Mental Health in Law Enforcement-depression and coping mechanisms

This is one section of a larger paper. Please use U.S. based references and include DOI# This is in a Pro-law enforcement style. This paper should be at a graduate level, with no bias and to a high standard. This paper is to be about suicides by police officers. Please explain the statics of depression in law enforcement among police officers, causes that can lead to depression and coping mechanisms, effects on other officers and their family, how to prevent, treat and effective ways to use policy

Final Exam Essays

See attached details and rubric 2 attachments. I know the document says 600 words each but the word count is not mandatory as long as the questions are answered thoroughly as per Professor. some answers may require 600, and others may be less to answer.


Assignment: 7190D02200614
Length: 2 pages (NOT including title page and reference page)
Spacing: Double
12 pt. Double-spaced
Sources: Use the provided sources only
Article 1 (Attached)
Article 2 (Attached)


1. Read the attached two articles and watch the linked video.

2. Write an essay that addresses the following:
a. After reading Simo’s article, please share your opinion of the NPO’s role in disasters.
b. What do you think of the necessity of collaboration with NPOs when disasters occur?

Use the source(s) provided.


Assignment: 7190SMD200628
Length: 3 pages (NOT including title page)
Spacing: Double
12 pt. Double-spaced
Sources: Use the provided sources only
Video Link 1
Video Link 2
Article 1 (Attached)
Article 2 (Attached)
Article 3:

1. Watch the following two videos and read the three articles provided (1 link above and 2 attachments):
a. “Social media in disasters” –
b. ” Social media during a disaster” –

2. Choose one of the videos above.

3. Write an essay which includes the following:
a. Summary of the lecture (1 page)
b. What you learned (1/2 page)
c. Suggestions for the effective use of social media during disasters with 1 relevant example (1/2 page)
d. Cons of using social media during disasters with 1 relevant example (1/2 page)
e. Conclusion (1/2 page)

Use the sources provided.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Please use the textbook and slides attached below to answer the questions.
remember to use graphs equations and diagrams when solving questions .Make sure your work is cited for any sources you use.
Use the Slides and textbook as your main resource.

Community Health Practice Settings

Community health nurses function in many capacities that differ greatly but share core functions.

Compare and contrast the role of the community health nurse in at least 2 community health practice settings.

Discuss patient needs depending on the community health practice setting.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed and 1 evidence-based reference.

Include APA-formatted citations and a references page.

Exception for presentations: Include a slide with APA-formatted references.

Format your assignment as one of the following:


Serving Vulnerable Populations

Assignment Content

Imagine you are a community health nurse assigned to care for a family with a newly diagnosed type-2 diabetic member. The diabetic family member, JK, is a 66-year-old African American woman with hypertension and asthma. JK lives in a food desert and does not drive. JK’s family visits her weekly, but they have complicated lives and are unable to provide daily care for her.

Evaluate the following community health resources for JK’s situation:

United States Department of Agriculture
Food Access Research Atlas Overview
Food Access Research Atlas Map
A Look Inside Food Deserts
Small Food Stores and Availability of Nutritious Foods
State Health Statistics
American Nutrition Association
USDA Defines Food Deserts

Create a plan detailing opportunities for JK to gain adequate access to appropriate foods for 1 week. Your plan must:

Create an appropriate and realistic estimated budget.
Identify shopping locations.
Map out transportation means, routes, and timing.
Define and explain support services.

Compare JK’s community with your county census data.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

Another format approved by your instructor