Critically examine disciplinary and quality procedure

I would like help with the description of the procedures, why does the procedure critically exist, issues with compliance I would add the examples from my workplace. I have attached screenshots of what is wanted and the two presentations of the procedures

us history 3 discussion questions

read file that i attached and please answer 3 questions. it doesnt have to be long.

1. How did Native Americans cope with European encroachment of their land?
2. How did Nathaniel Bacon’s rebellion impact the idea of racial superiority?
3. To what extent do greed and religious exploitation play in the early exploration of the New World?

Multiple Choice Questions

Caribbean Studies: Racism and Caribbean Peoples in Canada

You will be choosing 2 out of 5 questions.
These questions are cumulative. You are being asked to demonstrate the knowledge you have gained from the whole course. You must refer to course materials in your answer.
This is not an essay – no cover page, bibliography, footnotes, endnotes, thesis statement. Only in-text citations.
NO outside sources of any kind are allowed – ALL material must be from this course.
You are expected to provide in-text citations in your answers. Although you may reference modules, the bulk of your references should be from course readings and videos.
Each question is worth 25 marks. The weight of this section towards your final grade is 10%.
Examples of references – Brown says that he likes spending money because…… Smith agrees since she also likes to spend money
Questions for Short Answers:
1.Know the various systems – colonialization, multiculturalism, and immigration. How do these systems create division among Caribbean people? What is the purpose of this divide?
2. Retention of culture. How has the retention of culture served Caribbean people both in Canada and the English speaking region?
3. what have you learned from this course? Can you teach this information to a group of 1st graders? does the labour force deliberately construct differences? What is the relationship to unstable work?
5.why do you think so many 2nd generation Canadian-Caribbean people do not know their history? What are the impacts?

Each question is worth 25 marks so the material included from the readings must reflect that a mark of 25.
I have also attach the readings from the course with the authors and the weeks they were assigned. The responses need to show my overall learning in the class. Any of the readings can be used to help answer the questions NO OUTSIDE RESOURCES.

Genetic Testing

This paper is for a Genetics and Heredity Class, I need a research paper on the pros and cons of genetic testing, with focus on amniocentesis and other inuterine genetic testing, but also including genetic testing at all ages and stages. From my Instructor. “Genetic testing is a great topic, but you would want to broaden it to all types of genetic testing. You would want to address testing children vs. adults vs. an embryo. Each will present its own unique set of pros and cons. They will also have some pros and cons in common.” Please see attached word file for additional information for this paper and the criteria and information needed. Thank you!

The Relationship between unemployment and mental health

I need my paper solid… is what is wrong with the paper from professor “The biggest issues are that 1) you still don’t have solid measures identified which is going to have a cascade effect. If you don’t know how you’re measuring a construct, you can’t figure out what results to do which impacts your discussion. Which brings me to the second issue… I just don’t know what’s going on with your results! I can truly see how hard you are trying and I know that you genuinely care and want to do well. But I need you to just follow the plan instead of adding in a bunch of graphs and charts. You are expending so much energy… but not in the right places. Go to the PPT on results. Go to the slide on independent samples t-tests. Copy and paste what I have written on the slide. Then update it to match your variables. Remember – you have 2 DVs (stress & anxiety) so you need to do this twice! One for each!

Then in the discussion, give 1 paragraph for EACH DV. What was the hypothesis? Was it supported? Why/why not? What did you find? I lay this all out in the discussion lecture, but if anything is unclear please let me know and we can talk about it. You also need to identify 3 limitations & future directions and give a conclusion paragraph.”
Ive attached the original paper, powerpoint slide on the structure of the paper, introduction, methods, result and discussion overall powerpoints of the class

Inexperienced / experienced

Revisit the question from Topic 2 (Topic 2 DQ 1) about inexperienced versus experienced employees. At this point in the course, what, if anything, would you change about your answer and why?

( 2 DQ 1 )
Which would you rather do: Hire inexperienced employees and train them within your company, or spend more money on higher salaries for employees with greater experience? Provide reasons for your answer.

Business Report

Pick an organisation of your choice and write a case study applying leadership theories and concepts to a contemporary issue the organisation is facing in the last 12 months.
To do so you need to analyse the (case) organisation of your choice by focusing on an issue the organisation is facing and the leadership implications. You have to use a variety of concepts and theories that were discussed in the module and that are relevant for the issue(s) you are focusing on in your analysis. You can pick one of the contemporary issues discussed in the module.

Critical Analysis on The Banking Concept of Education

Purpose: A critical analysis essay examines the strength of an author’s argument by identifying both its assumptions as well as its implications through an incisive analysis of the original text. When writing a critical analysis essay, the words and ideas used by the author must be cited, paraphrased, and sourced appropriately both to attribute ownership of the ideas and to highlight their relevance to the argument.

Task: Write a five-page critical analysis of Freire’s essay “The Banking Concept of Education” with reference to the theme, Humanism in an Era of Disruptive Innovation.