An introduction to Meta-Analysis

View the video in the APUS library, Sage Research section, “An introduction to Meta-Analysis. The following URL will take you to the video.

Select a topic of interest from the videos and discuss your findings.

Why Corruption still is a big issue in China

This course is called “Legal aspects of white-collar crime”
“Why Corruption still is a big issue in China and ways to resolve” is the initial topic of our research paper, as my partner is doing the “way to resolve” part, so we don’t need to write that part in it. Instead, we only focus on the “Why Corruption still is a big issue in China” part

We have submitted the research synopsis as part of our assignment, you can see in the attachment file 1.

However: Professor has several feedback:
-To emphasis the legal aspects in your analysis as the outline seems to suggest the perspective is on the sociological aspects contributing to the corruption problem, which somewhat fall outside the focus of this course

-Consider what is meant by “still serious” (i.e., how the degree of seriousness can or should be measured). Adopting the focus on the guanxi aspect sounds fine, but you may also want to explore the legal dimension to the extent that aspect is being regulated or impacted in the context of corporate governance.

The research synopsis is just for reference, and you can emphasis this “Why Corruption still is a big issue in China” issue in a more serious manner through using data or other types of evidence that can strengthen the argument.

Also for the Issues part, please mainly emphasis the legal aspect much more instead of the sociological part, and should you feel the points that are listed in the issues part is weak, you can edit or add more that you feel can strengthen the paper.

Also, Legal cases and compare with other country’s legal system are encouraged if can strengthen the points of the paper

All answers should be typed, 1.5 lines spacing, paginated, and presented in a suitable font type and size (e.g., Times New Roman 12 point), using an appropriate academic citation style ( OSCOLA style not MLA). Adequate margins should also be provided.

Some other requirements:
> Demonstrate your critical analysis as well as creativity /
originality in viewpoints;
> Support your analysis/arguments with appropriate and relevant
> Be mindful of doing a “comparative” analysis;
> Focus on quality over quantity;
> Think through the structure of your paper, such as coherence and

Investigating psychology

Outline the similarities and differences between Adorno et al.’s (1950) and Bandura et al.’s (1963) approaches to exploring why people might do harm to others.

Justifying an organizational machine learning approach

In each of the ongoing projects in this course so far, you have worked on a machine learning project associated with a fictional company. For this part of the ongoing project, you will build a case for a machine learning approach and justify the cost of deploying and maintaining the model within the organization in a presentation as well as a video recording.
Write a report that will provide everyone in the organization with information regarding the machine learning project that the organization is looking to undertake. This report must provide members of the organization with an idea of what the project is about, why the organization must undertake this project, what it will mean for the organization and the employees, how the project will improve the organization, and what the long-term and short-term implications of deploying this model will be.
Section 1: Introduction
Provide an introduction to and the background for the study on the need for a machine learning approach. Address the problem statement from Module 1. The introduction should include the goals and objectives. (200–250 words)
Start writing here:

Section 2: Action plan
Outline a detailed plan of action for how this problem will be addressed. Refer to the type of data that was collected in Module 2 and model that was built in Module 3. (200–250 words)
Start writing here:

Section 3: Anticipated changes or results
Describe how solving this problem will change the organization in the short and long term. Also include how the organization and its employees will be impacted by solving this problem and the trade-offs for addressing this issue. (350–400 words)
Start writing here:

Section 4: Recommendation
Suggest the best course of action for the plan that you have proposed to the senior leaders. (150–200 words)
Start writing here:

Section 5: Summary
Summarize the work that you have covered in this report. (200–250 words)
Start writing here:
Section 6: Bibliography
Use whichever referencing style you’re comfortable with, but ensure that you include the author’s name, the title of the work, the year when the work was published (if available), and the URL (if applicable). (150–200 words)
Start writing here:

Quiz with multiple topics

This is a quiz with 5 questions. Each question is on a certain topic and requires a 200-300 response. I will attach the quiz below. It is important to not cite or plagiarize any sources from outside of the classwork. I added a few links to some videos and attached an article we went over class, In case you need any sources.
Cartesian Skepticism and Cogito:
Mind and body Dualism:

What skills are necessary for a student to have or understand to succeed at a college? Using the readings listed below as evidence, in a four page paper explain the necessary skills and traits a student needs to succeed at the college level.

When considering the skills and traits, you will need to begin with considering your thesis stance.

What skills and traits do you think are the most important for a student to develop?
What role does intrinsic motivation and long term goals play in student success?
How would a student develop the traits that you feel are imperative to student success?
Why does a student need them?

MLA: use MLA manuscript (double-spaced, one-inch margins, font size 12, and either Arial or Times New Roman) and citation format.
Evidence: must use at least 3 of the above sources as support.
Genre: must meet the genre expectations for an informative essay.

research a genetic disorder

write a brief paper about a genetic disorder. Be sure to include:

What is the phenotype of the genetic disorder? How does it express itself? Does it cause you to be tall? Your liver to function irregularly? Do you feel no pain? Are you born with extra teeth? Does your body odor smell like maple syrup (maple syrup urine disorder)? What does it do to you?
The frequency with which the disorder occurs. Are there thousands of people with it? Is it just a single person? How common is it?
Populations it impacts. Does it impact all populations world wide or does it target certain groups at higher frequencies? Is it more prevalent among people with Irish ancestry, or west African ancestry, or people from Asia, or simply everyone equally?
What is the genotype of the disorder? What genes are mutated? How does the error occur?
Are there any treatments? This sometimes is a depressing answer, but take a look at the treatment options.

Include your sources at the end.
Include a picture of some sort related to the disorder, genetic sequencing, etc.pick something appropriate for a public setting

Global Issues: Corruption in Conflict (Afghanistan)

Write a letter to someone related to the local issue highlighted (Corruption in Conflict) for week 8. You don’t need to provide your return address for the assignment, but you’ll need to include it if you decide to send your letter. Provide the name, position, and mailing address of one person you could contact regarding the local issue at the top of your submission.

Case study: Open Source ERP / using BPMN for current and future state of business

Please see attached files. . Kindly note Part D. I have listed the sources I will be using to carry out my online discussion. This will give the writer an idea of what needs to go here as part of the assessment. Relevant reading for the assignment has also been attached. Also note that the attached reading material is the course work material and if needed, can be cited but not more than 20% of the citations.