Further Quantitative Research and Statistics

Please see the attached further quantitative research file which explains the purpose of this assignment. Together with other files I have attached “what’s been done” document so the statistics you decide to use should be chosen from the list.

Textbook Case Study

Please select ‘one textbook case study’ from the following cases and answer (4-5 pages with 5-6 references) all the questions which are available at the end of each case:

Case 7. “Wal-Mart in Africa”, Textbook p. PC3-21.

Project Scheduling

1. Describe one (1) inherent advantage and one (1) disadvantage in measuring project duration in calendar days. Describe one (1) inherent advantage and one (1) disadvantage in measuring project duration in working days.

2. Describe three (3) different ways that progress on construction projects can be monitored. Which method do you believe is most efficient and effective? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position.

3. Compare the cost risk and time risk in any typical construction project; include similarities, differences, means of identifying the risks, and responses to each.

4. To minimize the chance of losses, suggest one (1) methodology to follow when a delay, that has the potential of resulting in litigation, occurs on a construction project.


The written case will be turned in via electronic format through the available Assignment submission on the Canvas website. The written case assignment will be typed, Cambria Font 12, double-spaced, and limited to a maximum of 20 written pages of content (not including title page, table of contents, executive summary, references, or appendices). The case should reflect a complete and thorough analysis using all models, tools, and techniques covered in class and the text. Any models used to support your case can be placed in your case’s appendices. Any appendices do not count in your page total. Your paper’s format should include a table of contents, headings, and subheadings as required for identification of topics you are discussing (these do no count toward your maximum page limit). The case will be professional in thought and appearance.

​​​The report is to be grammatically correct and professionally written. We advise each student to make an appointment with the writing lab early in the semester. In addition, the report will undergo an authenticity check upon submission. A grade of “0” will be assigned for any submission with plagiarism issues or other issues with academic integrity.

Finance in the middle east and north africa

Please write the essay on the following topic:

Banks and stock markets can both contribute to an economy’s strength as institutions through which savings are transmitted towards effectively financing firms’ investment in productive assets.

Outline some of the main features of stock markets and banks in the MENA region and discuss strengths and weakness in those institutions’ ability to channel savings to investment effectively.

In your answer please also discuss whether recent changes (or proposed changes) in either type of institution will strengthen its effectiveness.
I’ve attached the documents needed to complete the essay, they are big PDF files but obviously you can just take whats important out of it and summarize them in a way. Feel free to use outside sources to help with the essay if they are easier to absorb.
Lastly, my most important instruction is citing and references, as I have previously had a severe incident of bad citing from a writer who got me in trouble. So please after every single sentence that comes from another source, provide (author, year).

journal entries

please refer to “Journal Entry Example” to guide in writing journal entry.
there are 8 topics each topic should be a little over one page and separated. topics are –
1. Techno-finance
2. Internet of Things – (Retail)
3. Virtual reality – holograms (Gaming)
4. Platform Business Models (Cell phones)
5. Robotics (Auto manufacturing, Healthcare-surgery, exoskeleton )
6. Transportation automation and reconfiguration (Transportation)
7. 3-D Printing (Inventory management, Metal Injection Molding)
8. Drones (Military, delivery)

for each topic find an article that relate to the topic and select an interesting, relevant article. To receive full credit for this assignment area, do the following 2 activities:
1. Provide the article and source of article in your Innovation Journal (IJ) entry – 1 point
2. Summarize 1) Discuss the key innovative/technology dimension(s) of the article 2) Describe how it could disruptive existing businesses, 3) Identify what type of innovation is most likely in the area (product, process, positioning, and/or paradigm)? 4) Comment on why it got your attention (total approximately 2-4 paragraphs) (See “Journal Entry Example” to guide your entry)