Zero Trust networking – Exceptions and failures

The dissertation is on the failure modes of Zero Trust Networks, how they materialise and how they are felt with.
The types of failures would be random, induced and attacks but a focus would be on what happens when they occur; how are they dealt with? and what can be done about it?

current outside examples of concepts covered in the course

Submit current outside examples of concepts covered in the course. These outside examples of concepts covered in class can be recent cartoons, newspaper articles, song lyrics, something that happened in a movie or on a TV show, etc.
For each entry, you need to:
• Describe the outside concept. This may involve posting a web link to an article or cartoon or simply a description of the TV show or news item.
• Explain how this relates to a concept in class including defining the psychological terms. Entries that do not sufficiently explain how the example relates to class will not receive full credit. (E.g. posting a link and saying “This site talks about parts of the brain” is not sufficient). Make sure you cite your textbook! I attached text book chapters covered in the course so it would be easier for you to find current outside examples based on these chapters

COM 370 Week 5 Discussion

Read the story titled Alter Egos in a Virtual World (Links to an external site.) and listen to the podcast (click Play). In online worlds and games, people take on the personas of the avatars, or characters, they create. Read Chapters 11 and 14 from your textbook to gain insights on how cultures may interact online. Reviewing Chapters 10 and 13 from your text may also be of value in preparing for this discussion. In your initial post, you should include

An analysis of how physical characteristics and the personality of these avatars influence communication and the identity of the person the avatar represents.
An analysis of how these virtual worlds influence intercultural communication or perpetuate stereotypes, positively and/or negatively.
Your experiences, if you have taken part in any virtual worlds or role-playing games yourself, such as Second Life, EverQuest, or World of Warcraft; in addition, share the ways in which nonverbal communication plays a role in the behavior of people in such communities.

Link to web page

Develop and Implement a business plan

Uploaded 3 files – activity 1, activity 2 and questions (3 questions). Please note that I’m a female, everything you write about it should be appropriate to female (what female would write).
Please also include sources under each work as many as you use (10 is just a guide). Please send me 3 works on 3 different files (like I’ve sent you). Thank you so much. Your work is appreciated.

Human Resources Response in crisis

My teacher wants the structure to be:
Executive summary
Bibliography and appendix

Its a research report where you have to find 3 business whose HR team responed to a crisis. covid-19 would probably be the easiest one to do.

Ive uploaded the assessment sheet, Rubrik, some powerpoints from class and heres a website w/ some pretty decent businesses if youd like:

using leadership skills to implementing visual reality service to improve balance in stroke patients

The following points should consider in the assignment:

1- Reflect the leadership theories, strategies, and framework on applying visual reality service.

2- Following NHS guidelines to support service change and critical analysis and reflection of visual reality implementation.

3-Evaluate the service change and the factors that influence service improvement.

4- How to enhance collaborative working across organizational boundaries and systems.

5- Human dimensions of change should be included and safety (human factors) should be a theme of in the work ( see the attachment I collect resources for this point)

Note: I could not find many resources for leadership and service evaluation if you find more evidence related to leadership you can add it.

information management

1. What is competitive advantage, how can we assess the competitive advantage of a company and why is it necessary for a company to have a clear product/service and/or business competitive advantage before that company can become active on a foreign market? Use at least 250 words to answer this question.

2. How, according to you, would it be possible for a local, physical retail fashion store at the city of Apeldoorn in The Netherlands, in terms of customer loyalty, customer targeting, fashion product portfolio choice, service, as well as any other possible business characteristic, to compete against internet-based global fashion competitors that ship their goods using couriers and parcel post to consumers all over the world? Use at least 250 words to answer this question.

3. Please discuss and explain what the effect of globalization is on the national culture of countries. To what extent – and how – does globalization, according to you, influence the individual global citizen’s thinking, behavior and consumption patterns? Use your own home country as an example of how globalization affects your country. Use at least 250 words to answer this question.

4. Discuss the economic and business implications of the dominant religion in a foreign country for a domestic company that wants to enter that foreign country. Describe how a firm should prepare itself before entering a foreign country with its products and services, taking that foreign country’s religion into account during its preparation before the actual market entry. As an example, think of a Dutch firm entering the market in Nigeria or think of a Vietnamese firm entering the market in Mexico. Use at least 250 words to answer this question.

5. The general idea of free international trade is that it benefits all the involved countries. Contrary to this, it can be argued that the current trade conflict between the USA and China is harmful to both countries and possibly is harmful to other countries all over the world as well. China is the world’s leading solar panel manufacturer, measured in output and export numbers.

If the USA decides to impose a 25% percent import tariff on Chinese solar panels, what – according to you – would be the consequences as regards the import of these products by the USA for the following 4 stakeholders:
a. Solar panel buying consumers in the USA,
b. Solar panel manufacturing companies in the USA,
c. Solar panel manufacturing companies in China, and
d. Solar panel buying consumers in Europe.
Use at least 500 words to answer this question and discuss all 4 stakeholders.

6. Imagine that, after you have finally obtained your Master of Business Administration degree, you are hired by the international business management department of a large multinational company (e.g. Procter and Gamble, Nestlé or Unilever) that is active with the production, marketing and sales of consumer food and consumer non-food products all over the world.

The head of the international department of that company asks you to select a possible new Asian country where the company could enter the market to sell its products. He is thinking about Australia, Vietnam or Japan. He adds that the means and resources of the firm will only suffice to make just one market entry, so the company is capable to launch only one market entry.

He therefore asks you to select one of the 3 countries where the company potentially would be most successful with its market entry and he asks you to do this in a clear and structured way in which you assess all 3 countries properly.

Please explain and describe how you intend to select one country and explain your approach to present a country, which, according to you, offer the best chances of success regarding a foreign market entry by your company. Use at least 500 words to answer this question.

Personal statement

Hi, please I’d like proofreading in respect to corrections of grammar and style. as well as modification of the content if it needs. Thank you very much