Impressionism VS Post-Impressionism

Choose TWO works (an Impressionist work and a Post-Impressionist work) then compare those works based on their STYLISTIC DIFFERENCES. What separates Impressionism from Post-Impressionism and how can the different styles be characterized? How can you tell that one is Impressionist while the other is not?

Your comparative should be 200 words. After you have posted your comparative, respond to at least ONE (1) of your peers’ analyses, pointing out what the works your peer chose share in common. This response does not need to be longer than two sentences.

Anselm Reyle. Untitled, 2006.

Paper should be TWO PAGES in written length, double-spaced, and have Times New Roman font, 12 PT, throughout. NO USE OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS SUCH AS “I” AND “ME”

The paper includes images of the work.

The paper discusses most, if not all, of the visual elements and principles of design apparent in the work. There is ievident interpretive work in terms of how those elements/principles contribute to the work itself. (Ex. Instead of just “the work has implied line” versus “the masts of the ship create an implied diagonal line, guiding the viewer’s eye up the composition.)

The paper describes the work in detail., from all sides. It successfully describes content, modes of representation, and form in the work, using vocabulary from this module to supplement the description. The reader is able to imagine the work clearly without needing to see the image.

Impressionism VS Post-Impressionism

Choose TWO works (an Impressionist work and a Post-Impressionist work) then compare those works based on their STYLISTIC DIFFERENCES. What separates Impressionism from Post-Impressionism and how can the different styles be characterized? How can you tell that one is Impressionist while the other is not?

Your comparative should be 200 words.

Silvio Waisbord argues that the phenomenon of “fake news” is indicative of the contested position of news and the dynamics of belief formation in contemporary societies. Discuss with examples.

ilvio Waisbord argues that the phenomenon of “fake news” is indicative of the contested position of news and the dynamics of belief formation in contemporary societies. Discuss with examples.

I attach Waisbord’s article (“Truth is what happens to News”)

Analyze his main argument and discuss it with relevant examples (e.g. Trump, Brexit), you can use this website for definitions:

Contact me for any queries.

Managing Human Resources case study 3 key areas

These notes are to help with your revision so that you are prepared to answer the assessment questions. They reflect contributions from students in the revision sessions held last week.
As we established in those revision sessions, in relation to the case study, the key themes that the OTA will ask you to address are:
• Change management and how HR policy & practice can contribute to improved organisational performance
• Leadership and management development
• Engagement and motivation.
Although these are the specific areas the OTA questions deal with, a broad knowledge of all the subjects covered by the module will put you in a better position to perform well, particularly other themes that emerged from the class discussion and that may be relevant to the case study such as the role of line management and employee relations.
So if you haven’t already done so, you should read through all the lecture slides (and, ideally, all the recommended reading) and your notes on them.
When you have done this, it is essential that you read through the lecture slides, your notes and the recommended reading (text book chapter and post-lecture reading at least) for the lectures on change management and leadership and management development and engagement. You should also review the materials provided on motivation and the reward lecture that addressed motivation theory. It is also important that you learn the concepts, models, theories and perspectives associated with these areas. You should also consider contextual issues such as HR strategy and line management input.
When you have done this, look at the case study and try to identify where, how and why any of the theories, etc. you have learned on the course could be applied to the case. Here, you should be asking yourself the following questions:
• Which models and theories of change management may be relevant to the case? How can they be applied?
• How could a leadership and management development intervention address some of the issues identified? Which development methods might be appropriate and why? What, specifically, would be achieved by the intervention? How would you know that the intervention had been successful?
• What does the case tell me about levels of engagement across the stores?
• What engagement and motivation theory may be relevant to the case? How could my knowledge of these be applied?
Finally, whilst it is essential to apply the theory learned on the course (you do not have to give full Harvard-style references, just cite authors and dates), it is equally important to answer the question set. You should also include any examples of practice in the relevant sector that you have come across, either from your reading or from news items. Please note that good answers apply theory, references and examples to the case study and answer the question set; simply repeating theory/models but not applying them is not appropriate. What is also not appropriate is discussing examples at length, without explaining how they relate to your answer to the question set.
Below are references to training evaluation sources that were omitted from the “References” slide in the relevant lecture.

Anderson, V 2007, The value of learning: from return on investment to return on expectation. Research into practice, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London
Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1959). Techniques for Evaluation Training Programs. Journal of the American Society of Training Directors, 13, 21-26.
Kirkpatrick, D.L., 1979. Techniques for evaluating training programs. Training and development journal. Jun79, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p78. 15p.
Kirkpatrick, D., 2007. The four levels of evaluation (Vol. 701). American Society for Training and Development.
(You will see that Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model dates from 1959, but the original paper is not available via library search.)

Develop a plan to ensure we can feed the growing population meat in the year 2050, include in your plan the process of ensuring meat is available to consumers from the raising of the animals to the retail of the product.

Introduction – introduce the topic, problems that exist currently and will exist in the future,
objective of how to address the topic
• Results and Discussion – review of scientific and other references – what the research and other
experts say, combine the information with your opinion and plan to ensure there is meat to feed
the growing population in 2050
• Conclusion – what are the future directions the industry must take to ensure the topic is
• Literature cited
o Must include a minimum of 2 scientific journal article resources
o Must include a minimum of 3 other resources
o All resources must be in MLA or APA format

How does anxiety effect teens

4 references (scientific journals but do not use psychology today or amni) books may be used. Nothing over 10 years old. Needs to have a abstract page. Apart format