Autonomous Vehicles in UK

The previous service I availed of was uploaded to Turnitin by accident and is now showing as 100% plagiarised so I need a new rewriting service. I need the previous work rewritten to the same standard using all the same information and sources without showing plagiarism. I can clarify any confusion as the project goes on. I have attached the previous work and the research proposal for which the work should follow.

Response to Intervention

Please review this enclosed article (Links to an external site.)

How can you positively relate to the content of the journal article?
Is there anything that you disagree with in the article? If so, what?
What, if anything, in the content of the article, will you use in your professional endeavor as an educator?

Bob Marley

Times New Roman, 12pt.. Double Spaced. Between 600 and 670 words. Must have 5 references total, only one can be a website. All others must be a journal, article, or book. 2 references per paragraph. Reference sheet MLA 8th edition. Will be ran through TurnitIn and must pass. Thank you, you’re the best!

Creating and Implementing An Agency Policy on Ethics

There are ethical challenges in every aspect of the criminal justice system. Administrators are responsible for setting the tone for ethical conduct in the administration and operation of their agency.

You are to assume the role of the head (Chief, Director, Warden, etc.) of a fictitious criminal justice agency; e.g., police department or sheriff’s office, local detention center (adult or juvenile) prosecutors’ office, trial court, probation agency, correctional institution, parole board, parole agency, etc.

As the head administrator, you decide it is in the best interest of your agency to have a policy that sets forth how the agency will operate in an ethical manner…. similar to a Code of Ethical Conduct

In your paper you are to describe in detail your plan to insure ethical practices in your selected agency.

How will your ethical policy be established? (Who will be involved in drafting the document? What resources will be drawn on or references? etc.)
How will it be communicated to the members of the agency to ensure awareness and adoption?
How will it be inspected to ensure compliance?
How will it be reinforced so that members of the agency clearly understand your seriousness?

Effect of Covid-19

Focusing on one or two areas of marketing management practice, reflect on how your studies of marketing help explain some of the changes you have witnessed in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. For example, you might have noticed changes in prices, and using some of those personal examples explore how much the different pricing methods you studied might explain those changes.

Baines, Paul, Chris Fill, Sara Rosengren and Paolo Antonetti (2019), Marketing, Fifth Edition, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK: ISBN: 0198809999.


Earlier editions are:

Baines, Paul, Chris Fill and Sara Rosengren (2017), Marketing, Fourth edition, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN: 9780198748533.

Baines, Paul and Chris Fill (2014), Marketing, Third edition, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN: 0199659532.

Ethics in Financial Responsibilites

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?
2. Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain.

Illinois v. Wardlow 528 U.S. 119 (2000)

Sample Case Briefs
The case brief should include the following major categories. I am including a link to information from LexisNexis on writing case briefs. Format the brief so I can easily identify these sections.

How to write a case brief.

Facts of the Case: This is a summary of events that provide context to the issues discussed in the appeal. This most often includes a summary of events which lead to an arrest and trial of the defendant. It should also include some of the arguments made by the parties in the case which are related to the reason for the appeal. For example, a person may be arrested for possession of a controlled substance. His attorney may have argued that police conducted an illegal search and the evidence should be suppressed and not used against him during the trail. After the defendant’s conviction, this objection provides the basis for the defendant’s appeal to an appellate court. This summary should include a description of reasoning and ruling of all the lower courts involved in this case. For example, a case which has made it to the Supreme Court will have moved through more than one appellate court first. Describe each court’s decision on the issue. This summary may also include the original trial court judge’s ruling on the issue and possibly that trial court judge’s reasoning.

Procedural History: Each appellate case will have a legal basis for appeal in which one of the parties involved in the case will assert that an error was committed during the original trial. Using the example above the defendant’s attorney may argue that the conviction of his client should be reversed because of a violation of his client’s rights. Other precedents (previous cases) may be cited in making this argument. Be sure to include the precise error alleged to have been made. (e.g. 4th amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches)

Judgment: This is the outcome of the case. The final decision handed down by the highest appellate court. Was the original outcome of the trial court affirmed, reversed, remanded, modified, etc? In addition to the ruling, including the court’s reasoning behind the ruling citing any precedent the court relied on. If there is a dissenting opinion (judges on the court who do not agree with the majority decision), please include their reasoning.

Your Thoughts and Opinion: This is where I want to hear your own opinion or ideas about the case. Make it at least a paragraph but more is better. Is this a good/bad decision? Do you think there will be unintended consequences because of this decision? You are not confined to any particular issues in this section as long as you explain and justify your opinion.

Here is the link

United States v. Lichtenberger 786 F.3d 478 (CA6 2015)

Sample Case Briefs
The case brief should include the following major categories. I am including a link to information from LexisNexis on writing case briefs. Format the brief so I can easily identify these sections.

How to write a case brief.

Facts of the Case: This is a summary of events that provide context to the issues discussed in the appeal. This most often includes a summary of events which lead to an arrest and trial of the defendant. It should also include some of the arguments made by the parties in the case which are related to the reason for the appeal. For example, a person may be arrested for possession of a controlled substance. His attorney may have argued that police conducted an illegal search and the evidence should be suppressed and not used against him during the trail. After the defendant’s conviction, this objection provides the basis for the defendant’s appeal to an appellate court. This summary should include a description of reasoning and ruling of all the lower courts involved in this case. For example, a case which has made it to the Supreme Court will have moved through more than one appellate court first. Describe each court’s decision on the issue. This summary may also include the original trial court judge’s ruling on the issue and possibly that trial court judge’s reasoning.

Procedural History: Each appellate case will have a legal basis for appeal in which one of the parties involved in the case will assert that an error was committed during the original trial. Using the example above the defendant’s attorney may argue that the conviction of his client should be reversed because of a violation of his client’s rights. Other precedents (previous cases) may be cited in making this argument. Be sure to include the precise error alleged to have been made. (e.g. 4th amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches)

Judgment: This is the outcome of the case. The final decision handed down by the highest appellate court. Was the original outcome of the trial court affirmed, reversed, remanded, modified, etc? In addition to the ruling, including the court’s reasoning behind the ruling citing any precedent the court relied on. If there is a dissenting opinion (judges on the court who do not agree with the majority decision), please include their reasoning.

Your Thoughts and Opinion: This is where I want to hear your own opinion or ideas about the case. Make it at least a paragraph but more is better. Is this a good/bad decision? Do you think there will be unintended consequences because of this decision? You are not confined to any particular issues in this section as long as you explain and justify your opinion.

Here is the link