Manage Finances

Uploaded 1 file. Project with 10 questions. Please number each question when answering. Please describe the business where the Female would work, because i’m a female and the work should be something what female would write. Please also list as many sources as you use (10 is just a guide). Thank you so much.

Lac Operon

I have uploaded the quiz I took. I need a 2-page essay on the organization and regulation of Lac Operon.

Local Emergency Response Planning

Compile a condensed version of a complete Emergency Response Plan for Ocean Port and Restover from the Week 4 Key Assignment scenario.
The plan must include the following sections:
Table of contents
Executive summary

**Week 4 key assignment Scenario **
Ocean Port is a major seaport and shipping city with approximately 150 miles of open ocean waterway to the east. The socioeconomic and ethnically diverse population approximating 825,000 people forms a community of mixed occupations, businesses, and financial and shopping centers. A neighboring community, Restover, with approximately 132,000 people who normally make the morning and evening commute to work in Ocean Port, lies to the southwest, immediately across the quarter-mile wide river separating the two cities.

To the northwest of Ocean Port is an international airport serving three counties; a basic-training facility for the army supporting 3,000 soldiers forms the boundary to the west and connects to the international airport. The two cities have separate governments and infrastructures that include power; water; public transportation; telecom; oil/gas assets; and police, fire, and emergency medical facilities.

chapter executive summaries (chapter 12,13,14,15,16)

You will be expected to write an Executive Summary (single spaced 10 pt Times Roman) of each chapter.
For each chapter : It should be in the following format:
– introductory paragraph
– a paragraph for each major topic
– a paragraph discussing five or more ideas or concepts you found beneficial and why,
– and a concluding paragraph.
– at least each chapter summary should reach 1 to 1.5 pages

personal statment for phd. feel free to contact me if you have any questoin

I’m applying for personal statement should usually be no more than one side of A4, or around 300 – 500 words. It should be a reflection of your experience, skills, aspirations, enthusiasm, and personality.

We want to know the specific reasons why you have chosen to study a particular subject and how this is linked to your future goals. We’re interested not only in what the program can do for you but also what attributes you have that would contribute positively to the program.
feel free to add and move some of the information that I wrote.

nursing care delivery – using a case study

it needs CBT adding in part two – I will attach the instructions – things will need to come out and then things put in. references needs to be checked – think there are some references in the list which are not in the assignment. In part one a lot needs to be added around how a nurse can recognize David’s mental health problem – and how his family can recognize this. Please see the nursing assignment guidance and follow this to ensure it includes it all. When talking about CBT please ensure nice guidance referenced and NHS – UK WRITER ONLY PLEASE –

compensation management

Describe how organizations can build an equitable compensation system, using both internal consistency (job evaluations and pay grades), and external competitiveness (salary surveys, pay policy, pay rates, employee contributions). Share examples in order to illustrate your response.