Recording, analysing Human resource information

Word Count: 1,000 words

OMG Ltd. is a large, national manufacturing organisation with a range of factories, warehouses and distribution hubs around the U.K. The organisation has decided to carry out a Great Place to Work® survey. They feel that this will give them a better idea of what they can do to improve the relationship with the current employees whilst raising their profile with potential customers and future employees.
The survey has already been designed but the organisation wants HR to distribute it and analyse the data. The employees job roles mean that some people are often ‘on the road’ with little access to email which sometimes makes contact difficult. They want the survey to be anonymous but need to know which division the survey has come from in order to identify any specific issues.

Employment Law

Summative Assessment for Employment Law

Learning outcomes:
1. Understand the purpose of employment regulation and the way it is enforced in practice.
2. Know how to manage recruitment and selection activities lawfully.
3. Know how to manage change and reorganisation lawfully.
4. Know how to manage issues relating to pay and working time lawfully.
5. Be able to ensure that staff are treated lawfully when they are at work.
6. Know how to manage performance and disciplinary matters lawfully.
Assessment brief/activity
You are required to provide written answers to each of the six activities below:
1. Explain the purpose of employment law and how it is enforced. Briefly describe the role played by the tribunal and courts system in enforcing employment law. Include how cases are settled before and during formal legal procedures.
2. You are asked to develop a training session for line managers with the title ‘managing recruitment, selection and appointments lawfully’. Outline the key points of the principles of discrimination law in recruitment, selection and employment that you would include in your presentation, and also include detail on how contracts of employment are established
3. Your organisation is planning a major reorganisation that will involve relocating some people to other sites and outsourcing a major function to a sub-contractor. Summarise when and how contracts can be changed lawfully, the main requirements of redundancy laws, and the main requirements of the law on business transfers.
4. You are asked to summarise for managers the key issues they need to consider to manage pay, leave and working time lawfully. Ensure you include the major statutory rights, equal pay, and maternity, paternity and other family-friendly employment rights.
5. Identify the major requirements of health and safety law and the significance of implied duties as regards the management of employees at work. Then explain the principles of the law on freedom of association.
6. You work for a small organisation which has never had to take formal disciplinary action against an employee before. You suspect a serious case will be arising in the near future. Explain the main requirements of unfair dismissal law in respect of capability and misconduct issues, and the scope of the right for employees to be accompanied at serious discipline and grievance hearings.
Evidence to be produced/required
Written answers for each of the six activities of approximately 3900 words in total (divided appropriately across the six activities).
You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
All submissions should be in the region of 3,900 words plus or minus 10% and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting required.

CoVID 19

This week’s chapter reading is on Human Diseases. Currently, we are dealing with a viral pandemic which is impacting the way we currently are operating and functioning on a daily basis.

Do a little research (remember, sources must be credible and must be cited) and answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between a bacterial and viral infection?

2. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

3. What are your thoughts of the current pandemic and what are measures have you taken to try and prevent the spread of this disease to others?

Design and control of a Converted Three to Two Redundant Hydraulic System Military Aircraft

Aircraft Engineering

Design and control of a Converted Three to Two Redundant Hydraulic System Military Aircraft. Use cranfield (NLM) citation style from mendeley.

Below short description available, samples are attached to be used for outlines etc. Emphasize on custom drawings, schematics and safety assessment sections will be appreciated.

The aim of this project is to design a converted three to two redundant hydraulic system of a military aircraft. The Hydraulic Power Generation and
Power Distribution System provides a 3000 psi hydraulic supply to power the aircraft’s Flight Controls, Landing Gear and Bomb Bay Doors’ actuation
systems. The System provides data for the flight deck displays and the necessary functions to control, monitor and maintain the system:
The Hydraulic System comprises three main segregated systems coded Blue, Green and Yellow, and an Emergency Sub-System located in the Blue
System. Hydraulic power is supplied from four Engine Driven Pumps (EDP’s), three AC electric motor Pumps and one DC electric motor Pump and one
PTU. Normally, two EDP’s are controlled by the USMS, but all four EDP’s can be selected OFF from the Control Panel. The Blue AC Pumps are
controlled by the USMS when the switch is selected to the AUTO position, the YLW AC pump is controlled by the USMS when selected to STBY, but
both can also be switched manually to ON and OFF. The DC pump is controlled manually by its selector switch only. The PTU is normally controlled by
the USMS when its switch is selected to AUTO, but can also be manually switched ON or OFF.
Removal of Yellow system and allocate its functions to the Blue and Green system is the aim of this project which causes weight and cost advantage.
The work includes:
– Study of conventional hydraulic system
– Design of Two redundant system
– Advantages and challenges of new system: safety, cost, complexity, weight

Martin 5.1

Read chapter 5
Complete exercise Martin 5.1 and put each question as a heading then answer each question
Please, Make sure each question is explained according to the instructions.
Please be thorough

Discussion analysis- (informative and persuasive)

You should write comments on two other students’ articles that I will provide below the article and there comments of both, make sure to research and use business law terms. You should make two different analysis in the paper and make sure to label them so I can know.You should add to what the student wrote in the first place, and make a good argument in defense of your conclusions. These two comments should be no more than 250 words each. As always, make sure your writing is clear and persuasive.

-Say something original. Something that shows you’ve thought about the issues for more than just a few minutes.
-Writing is meant to be informative or persuasive.
-Contribute something with your comment. Too many students merely agreed with the original post and restated what was already said.

The Case of PepsiCo

solve the problem in an essay format, with essay outline introduction, body & conclusion also an index.

You can find the case study description attached