how these may affect the budget.
Identify at least three (3) opportunities, and then determine how these may affect the budget from a professional accounting perspective.
Identify at least three (3) threats, and then determine how these may affect the budget.
Explain how a SWOT complements a cost-benefit analysis.
Data may be collected through personal observations, employee handouts, government documents, non-government published materials, legislative hearings, and other official records.


PERSONAL ANECDOTES: STORYTELLING ACTIVITY GOULD/ENG4U 60 marks In this activity, we will be studying ANECDOTES. The following work will be posted on a page of your web site dedicated to anecdotes. “Anecdote” is not a familiar word to most students, but it is a form of communication that most of us use all the time, nearly every day. Whenever you tell someone a story about “something that happened to you”, you are telling an anecdote! an·ec·dote /ˈanəkˌdōt/ noun noun: anecdote; plural noun: anecdotes 1. a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.”he told anecdotes about his job” PART 1: ANALYZE TWO PERSONAL ANECDOTES (10 marks) For this part, you will watch five videos (assigned by your teacher) in which people share personal anecdotes. Three of these storytellers are “professionals”, while two are just average people. Choose two of these videos to ANALYZE AND ASSESS using the following organizational structure: Analyze and assess the CONTENT (the story itself, what the anecdote is “about”, its meaning and purpose) —content strengths —content weaknesses analyze and assess the STYLE: (how the speaker organizes ideas and delivers the story, including voice expression and body language) —style strengths —style weaknesses NOW, CHOOSE TWO CATEGORIES BELOW, AND USE THOSE CATEGORY TO FOCUS YOUR NEXT TWO ACTIVITIES. Whichever categories you choose, your “found” anecdotes and your own personal anecdotes must fit that category (some anecdotes might fit more than one category, which is fine). ANECDOTE CATEGORIES: —funny/silly/comedic event —inspiring/life-changing/significant learning experience —bad experience or cautionary tale PERSONAL ANECDOTES: STORYTELLING ACTIVITY PART 2: TWO FOUND ANECDOTES (10 marks) GOULD/ENG4U 60 marks FIND AND PRESENT TWO PERSONAL ANECDOTES THAT YOU FIND ONLINE You will choose one anecdote (either written text, or video, or audio) that fits EACH of your two chosen categories. Try to find examples that you think are really good. Post the videos or text or audio files on your web site, and write a few sentences to explain why you selected each one. PART 3: WRITING TWO OF MY OWN ANECDOTES (40 marks) PRODUCE YOUR OWN PERSONAL ANECDOTES You will write your own anecdotes, one in each category. Your anecdotes must tell the short stories of two events that happened to you. You will plan these anecdotes, conference with your teacher about your ideas, produce the anecdotes in written form, and then for ONE of them only, record yourself using your voice to tell the story, or present it to the class and/or your teacher. On your web site, identify TWO STORY/ANECDOTE WRITING STRATEGIES that you will try to implement in your own writing, and TWO STORYTELLING PRESENTATION STRATEGIES that you will try to implement. You may copy and paste these strategies from the internet, but be sure to link to the source of any information that you borrow. USE A VARIETY OF RESOURCES LIKE THE ONES BELOW TO GET TIPS ON STORYTELLING TECHNIQUES AND CHOOSE WHICH STRATEGIES YOU WILL FOCUS ON Many resources are available to help you write a great anecdote and present it effectively: https://chroniclevitae.com/news/1019-the-personal-touch-using-anecdotes-to-hook-a-reader https://nathanbweller.com/5-simple-tips-telling-better-anecdotal-stories/ ANECDOTE EXAMPLES: Zig Ziglar: Attitude is Everything https://youtu.be/Pm9kgILeWh4 Maya Angelou talking about her mother and an abusive ex-boyfriend https://youtu.be/gH-kwGQxrek Ross C. tells about his frightening near-death experience https://youtu.be/_X_PtJwNu3Q Louis CK’s story about smoking marijuana https://youtu.be/U8FzGlgVGdo Angela’s story about a bad shopping experience https://youtu.be/K0e-he_dU58 How would you address the coronavirus situation if you were president? why? (Only one page)

The Importance of Healthcare Workers

What roles do healthcare workers play in society’s well being? What vital services do they provide? Write a well informed multi-paragraph essay that explains how important healthcare workers are to the overall well being of society. Not double spaced


For each scenario (4), you are to write a short paragraph (at least 1/2 page) that will:

Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma,
Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics and the action violates using the number and letter,
Provide justification for your selection of the standard, and
Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation.
You are expected to use professional language, spelling, and grammar.

the effect of innovation sharing in reemerging empires

Identify and explain the significance of a new innovation that contributed to the re-emergence of one of the Asian or North African empires identified in the readings.

textbook : Textbook chapters 12- 15: Bentley, Jerry H., Ziegler, Herbert F., and Streets-Salter, Heather E. Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective of the Past. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.

Please see below

Please edit the paper based off APA 7 edition ( formatting)

The grammar and mechanics needs to worked on
NO passive sentences at all