Exercise 8.1

Read Martin Chapter 8 and the case study and budget tables. Complete exercise 8.1 at the end of the chapter. Excel spreadsheet with all of your calculations and budget numbers pulled from the book.

Please include ALL of the requested calculations.

6.1 Assignment

For the organization you have chosen (AT&T) for your capstone, describe how you would apply the seven rules for successful strategy execution to the organization’s strategic plan. Describe where you believe performance bottlenecks would occur and what metrics would you use to measure those bottlenecks. Also, using the imperatives of strategic execution, discuss how you would execute the INVEST theory.

Include your name, the course number, and the date at the top of page 1. Address all content points presented above. Adhere to APA formatting guidelines, and remember to provide a reference for anything you cite in this assignment.

Communication module1

Compose a discussion board post (target range 200-250 words) responding to the following prompts:
Think about a recent conversation with a friend, family member, or work associate. Ideally this would be a conversation you have had in the last day or two. Analyze your conversation and describe it in terms of the transactional model of communication. Try to identify all parts of the model in your conversation.
Now look at that same conversation and think about communication competence. Were you and your partner successful? Discuss how you may or may not have demonstrated the characteristics of competent communicators.
How would you rate your listening efforts during the exchange? Were you focused and mindfully present during the conversation? How do you think the other person would rate your listening skills for that conversation?

Please see the attached document PRIOR to writing this and watch; https://youtu.be/qhz8zSEFaF0

This is a Hard set deadline, needed by Thursday 6/25/2020- morning preferably.
Thank you

7..1 Capstone

Information about your capstone is included in the Capstone InformationPreview the document. Please review it carefully.

The company chosen for this paper is AT&T

Developing a Data Dictionary

The course project will help you

broaden your understanding in interpreting terminologies, vocabularies and classification systems.
develop data management policies
develop policies for health information exchange
develop methods for promoting interoperability using health informatics and information governance standards.
As Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a local health organization, you will create a strategic plan for implementing information governance by means of a data dictionary.

The course project will also include a policy on how your organization will manage/govern the data.

What would it look like?
What areas are included?
How would you roll it out to others in the organization?
What will be your time line for implementation?

Be specific as to what components are pertinent to the chosen health care setting, and what components are important for the patient to know.

Construct a data dictionary (with a minimum of 8 attributes,) considering accreditation standards if applicable, elements of performance, quality measures and other considerations that you find applicable to the continuity of care documentation.
Using Microsoft Excel create a sample dashboard for your data dictionary. Keep in mind that this includes categories of data, and and attributes (character length, style, etc.)

Review any applicable standards that could be considered when creating the data dictionary, and how to best apply these standards. I have provided a resource from the Joint Commission

Assessing leadership

The file is attached for this assignment. Writers first language must be English. it should be two pages and please read instructions carefully. I have included some notes to help you complete this assignment. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Thanks.

Criminal Justice – How Social Media Has Impacted Law Enforcement

Create an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 15 articles to be used in a 15 page paper based on the impact social media has had on law enforcement (with a focus on positive effects).
Thesis statement for research paper is: While it can act as a platform for negative exposure, social media has helped law enforcement agencies advance exponentially as it allows them to receive tips from and disseminate information to the public quicker and easier than ever, it provides an additional avenue into investigations, and it offers the opportunity for increased and improved officer-community relations.


For this assignment, I have attached I need PowerPoint slides.

I also need to record my voice on each slide and explain each bullet points so I request you to give me a word document with it so that I could read and explain each bullet point from there and record my voice.

Asian cultural groups AND diversity in religious beliefs

This discussion post is to begin our thoughts for the upcoming Week 10 class topic of Asian cultural groups. Based on chapter 10 in Spector, please compose a 3-2-1 post:
• 3 things that you found interesting in the reading
• 2 things you learned from the reading
• 1 question that you still have
You may choose to write this as a list or bullet points instead of a paragraph. 120 words only

This discussion post is to begin our thoughts for the upcoming Week 11 class topic of diversity in religious beliefs. Based on pages 101-114 in Spector, please compose a 3-2-1 post:
• 3 things that you found interesting in the reading
• 2 things you learned from the reading
• 1 question that you still have
You may choose to write this as a list or bullet points instead of a paragraph. 120 words only